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Be Careful Who You Connect With | No One Is Talking About This

foreign to talk to you about dangerous spiritual Covenants the term covenants is of Latin origin meaning a coming together this can be like a contract or entering a relationship or agreeing on promises you can enter a covenant through words you can enter a covenant through vows or promises or even physical Acts and since the Covenant can also be defined as a relationship in which two parties make binding promises to each other this means that you can even enter a covenant unintentionally if you aren't careful about what you're saying or what you're doing remember that the Bible in Proverbs chapter 6 verse 2 says you have been trapped by what you said ensnared by the words of your mouth you could be trapped by what you say this is a warning you can easily enter an evil Covenant unknowingly because of what you say now a story is told about a certain young woman who got involved with a young man now unbeknownst to this young woman this young man was involved in occult practices and Suits saying he was a man who was under a demonic influence but you couldn't see it with a naked eye to the Natural Eye he was prim and proper now to the young lady this young man presented this World of Magic and fortune telling us a game as light-hearted entertainment they would be a dinner and while they are waiting for their food he would take her hands and jokingly ask if he could tell her future as a couple they only lasted a few months and they went their separate ways but the young woman started to experience strange things unfortunate things even she became seriously ill and bedridden but the doctors couldn't find out why eventually they simply diagnosed her as depressed and in her own words she would say that she felt like she was walking around with big heavy chains around her neck she would struggle to sleep she didn't enjoy anything at all she had explored every possible medical solution and everything had failed so together with the help of her mother this young lady called on a genuine man of God her local pastor she asked him to pray for healing and the pastor agreed but first he wanted to fast and pray before he went to see her several days later the pastor finally came to see this woman during a conversation with the mother and daughter Pastor found out about the young lady's prior relationship and as she was speaking she said a lot of my friends think I'm down because I had a bad breakup the pastor probed a bit more and the woman revealed the nature of her relationship with this young man she confessed to being involved intimately with him as well as playing along with some of his occult rituals the pastor explained to her and said the moment you opened yourself up to his occult games and activity you entered a covenant with him because by virtue of opening yourself up and being receptive of his influence you are in agreement with him and whatever spirit that was upon him that Pastor prayed he declared the blood of Jesus Christ over her and prayed to break that Covenant and the very next day there was an undeniable change on this young woman's face and demeanor God set her free and broke the chains that were so heavy on her the moral of the story is that we should all be more prayerful when it comes to who we associate with we must be more careful when it comes to the promises the vows and things we choose to say be careful of entering dangerous Unholy and evil Covenants unknowingly when you have sex outside of marriage you're entering a covenant when you make promises and vows be careful you could be entering a covenant the Bible talks a lot about Covenants Genesis 2 verse 24 says therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife other translations say to be joined or to be United together with his wife and they shall become one flesh now here a man shall commit the act of leaving his father and mother to go to his wife once his wife they shall become one through the act of sex this establishes a covenant between this man and this woman furthermore the Bible says in Matthew chapter 5 verse 37 let what you say be simply yes or no anything more than this comes from evil when I read this I take this as a warning that you shouldn't just promise things you shouldn't just vow to do things or speak an oath without understanding this is because you can enter into a covenant with someone who you should not be in agreement with now if you want to be set free I want to give you two scriptures to remember [Music] in Psalm 118 Verse 5 the Bible says in my distress I prayed to the Lord and the Lord answered me and set me free and the Galatians 5 verse 1 says for Freedom Christ has set us free stand firm therefore and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery Jesus Christ can break every chain he can break every evil Covenant when the Lord gives us freedom he not only sets us free from something but to something greater Jesus sets us free not so that we can go on sinning but so that we can go on to become faithful and obedient servants in his kingdom because of him we are free to Proclaim his redeeming work in our lives we are free to care for the physical and spiritual needs of others we are free to use our gifts and abilities to serve the body of Christ we are free to accomplish amazing things in his name but before that can happen we have to lay all our problems at his feet cry out to him today and he will make your burdens light when we walk by faith we are walking in the confidence of God's word but the devil wants you to believe only what you can see through your physical eyes when in fact the Unseen spiritual realm is more real than what you can see so let me encourage you today pray that you may be given sight spiritual sight spiritual discernment in order to navigate this life Faith must be part of our everyday lifestyle when we walk by faith we are expressing to God that we have confidence in him and his word walking by faith should be part of our daily routine the more faith you have the larger God will grow in your sight in Your Vision in your life to walk by faith requires that we become familiar with the promises that God has given to us the Bible is filled with promises for believers nothing is more encouraging or nurturing to our faith than reading the promises of God faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God and so spiritual sight spiritual wisdom comes by hearing and hearing the word of God foreign [Music]

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