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this existence has passed through 84 happenings 84 times it has happened in this sense only 21 are still having a some kind of an existence 63 they're completely gone doesn't matter how you see but you can see them as memory imprints within your own system something but should treat me I I in one of your films interviews I've heard you talking about the fact that there were um a certain number of cycles 84 84 exactly but I'm fascinated where does the figure 84 come from and why 84 I said we've always been saying it's a roar so we called the first form as the Rudra Rudra means the one who roars physics itself claims that there are higher dimensions because you should have the three dimensional space Einstein said there was four dimensional space space and time being merged which of course agrees with what you were saying earlier that space and time are basically the same and then I explained how they introduced the 5th dimension to explain electromagnetism and then how they introduced six more dimensions in order to in super strength theory in order to describe all the physical interaction so then you had a 10 dimensional world and then finally I said with m theory we had the idea there was another dimension so you have an 11 dimensional space and Sadhguru made the fascinating remark which was new to me that actually 11 dimensions is precisely what arises in some of the traditions maybe we can come back to that we started off talking about the cycles of the universe and it was something which intrigued me I I in one of your films interviews I've heard you talking about the fact that there were um a certain number of cycles 84 84 exactly but I'm fascinated where does the figure 84 come from and why 84 see uh that is a continuous talk about Big Bang yeah I was talking to one of the scientists who's written a book on endless universe yes endless universe that's the title of the book yes then I asked him a simple question is it possible there could have been many bangs he did like that and then he said possible then I said if there are many bangs see if you have an automobile if you take off the manifold you will see the engine will go bang bang bang bang if you throttle up it'll roar so I said if there were a series of bangs could it have been a roar he said why not possibly I said we've always been saying it's a roar so we called the first form as the Rudra Rudra means the one who roars he roared like this then we evolved many forms to describe this this was kala this was Maha kala this was kala this was Rudra is the first form and then the many forms how they came there are various aspects to it so these 84 out of these 84 many have dissolved their bare wig footprint is there but they have dissolved but the footprint is there in this 21 of them have a little larger footprint oh out of this 21 10 are almost non physical to non physical let's say the remaining 11 or somewhat mildly physical but the last four are reasonably physical so we see this No. 21 as an important process whatever we want to do we do it in 21 minutes in 21 ways and all this because these 21 still have a footprint if you want to rise beyond your physicality absolutely you have to rise beyond all the 21 but you don't have to bother about those things because if you rise about the physical nature not just in terms of physical body but even the information is physical all information that you carry which makes you you whether dead or alive it still makes you you that one we want to rise beyond that so that imprint carries all this and out of the 84 21 are still manifesting different levels of lack of words I'm saying transients from almost nonex others below 21 they're completely gone but their footprint is still there they don't have any influence or impact their qualities are not imprinted in us but these 21 qualities are there in us how many more will happen 84 is a significant number today in our lives whether we are aware of it or not why 84 is significant is this existence has passed through 84 times it has happened this is the 84th time today modern science proves that the whole existence is just vibration it's not my invention this is scientific fact where there's a vibration there has to be a sound is it okay I'm trying to go logically step by step there are other ways to go just with this I can make you know it in a different way but we want to go step by step where there's a vibration there is bound to be a sound is that so you're not just a vibration you are a sound those who are making the sounds and those who are not all of you are just one piece of sound this is what modern science is telling you and somewhere way back somebody told you first there was a word and the word is God a sound is a word isn't it a word is a sound rather right now if I say yes because you know English language you are attaching a certain meaning to it if you did not know English language as far as you are concerned I'm just making a sound isn't it because you don't know their languages you are thinking they're making some crazy noises no if I speak in a language that you do not know you would naturally think I'm making some crazy sounds isn't it true if I speak right now in Tamil or Kannada Telugu or some other language that you do not know you would think I'm making some you don't know whether I'm really speaking a language or making up some nonsense isn't it true so word is just a sound so they said that word is God anybody who's looked at the existence closely can see that what you call is creation and what you call as a creator cannot be separated if you separate it creation will cease to exist unless it's constantly supported by the source of creation not for a moment can this creation process go on because creation is not a dumb thing it is an ongoing thing are you an ongoing thing are you a dumb thing I hope you're not a dumb thing you are an ongoing process without the involvement of the source of creation how would the creation be an ongoing process it is constantly involved it cannot be separated so it is because of this they said first there was word that means from total unmanifest existence when it began to manifest the first thing that happened was sound even the scientists agreed was a Big Bang a bang means a sound right in India it's very beautifully expressed the first and only one god who existed in that part of the world was Ruthra Ruthra literally means one who roars the roarer so why they call him Rudra is that is the beginning of creation cause it's a role the scientists call it a bang now the scientists are withdrawing the Bang Theory that one big Bang Theory in the saying there were series of bangs so one very popular physicist right now he wrote a book called Endless Universe yes endless universe always science is believed that everything has a beginning and an end now physics are talking about an endless universe the yogic system has always been talking about a never expanding universe fo

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