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December’s Blessing | God Message Today | God Message For You Today | Gods Message Now

my beloved child as December Dawns I come to you with open arms ready to pour out blessings and victories upon your life you've journeyed through trials suffering and anxiety in the past months but today I am here to wipe away your sorrow and discouragement your faith is a Shining Light and others will admire it openly those who once mocked you will be left astounded and ashamed while those who envied your downfall will witness your rise in this month I will part the seas of uncertainty and Lead You toward a land of immense spiritual blessings guiding you with my mighty hand you've never been a loser and you never will be I've reserved life and strength for you you have the right to rise prosper and find happiness when turbulent Waters surround you fear not not for I Am by your side through turbulent rivers and the fires of life you shall remain unharmed I've given you the power to overcome all obstacles and nothing shall harm you I promise my blessings will envelop you I have a magnificent plan unfolding just for you follow the path of righteousness and the Miracles you seek will find their way into your hands give me your heart fix your gaze upon my word walk confidently on the path I lay before you for I grant you strength and patience clearing your way of adversaries the gates of blessings are wide open for you rise with courage face challenges with Valor and let fear have no place for beautiful days lie ahead these words are etched in your heart and will resonate in your soul every morning you will no longer awaken with despondency and sorrow for the chains that bound you are broken curses that once loomed over you will vanish forever and your hope will be renewed your smile will shine and the confidence in your demeanor will command respect you are stepping into a realm of miraculous and Supernatural wonders marvelous things will happen for those you hold dear I've pray prepared a table of blessings for you in the presence of your adversaries I will exalt you before your family and friends prepare yourself for this new life that awaits you and accept the beautiful gifts humbly guard your heart and remember who blesses you come daily listen to my word strengthen your faith fill your mind with promises to overcome I am always watching over you especially in this month I will deliver you from hidden dangers and unseen attacks walk with Faith Like A courageous Warrior and do not be deceived by your enemies no matter who stands against you I am your father and I defend my own with all my might I will move Heaven and Earth to ensure your happiness and blessings I respond to your distress protect you in times of danger and offer assistance in your times of need my eternal support is with you your family and generations to come I desire your faith sincerity obedience perseverance tenacity and persistence in me my word and my presence do not worry about tomorrow your task is to persevere obey and Trust everything into my hands for I am your father and your God the time I've given you is not meant for worry if you choose not to trust me and succumb to anxiety you bring bring sadness to your heart and illness to your body give me time seek my face daily prepare your soul I open the door to abundance get ready for happiness welcome to the world of Miracles nothing is impossible for me everything is attainable for you because you remained steadfast in your belief in me in your small faithfulness I shall place you over much pray with faith in times of need call upon me and I will answer with great and Supernatural things these words will grant you a strength you've never known before you will soar like an eagle reaching the heights of my Majestic Glory from here you will witness the new blessings that await you you know I do not lie and I love you I've always come to your Aid when you needed me and here I am now ready ready to lift you up heal you and help you reclaim all that belongs to you this December signifies Triumph Victory happiness and provision for you begin it with this Spirit and the faith you receive today listen to this message each day for I am etching it into your soul share it with those you love open your heart to receive and feel the immense Joy of knowing that your heavenly father is with you and a great blessing awaits you this December believe and I shall pour blessings upon your life until tears of joy flow do not despair I'm listening protecting and assisting you I'm the one who heals delivers rescues and prospers you seek me with all your heart and never forget the Miracles I have in store for you fill yourself with peace be attentive listen to me and feast upon my word you can feel my Spirit touching you it's time for changes in your life to say enough to anger and bad company today is the day to immerse yourself fully in the river of my love when I speak to you with affection do not reject me when I call to you with tenderness do not ignore me when I correct you firmly hold on to my sweet love I shall save you from the enemy heal your repentant heart and protect you from all destruction I am granting your daily requests made with faith I await you every morning and I love the way you talk to me the certainty in your words because you feel know and believe that I will answer you I'm attentive to you and I will never abandon you when you feel weary I am by your side you can come and rest your head on my shoulder and you can speak with me I am your friend and I do not judge you your secrets do not anger me remember my words always recite them they will help your thoughts stay focused on the present the future holds many opportunities and only those who look forward with courage to fight and Conquer who persist with faith and perfect timing shall receive Victory the door to reconciliation is open to you affirm your path with forgiveness those who once offended and ridiculed you will respect and return to you they shall know that I am with you and will always be you will become the head of a community and Aid many believe it and prepare yourself for it shall come to pass do not fear for nothing shall be lacking you shall receive abundance guard it with prudence and multiply it with humility when you bend your knees and prepare to pray give thanks for all the blessings you await even those that have not yet arrived pray with joy and Faith for your prayer is powerful and heard before my Celestial Throne the words that escape your lips are like swords that destroy despondency doubt sadness depression as well as thoughts of defeat and negativity first I want you to lift your voice in gratitude offer your praise for you are engaged in a spiritual battle and I am here to tell you that negative sentiments are departing from your home never to return today you will feel a soothing Aura of Tranquility enveloping your dwelling open your doors and windows without fear for no harm shall find its way within my angels encircle your family ready to defend against any s

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