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Do Not Fear Any Challenge | God Says | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message | God Say

my beloved child I am ready to bless you greatly as I wish to shower you with blessings nothing can stop me what I have planned will happen do not fear any challenge for I am always with you no matter what you see around you do not be preoccupied with how hard the situation seems keep listening to my words until the end Let My Words touch and soothe your soul as you hear me value this time as you give me another moment of your day I am writing my words desires and commands on your heart I ask for your full attention and unwavering belief in my promises offer me your loyal and firm faith I want you to trust me completely as I also put my trust in you you are a fighter chosen for a unique purpose you must stay true to your path without straying stay firm in your journey no matter the circumstances what you hear or what you see my promises are secure they won't disappoint you everything that is Promised will happen you will witness what I have assured I extend my blessings to those who are indecisive who one day commit to me and the next are swayed by persuasive Liars or Charmed by insincere flattery I bless prosper and strengthen than those who proudly stand with me those who are willing to face scorn for my name's sake who follow my commands your tough times will end soon and any disgrace you face will turn into achievement joy and victory be ready to uphold my principles of Love patience hope and salvation for all I will give you a reason to smile a new and your eyes will show the mercy surrounding you I will grant you the ability to heal I will give you such deep wisdom that many will come to you for advice all your positive efforts will Thrive your blessings will grow this is my promise to those who have faith in me and rely on me everlasting life calmness happiness peace abundance at your table and my angels guarding your home explore the wonders in my teachings study them closely and absorb their lessons yet prepare to see even mightier and more remarkable things with your own eyes these are new times and some concoct miracles to deceive the naive however the Marvels I will achieve through you will surpass those keep going undaunted by any hurdles should a huge mountain obstruct your way do not fear for it will be moved ignore ignore your adversaries plots don't let them consume your time or thoughts focus on the path I lay before you and gain strength in my company as it will bring you immense good you are unique and while I cherish everyone with an everlasting love I have selected you for special favors I trust that you'll use wisely what I grant you you won't waste the blessings I place in your life you are to nurture and grow the wealth and talents that are on their way to you you weren't chosen to amass wealth for self-pride or to look down on others I chose you to be enveloped in abundance to maintain a modest heart to support your kin to provide for the needy to lend a hand to the less fortunate and to do all within your capacity to bring Solace to those who lack affirm your Readiness to utilize my gifts judiciously show me your adherence to my teachings I'm eager to see your faithfulness and truthfulness keep your speech clean Safeguard your thoughts from worldly impurities defend your sight from malevolence refrain from uttering harmful words avoid actions that inflict pain speak no ill of others do not falsely accuse anyone steer clear of Gossip that ruins lives and families when you wake summon my love in your soul declare loudly that I am your God your leader and your protector I will raise you above your trials your dignity intact your hands brimming with blessings those who menaced and assailed you will find themselves ens snared in their own traps I stand as the protector of my children my sword is UN sheathed ready to face those who threaten you I wish for them to witness your tranquility and confidence astonish them with your boldness your unwavering stride and your eyes a light with belief they may shout they may fabricate falsehoods they may attempt to scare you but you remain unshakable I will reinforce your courage and My Embrace will sustain Ain you you won't falter you'll remain steadfast Beneath My Wings you'll find shelter at all times whether in warmth or chill my affection will forever accompany you I acknowledge your heart and your faith amid adversity touches me now is the moment for you to stand tall to grasp my blessings fully to step out of Gloom to Cast Away all anguish and to banish any thoughts of Despair or defeat from your mind I desire that just as I love you you shall love yourself that you shall recognize the True Value within you that you shall not allow anyone to implant false ideas telling you that you are worthless and you should believe them enough of this slavery receive my Holy Spirit in all its fullness I desire to Grant you freedom I wish for your assistance in rescuing those who currently endure suffering accept my plea receive my forgiveness Embrace in your arms all the love and peace I offer for I love you deeply and you have always known this even in the darkest of nights your faith has sustained you many early mornings you spent awake pondering Myriad thoughts yet at dawn you could once again breathe in my Divine Mercy there might be some who don't wish you well trying to trouble you again but keep yourself in my presence daily soaking in my words feasting on the Divine sweetness I offer I'm your God your father your ally your travel companion I never want you to feel deserted my wish is for you to be constantly enveloped in peace and reassured by my deep love for you justice is on its way I've seen your trials and the pain you've been through your foes took advantage but you remained calm you didn't seek payback didn't get upset or lose your cool you're aware that I'm in control and I'll deal directly with those who've wronged you as you embrace my word filled with love and wisdom I'll keep fortifying your heart like sunlight spreading across the fields my presence will brighten your existence your home your workplace you'll gain more bravery to make decisions fearlessly shutting the door on false friends and harm from now on place your trust only in me come and receive this word that I sew in you every morning with faith and labor nurture this garden and you will soon see beautiful plants Gorgeous Flowers Lush trees sprouting forth everyone will witness the powerful and Supernatural fruits burgeoning in your life life no one will toy with your emotions or deceive you anymore for I am imparting to you my wisdom and spiritual sensitivity so that you may listen observe and decide intelligently without being swayed by people's pressures you will return to my peace the attention that surrounded you will fade away and all your enemies will depart this year I will grant you a time of Joy robust health health and vigor but seese it dedicate time to me every day also give quality time and attention to your family to e

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