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Ancient Pythagoras’ Quotes Men Learn Too Late In Life

it is only necessary to make war with five things with the maladies of the body the ignorances of the mind with the passions of the body with the seditions of the city and the discords of families this quote highlights Pythagoras's concern for the role of the passive observer in perpetuating Injustice and evil in the world it emphasizes the importance of taking action and standing up for what is Right rather than simply watching events unfold the quote encourages people to be active participants in shaping the world rather than passive observers time is the soul of this world reason is immoral all else mortal even as truth does error have its lovers above the cloud with its shadow is the star with its Light Above All Things reverence themselves do not go to bed until you have gone over the day three times in your mind what wrong did I do what good did I accomplish what did I forget to do friends are as companions on a journey who ought to Aid each other to preserve in the road to a happier life a fool is known by his speech and a wise man by silence choose rather to be strong of Soul than strong of body educate the children and it won't be necessary to punish the men in this quote Pythagoras believed that the Universe was governed by mathematical principles and that everything in it including humans was subject to those principles he taught that individuals should strive for Inner Harmony and balance by cultivating virtues such as wisdom courage and temperance Above All Things respect yourself don't try to cover your mistakes with false words rather correct your mistakes with examination sobriety is the strength of the soul for it preserves its Reason unclouded by Passion as soon as laws are necessary for men they are no longer Fit For Freedom silence is better Than unmeaning Words concern should drive us into action and not into depression rest satisfied with doing well and leave others to talk to you as they please the oldest shortest words yes and no are those which require the most thought we ought to behave to one another as to avoid making enemies of our friends and at the same time to make friends of our enemies choose always the way that seems the best however rough it may be custom will soon render it easy and agreeable friends are as companions on a journey who ought to Aid each other to persevere on the road to a happier life most men and women by birth or nature lack the means to advance in wealth and power power but all have the ability to advance in knowledge learn Silence with the Quiet Serenity of a meditative mind listen absorb transcribe and transform do not say a little in many words but a great deal in a few number is the ruler of forms and ideas and the cause of gods and demons in terms of societal development Pythagoras believe that a just and harmonious Society could only be achieved if individuals first developed themselves as the state of the individual reflected the state of society as a whole he believed that individuals should strive to live in accordance with the laws of nature and to cultivate a sense of unity and interconnectedness with all things number was the substance of all things number rules the universe geometry is knowledge of the externally existent there is geometry in the humming of the strings there is music in the spacing of the [Music] spears salt is born of the purest parents the sun and the sea the experience of life in a finite limited body is specifically for the purpose of discovering and manifesting Supernatural existence learn to be silent let your Quiet Mind listen and absorb man knows thyself then Thou shalt know the universe and God in Anger we should refrain gr from speech and action concerns should drive us into action and not into depression no man is free who cannot control himself no one is free who has not obtain the Empire of himself no man is free who cannot command himself if there be light then there is Darkness if cold heat if height depth if solid fluid if hard soft if rough smooth if calm Tempest if Prosperity adversity If Life Death let exercise alternate with rest it is better to be silent than to dispute with the ignorant the wise man should be prepared for everything that does not lie within his control rest satisfied with doing well and leave others to talk to you as they please above the cloud with its shadow is the star with its Light Above All Things reverence themselves some are slaves of ambition or money but others are interested in understanding like life itself these give themselves the name of philosophers and they value the contemplation and discovery of nature beyond all other Pursuits friendship is one soul in two bodies the stars in the heavens sing music if only we had ears to hear don't try to cover your mistakes with false words rather correct your mistakes with examination there is a good principle which created order light and man and an evil principle which created chaos darkness and woman alas what wickedness to swallow flesh in our own flesh to fatten our greedy bodies by cramming in other bodies to have one living creature fed by the death of another wisdom thoroughly learned will never be forgotten the soul of man is divided into three parts intelligence reason and passion intelligence and passion are possessed by other animals but Reason by man alone lust weakens both body and mind truth is so great a Perfection that if God would render himself visible to men he would choose light for his body and Truth for his soul speak not nor act before thou Hast reflected a man is never as big as when he is on his knees to help a child as long as men Massacre animals they will kill each other other indeed he who SWS the seeds of murder and pain cannot reap the joy of Love anger begins in Folly and ends in Repentance educate the children and it won't be necessary to punish the men if you have a Wounded Heart touch it as little as you would an injured eye there are only only two remedies for the suffering of the Soul hope and patience thank you for watching this video showcasing the Brilliance and wisdom of Pythagoras Pythagoras's insights and quotes continue to inspire and challenge us reminding us of the power of imagination the importance of adaptability and the role of perception and shaping reality

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