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How Can We Stop Worrying About The Future | Chetan Bhagat Asks Sadhguru

this is a time for every human being to build themselves into a higher possibility if you get one problem let's see how to handle that don't multiply it in your head if you shift this focus we will go through any kind of time when time to act in the world becomes open you will be in a great advantage if you're committed to enhancing your life lifestyle will happen [Music] right now there is just so much suffering that is and you open the tv or the internet or everywhere how how does one cope i mean is is is it the same way meditation and praying or is it staying present or your breath the things you often talk about are those things relevant is there something else people should do right now to just just cope you know and not lose hope young kids are telling me we will never get a job what is going to happen to my life it's like what what would you say to to such people see one thing is uh a whole lot of people in the world go about like they're immortal now mortality is staring in your face like never before probably so this is one thing that's upsetting people we need to understand if we have to stay sensible we have we must be consciously aware every moment of our life if we are aware that we are mortal we will organize and plan our lives and the little time that we have and the energy that we have in the best possible way this idea that other people die no no no you and me will die we want to complete our time and die that's all there is no such thing as we will not die but everybody thinks other people die no no no you and me will die that goes for everybody we are all mortal creatures we are all dying kind all right now with the virus it's staring in our face but it was always staring in our face and we were missing the point having said that this is not to be insensitive to the deaths that have happened loss of dear ones loss of economic losses loss of jobs everything but we need to understand this this is a time when mortality is so obvious to everybody this is a time to understand our focus should be on the nature of our life and the quality of this life right now most people's focus is on their lifestyle so everybody is crying about the loss of lifestyle i'm saying if you have life it's good enough lifestyle is just of our times if all of us were here a thousand years ago maybe all of us would be living in huts those people that you think in mumbai are very poor maybe we would be in same kind of squalor and we wouldn't mind we thought it's fine all right so right now somebody else is living in a better house comparing myself to that person now i suffer my home this need not be so do not be committed to lifestyle your commitment should be to make this life as beautiful as possible if you shift this focus we will go through any kind of time we must understand this compared to previous generations of people there were world wars there were famines there were terrible events that happened in the world and including in india all right this generation we've not seen anything like that this is a bad one but still it's a soft ball if you behave responsibly it is not going to hit you however responsible you are if a war is happening bombs would you know bullets and bombs would just kill you it doesn't matter where you are today unfortunately in india we have this problem because i've been talking to so many people i am saying this people think war means it happens on the border no it is happening on the border it is happening on the border because a few brave men and women are standing there and because of their efficiency it is happening only in the border if they don't stand there it will be happening in delhi if our soldiers are not doing their job well their soldiers the enemy soldiers will be walking on the streets all right and you know all the terrible things that have happened with the past invasions don't forget that i'm saying that way as a generation of people in terms of comforts and conveniences no generation ever had these kind of comforts and conveniences no generation had survival better organized than this generation we just have to make sure nobody starves that's all rest of it is only loss of lifestyle don't make big fuss about it this is a time for every human being to build themselves into a higher possibility either in your competence in your emotion in your thought in your experience of life in your joyfulness in your peacefulness in every way please use this time to upgrade yourself when time to act in the world becomes open you will be in a great advantage rather than sitting and crying right now who is saying that it is not just this pandemic there is going to be a mental pandemic and there is going to be a suicide pandemic see our problem is if we get one problem we want to multiply it into many no if you get one problem let's see how to handle that don't multiply it in your head yes it is a serious issue it's not a joke yes there is tremendous losses for everybody but focus on being committed to your life not your lifestyle then you will see everything will change in many ways see uh if you committed to a lifestyle without being committed to enhancing this life inevitably one way or the other you will move into crime may be a crime outside of the law or crime within the law but inevitably you will move into crime once you're committed to lifestyle if you're committed to enhancing your life lifestyle will happen according to our competence and in the times in which we live see we must understand our lifestyles are all not made by us our lifestyles are of the times see right now in uh 23 24 hours from india i'm here in united states if it was a hundred years ago coming to united states means probably 45-50 days up and 45-50 days down all right but people are saying this 22 hours of flight is too long repeatedly they're telling me i said what is too long i'm glad it's only 22 hours otherwise uh people were you know sitting on a steam ship and going before that on a sailboat not even knowing whether they'll get there or not so i'm saying we are having as a generation of people we have the best of everything never before humanity has had these kind of things now if we commit to enhancing our life rather than just enhancing our lifestyles we can become the best generation ever because our survival issues are largely settled we must understand this 300 years ago if you want water in the morning you had to walk down to the well or river or pond to carry two buckets of water today how many young men and women are even capable of carrying two buckets of water a mile physically capable they're not anymore i'm saying so you open the tap water comes hot water comes cold water comes everything happens and you're cribbing and cripping and cripping please don't crib use your life because whether you do something or not whether you're joyful or miserable whether you're making something out of yourself or nothing out of yourself time is rolling away time is

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