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Before You Judge Someone – WATCH THIS | Young Monk And Magic Mirror story |

[Music] once upon a time a master was greatly impressed by the services of his disciples after completion of his education when disciple was about to leave Master gave him a mirror as blessing it was not any ordinary mirror it was a magic mirror which had ability to show true thoughts of any person's mind and heart disciple was very happy to receive mirror as a blessing he thought why not check this mirror before leaving thinking this he turned that mirror toward his master he saw that bad qualities like attachment and arrogance were clearly visible in his master's heart disciple got shocked seeing this my master himself is full of so many demerits Master whom I considered as a person without any bad qualities but mirror showed him something else thinking this disciple got very sad it was an amazing instrument to check others mind so he started to check people wherever he goes he checked many of his friends and other quences by pling mirror in front of them he found that one or other bad quality was present there it was visible in everyone's house part this experience made him even more sad he kept thinking that why everyone in the world is so bad they are not what they appear to be he somehow reached home with sad heart after reaching home he used the mirror on his parents his father had great reputation in society and his mother was also kind he kept mirror in front of them he saw that even his parents were not completely free from Demars disciple thought that whole world is running on FAL Hood everyone has bad qualities in their mind this made him even more Restless when it became unbearable for him he picked up the mirror and walked toward monry he reached there and went straight to his master and stood in front of him seeing him Restless the master guessed everything disciple humbly said to master master with the help of mirror given by you I saw that there are many bad qualities in everyone's heart and everyone has different bad qualities I have not seen any Pure Heart person yet I am sorry to say that I saw even faults in you and in my parents too this has made my mind extremely Restless is there no person with a pure heart in the entire world listening to this the master laughed and turned mirror to our disciple seeing the result disciple got stunned he saw that every corner of his mind was filled with bad qualities like attachment hatred arrogance anger and greed there was no such part of his mind or heart which was pure then Master said to him my son I gave you this mirror to improve your life by seeing your bad qualities not to find bad qualities of others if you had spent this much time in improving yourself as you spent in seeing bad qualities of others your personality and life would have changed for Good by now if we see in our lives we will find that the magic mirror in the story is nothing else but our intelligence which we use to see ourselves and others in our life we encounter different people who have their own strength and weaknesses however we often use our intelligence to find and expose The Faults of others without realizing our own flaws we forget that we are not perfect either when we point a finger at someone three fingers point back at us just like the disciple in the story who was eager to reveal the flaws of others but fail to see his own shortcomings we also tend to ignore our own mistakes while focusing on the mistakes of others the master was wise that's why he explained that the mirror was meant for self-improvement not for fault finding in the same way we should use our intelligence to look within find our flaws and work on them instead of being quick to judge and criticize others we should use our energy to become better person the story teaches us a valuable lesson that we should focus on our own growth rather than constantly comparing ourselves with others by doing so we can improve our character and personality and become humbler and more compassionate the story also reminds us that everyone is a work in progress and we should respect and appreciate the diversity of Life the real magic of the mirror is not in showing the faults of others but in transforming ourselves into a better human [Music] being

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