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Because Of Your Faith God Will Answer | Inspirational & Motivational

the thing that God really cares about is faith the Bible clearly tells us that it's faith that pleases God not prayer not reading his word but faith God loves the person who believes you have to believe you have to have faith in him Are you standing in faith are you living by faith are you walking by faith faith is a life of action based on what you believe to be true for an example the action of not worrying that is a result of you having the faith that God is in control the action of not trying to fix everything that too is a result of you having the faith that God is in control Jesus Christ said let not your hearts be troubled why did he say this because he wants you to have faith that he will take care of all your needs another way to understand or Define faith can be summed up in the following way Faith is doing your part which is trusting God to do his part your part is to believe that's all you need to do and then you leave God to do his part your part is to stand on God's word his word that says nothing is impossible with God so let me ask you are you doing your part are you believing are you believing and standing on God's word are you walking by faith and not by sight strong faith comes from knowing and believing that Jesus Christ not only rose from the dead but he defeated the devil he defeated death hell in the grave strong faith comes from meditating on God's word strong faith is cultivated and developed when you not only read the word of God but you internalize it you Ponder on it and dwell on it I would even go as far as saying strong faith comes as a product of great trials because the Bible says in James chapter 1 verse 2 to 4. dear brothers and sisters when Troubles of any kind come your way consider it an opportunity for great joy for you know that when your faith is tested your endurance has a chance to grow so let it grow for when your endurance is fully developed you will be perfect and complete needing nothing no matter what your hardship might be be strong in faith don't allow yourself to be moved because as soon as you let go of God's sure promises you are bound to get swept up into the madness of this world Jesus Christ is the only sure foundation in this fickle and ever-changing world he is our steadfast anchor circumstances change people change social norms and public perceptions change but the word of God remains true forever in the Book of Matthew Jesus says Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will not pass away that's why we can stand confidently in him that's why we can cling to him when we feel like we are slipping away into the chaos of life and he will rescue us and place our feet back on Solid Ground if life hits you and you fall wouldn't it be better to fall into the Loving Arms of Jesus Christ than anywhere else so don't be defined by a diagnosis don't be defined by the numbers in your bank account I've had to talk to myself and remind myself that I have a Creator who has a plan and God's plan will still prevail God's will will still be done he has ordered my steps and saw I am not alone my beginning and my end is known by him my highs and your lows are known by him and I will walk by faith and not by sight believing that the Lord has numbered my good days to exceed my bad days so get to the point where you are content and at peace to say Lord my life is in your hands you have said be anxious for nothing you have said that you know the number of hairs on my head and so I Surrender and yield to your will I'd like to speak to you on the topic of standing strong in the Lord standing strong in faith and I'll begin with the statement that I think you'll all agree with and that is if there's one thing that we can be certain about in this life it's the fact that life is often very unpredictable one moment you're on a high the next moment you come Crashing Down one moment it's all good it's peaceful and safe and in the next moment it feels as though all hell breaks loose you're at the top of the mountain one minute and you're walking through the valley of the shadow of death the next minute but if there's one thing to come to terms with in life it's the reality that life is unpredictable but here's the thing I am so grateful for the fact that in this ever-changing life we have a never-changing God Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forevermore he doesn't change he healed thousands of years ago on this Earth and he still heals today he loved those considered to be unlovable those considered to be outcasts and rejects and he still loves those same people today he spoke the words peace be still and the storm bowed down and I believe he can and will speak those very same words in the middle of your storm today that's why when life happens you can stand strong in the Lord don't allow life's challenges to shake your faith in God stand strong in the Lord stand and let him fight your battles he has promised that the Deep Waters won't drown us and when we go through the fire we will not be burnt so whether you're in the Lion's Den today or facing Pharaoh tomorrow stand strong in your deliverer who is Jesus we can trust him we can rely on him we can depend learn and stand strong in the Lord but I'm not saying it will be easy I'm not saying it won't be tough but with God it's possible foreign I've had moments where I thought really God I've just come out of one thing and now here's another you see when we say stand strong in the lord it's not always going to be easy I'm not saying that but what I am saying is that wouldn't you rather fall into the arms of the Lord than simply fall while trying to do things your way when your back is against the wall wouldn't you rather lean on God than your own understanding as we Face life's challenges our first impulse might be to surrender or to Simply give up and let it be and I understand that sometimes I understand that sometimes you can get to the point of just asking the question God why me why am I not married yet why did I have to be sick why can't I make as much money as they are and while we may be stressed and pressed on every side I'd like to recommend something to you I would like to give you a formula that might help if you find yourself in that situation I would like to encourage you to stand strong in the Lord because it is he who goes before you he will not fail you nor forsake you and that makes him so dependable that's what should give you the tenacity to stand strong in faith our Lord has a track record that's unmatched one that stood the test of time so despite the chaos despite everyone else getting married despite that job interview coming back as a no oh keep standing strong in the Lord he who started a good work in us will see it through to the end reach out to him by faith be constant in prayer be relentless in your faith and watch him move in seemingly impossible ways now this isn't just a quick fix there needs to be some persistence you need some tenacity to stand str

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