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YOU WILL NEVER GIVE UP AFTER THIS | An elephant and dog story | Buddhist story |

foreign a female dog and female elephant became friends and by coincidence both of them became pregnant at the same time after three months the female dog gave birth to six puppies female dog went to female elephant and asked hey see I have given birth to six beautiful puppies when will you give birth to your child the female elephant kept quiet six months later the female dog was pregnant again and after nine months it gave birth to another six puppies she again went to her elephant friend and asked hey see I have given birth to six more puppies when will you give birth to your child the female elephant again kept quiet after a few months the female dog again became pregnant and gave birth to six more puppies when she again became pregnant fourth time she again went to her elephant friend and questioned hey are you sure that you are pregnant we became pregnant at the same time I have given birth three times to more than a dozen puppies and they are now grown to become big dogs yet you are still pregnant what's going on this time the female elephant broke her silence and said my friend I want you to understand that what I am carrying is not a puppy but an elephant I only give birth to one in two years when my baby hits the ground the Earth will feel its weight when my baby will cross the road all the traffic will come to heart and everyone will stop and watch it in admiration what I am carrying will draw attention it will be Mighty and great therefore don't ask me again and again because what I'm carrying is not a puppy but it is a synonym of power if we see in our lives we will find that there is time and place for everything every flower blooms at a different pace don't compare yourself to others don't lose faith when you see others achieving their success just have faith that your time is coming life is designed in such a way that puppies can be born just after three months but birthing an elephant takes time therefore if you have not reached your goal yet don't lose hope just keep holding to your dreams no matter how hard it gets never give up be patient be persistent and keep your efforts in the right direction and always say to yourself that my time is coming and when it comes the word will see it people will yield in admiration because great things take time [Music]

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