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God Will Not Put You To Shame | Step Out In Faith!

in the Bible how many times have the prophets of old or biblical writers been inspired by the Holy Spirit and uttered the words thus says the Lord well I for one truly believe that God still speaks even today the Lord speaks to people in many different ways he speaks through the Holy Spirit he speaks through his word and maybe you've experienced those occasions where you open the Bible and one verse leaps off the page and ministers to you but from a Biblical standpoint God is Not confined to a single manner of communicating with his people in Job 38 verse 1 the Lord answered job out of a whirlwind in Exodus 19 Verse 18 God announced his presence to Moses in an extraordinary way the Bible says Mount Sinai was covered with smoke because the Lord descended on it in fire the smoke billowed up from it like smoke from a furnace and the whole Mountain trembled violently in First Kings 19 verse 12. Elijah encounters the Lord and the Bible says and after the earthquake of Fire but the Lord was not in the fire and after the fire a still small voice now the point of God speaking in the still Small Voice here I believe was to show Elijah that the work of the Lord need not always be accompanied by some dramatic Revelation or huge manifestation but God can speak in a gentle and peaceful but assured manner another way that God speaks is by making an impression on our spirit here are two verses where we can see this happen acts 17 verse 16. now while Paul waited for them at Athens his Spirit was provoked within him when he saw that the city was given over to idols and also in Acts chapter 18 verse 5. when Silas and Timothy had come from Macedonia Paul was compelled by the spirit and testified to the Jews that Jesus is the Christ on both occasions God or the Holy Spirit made an impression on Paul that provoked compelled and called him to action and to put this into context we need to understand Romans 8 verse 16 which says the spirit himself Bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God this gives you a small glimpse into some of the ways in which God speaks and remember that the Lord is not limited in how he speaks so to summarize I believe that God most clearly and most commonly speaks to us in this day and age through his word the more we learn it the more we'll be able to recognize his voice when he does speak [Music] and with that understanding the holy spirit is vital for any of us to hear from the Lord clearly now you may be facing an event in life that has left you feeling tired you might be there feeling beat up and defeated it may feel as though you've just been up against it one attack after another well allow me to encourage you in these next few moments when you feel outnumbered when your problems look like an army is marching in your direction do what blind Bartimaeus did in Luke chapter 18 verse 37 to 38 where the Bible says they told him Jesus of Nazareth is passing by he called out Jesus Son of David have mercy on me do what this man did and call out to Jesus Christ ask the Lord to intervene at a time in life when I needed encouragement God led someone to speak six simple words to me that unlocked a deep level of understanding in my life about why we should never give up I was told when in doubt call on God it's a simple statement a simple instruction but oh how we so often fail to carry it out sometimes our call isn't loud enough because there is unbelief and doubt present in our hearts sometimes we're not patient enough to actually wait for the Lord to answer call but we don't wait for the answer to come because we want things to happen instantly and sadly sometimes many of us don't call at all we call on friends we call on worldly resources we call on so many things and so many people but God the Bible says in Jeremiah 33 3 call to me and I will answer you and tell you the great and unsearchable things you do not know dear friend I want to encourage you to start calling when it gets too much call on God when you need healing call on God when you need a miracle call on the Lord reach out to God because he is a God who never sleeps nor slumbers when you call on him he can make a way where there seems to be no way the Bible says in Isaiah 45 2 I will go before you and make the Crooked places straight I will break in pieces the gates of bronze cut the bars of iron we have an awesome God one who can level Every Mountain before you and even then just because you're going through trials and tribulations that doesn't mean God is not with you who told you that you would never go through any trials or hard times don't let anyone tell you that being in the will of God won't get you in trouble don't think for a second that you're exempt from challenges in life because you're a Christian and you're in the will of God Jesus was in the will of God and he went to the Cross to die a painful and horrific death job was in the will of God and he went through hell on Earth even though God said that job was an upright and faithful man yes you may encounter Affliction but isn't it worth it if it means your trouble will bring glory to God isn't that challenge worth going through if it means that the Lord can demonstrate his power and show himself to be a great deliverer so call on the Lord Saints because you may be sick but you have a Healer you may be in pain but you have a comforter when you need a savior call on him he's our loving keeper he is eternal and Limitless in strength he's an able helper as for me I will forever call on the name that is above every other name the name of Jesus and here's the thing of course we ought to seek and call on him when times are tough but we should continuously call on the Lord even when life is good and all is well call on him to Simply say thank you thank you for this season of peace and blessings call on him to praise him Jesus Christ responded to the calls of many who came to him when he walked on the Earth those sick those possessed with demons those who were cast out by Society those who were blind he answered everyone's call Hebrews 13 verse 8 says that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever so be encouraged call on him today he will restore you he will deliver you he will save you and he will most certainly hear your cry

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