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Eckhart Tolle on Willpower and Wanting in Manifestation

sometimes people try to exercise will power when they try to manifest what they I really I'm going to I I really want I want this do it is that is not necessarily a good way to manifest uh because by saying I want it you're saying that you don't have it yet but the most powerful way to manifest is the feeling that you already that it's already here and that can only rise out of the fullness of being of presence in the present moment because then you merge the image of what you want with a sense of fullness the fullness of being so the the image and the fullness of being come together and that is a powerful way of manifesting it which means you don't you don't need that thing for your happiness anymore you don't need it for your alate fulfillment the most powerful way to manifest is to regard it as a a play or a game the game of Life the play of Life uh of manifesting then there's also a sense of Detachment from the out come uh an excessive attachment to the desired outcome is also an obstacle to manifesting uh if you desperately need something if you are unhappy if if you unhappy when you if you don't get it then there's something wrong so if you're unhappy when you don't achieve whatever you want to manage then that you you didn't do it right U so there needs to be a Detachment so to speak from the desired outcome so that you don't project this whatever you want to manifest doesn't become a future projection but whatever you want to manifest needs to be realized as already existing on some level in the unmanifested that's why Jesus said I always go back to Jesus because whatever you want to learn about manifestation just read read what he's explained it all in very simple words he said whenever you pray for something uh believe that you have received it and it will be yours that's the the entire secret of manifestation is already there and the part the the importance of the words are not believe that you will receive it because then there would be too much wanting I want this I will get it no he said believe that you have received it and it will be yours and it will be given to you so the believing that you have to in other words you already it's already there and you can when you and how does that happen how does it happen when you know when your senses tell you that it's not there let's say you live in a you live in a trailer there's nothing wrong with living in a trailer I love trailers but let's say you live in a trailer but you want a nice house okay your preference would be a nice house but are you are you unhappy in your trailer or are you you appreciate being in trailer and you can hear the pit up at of rain on the roof uh well I can hear it now I'm not in the trailer I can still hear it from the window pane U so in the trailer but you want a nice house okay where is the house course you look around it's not here I'm living are you creating some kind of dissatisfaction by telling yourself a story this is what my life has come to I'm reduced to living in the trailer I need to get out of here these are this is all disempowering all those narratives telling yourself stories that it's not good enough all very disempowering you yes your senses are telling you that you're not living in a nice house just in a trailer but that's fine for the present moment so where's the house the house is in your your imagination in your mind you can maybe you visualize it or maybe you have certain verbal affirmations that you have a lovely house that you live in and then the the visualization and the veral affirmation you bring it together allow allow the visualization of the veral information to be EMP powered by that sense of presence so the it meets the presence so that heart that house merges with a sense of presence and then inside you feel you already have it and the weird thing is when you finally when you do get it let's say next year or six months time or in two years time or in three years time when you do get it the nice and then suddenly you sit in your nice house it makes no difference to your inner State anymore because when you were in your trailer you were already already in the same state of fullness of life and you're in a nice house and he sit a nice house and said okay it's fine but you are not you say yes a certain amount of satisfaction maybe there but basically your inner state is the same as it were before it was before because you already touched the full you already rooted in in the being as the dimensional being the forness of life in other words when it find it when when it does manifest uh you you you you don't suddenly become oh I'm so Happy C you go finally go no it doesn't happen anymore it's good but your inner state is not is the same as it was before no matter what you achieve you you already have the the foundation for everything you already rooted in that this is why Jesus go all these things will be added unto you it's no more than an adding or use the Expression icing on the cake and when you there you have an enormous sense of freedom of Liberation because you're no longer your inner state is no longer dependent on external conditions

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