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Don’t Let Your Ego Take Control Of Your Life | – Spiritual Journey

foreign you say the ego is destined to dissolve how so well first we need to see clearly what the ego is because sometimes people use that word and they mean different things arrogant or that's right yes it goes it's it's a much wider thing it's not just being selfish or being arrogant or thinking yourself Superior that's a small aspect of ego ego is basically a self-identification with the stream of thinking so that collectively I would say the beginning of ego is actually described at the beginning of the Old Testament where there is the famous story of the Apple which everybody knows even non-bible readers so it is said there that they aid of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge and good and evil and that was when they lost that state that is externalized in the Bible and Called Paradise what does that mean to me that means it is the arising of the ability to think and to differentiate between things this is good this is bad to make statements like that to make judgments like that which is the ability to think which is emitted so this is a mythological description of what happened to humanity and at first the ability to think was not entirely bad they lost something they lost a deeper state of connectedness but I don't think that deeper state of connectedness with being was lost immediately as it's described in the Bible I believe it took a long long time of increased thinking until people reached a point where they derived their entire sense of who they are from the stream of thinking so what that looks like in a person's life is there is a almost I could say a mind made entity which is made up entirely of memories and past conditioning and mental Concepts and this entity which really is all made up of thinking people derive their sense of who they are from this mind-made entity so it's a it's a mind image of who I am people have split themselves in two they think there's me and there's myself me and my story the ego is the story of me that people identify with you say in the in in the new Earth it's no ego is no more than this identification with form which primarily means thought forms yes that's right that's what the ego is and you say if evil has any reality and it has a relative not an absolute reality this is also its definition of evil complete identification with form physical forms thought forms emotional forms that's right and that this results in a total unawareness of my connectedness with the whole my intrinsic Oneness with every other as well as with the source this forgetfulness is original sin suffering or delusion and that's you know when I heard that I thought yes you're right for every evil act we've ever heard described or when we think of people as you know doing sinful things it is because of a complete and utter disconnection a lack of understanding that I am that person that I am attempting to violate I I am that which I am jealous of I am that yes yes it means you cannot sense the aliveness anymore that is in the other person so you have desensitized yourself to the aliveness now you can only do that if you've already done this to yourself because by living through mental definitions of who you are you desensitize yourself to the deeper aliveness of who you truly are Beyond thinking okay so you become what arises then is a conceptual identity I'm this that or the other and then once you are trapped in your own conceptual identity which is based on thinking and image making by the mind on your past then you do the same to others you and this is the beginning of that is always when you pronounce judgments on another person and then you believe that judgment to be the truth calling people attaching labels to people that's the beginning of desensitizing yourself to who that human being truly is I'm having a conversation here with Eckhart Tolle who is author of The Power of Now of course and a new Earth Awakening to your life's purpose so if you are not your story and most people I do believe think that they are we live in a world where people believe I am my story I you know was born in this family and this is where I was raised and these are the things that happened to me and this is what I did if you are not your story then who are you that's a very good question because you cannot deny of course that these things exist right your memories of the past things that you suffered perhaps even things suffering that you might have inflicted on others and even all suffering my family connections the people I love yes you have a so-called past you have relationships all that is fine it is not problematic unless you become totally lost in that Dimension alone so this if you have no access to a deeper sense of aliveness or beingness beyond the stream of thinking because really all that is based on memory all your past what how do you experience your past you experience your past as memories and what are memories memories are thoughts in your head and there's nothing wrong with that but if you're totally identified with all these thoughts in your head then you are completely trapped in your past history there's no sense of anything beyond that in your life right so the important thing is am I more than my personal history well you speak in in A New Earth you speak about how advertisers are counting on us to believe in the labels and that we identify with particularly in our society exclusive labels and the more exclusive the label the more we identify with it yes that's right because the ego wants to be special one way or another every ego wants to be special and if the ego cannot be special by being Superior to others the ego would also be quite happy with being specially miserable so you may have you may have seen uh business people who are saying shot clamberson says to the other I have a headache the other person says you have a headache I've had a headache for weeks so people actually compete who is more miserable you are me that's another it's just the ego it does that it's just as big as the ego that says I'm superior to you because the ego always wants to be special so if you recognize in yourself that unconscious need to be special then you already have free because when you recognize the all the patterns of the ego in specialness is one pattern of the ego another pattern of the ego which wants to be right all the time another pattern the ego is it actually needs it loves conflict with others and that's an amazing thing of course it's unconscious because the ego defines it defines itself through a boundary that it draws me and this is me and that is the other and that's an important word because you need the ego needs to emphasize the otherness of the other person and that happens on a personal level when people are suspicious of other people's motives and so on and there's the need for enemies which is deeply built into the ego the ego needs enemies because it defines itself through emphasizing the otherness of others and Nations to it 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