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10 Minutes to Start Your Day Right! – Motivational Speech By Oprah Winfrey [MUST WATCH]

i know you all have heard the phrase everybody makes mistakes countless times in your life and maybe even set it to console someone and encourage them to not dwell on a misstep sometimes when you aren't listening to those inner voices and the knowing of your own purpose you can get off track and even when i know how to listen sometimes if i don't listen well i get off track really quickly life is like a wave and you ride it through the ups and downs the steady times and then you anchor yourself in the storms a mistake is a life experience designed to move you in a different direction and a mistake might be more important to your supreme destiny than even a triumph know that your life is way bigger than anyone experience so when those mistakes happen you use them to guide you to the next right move learn from it ask what is this here to teach me and then let it go life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness and how do you know this is the experience you need because this is the experience you are having at this moment 2020 vision tour i met this reporter in miami we took some photos together and she said to me oprah next time you see me i'm going to be so much skinnier and i replied well the next time i see you hopefully you're going to be as healthy as you can be in that moment because right now this is as healthy as you can be in this moment and the next time you'll be as healthy as you can be in that moment i told her to be kind to herself and she looked at me and said how do i do that well it starts with loving right now who you are all yourself your flaws take a moment to look at what is really running through your mind about yourself that may be holding you back the energy of the universe responds to positivity and so if you're telling yourself you're not slim enough you're not good enough when that negative chatter starts in your head stops lean away from it and you let those thoughts of not being enough seep in you can't really act out the best of yourself the power of staying present i believe that when you're fully present that's when you're actually fully alive when you need to focus on what to do or what to do next the focus is just that the now becomes your everything that it's one of the most impactful spiritual practices knowing the power of now living integrity means living in a way that honors your truest self it's doing the thing that you know you're supposed to do only you know what that feels like for you everything we've covered in the past several weeks examine any moments when you're you're you're your head saying one thing and your spirit is saying another letting go of energy that's clouding your vision and holding you back the energy that you put into constantly rewinding to the resentment only keeps you stuck you gotta press stop and reject the urge to keep replaying so that you can then fast forward into the now for yourself expecting people to do what you would do in a situation only leads to your disappointment when i think of home i think of a place where there's love overflowing to channel your inner dorothy and think about where you feel most at home practicing gratitude it is my single most important life practice i have to say focusing on what you're grateful for increases positive vibrations and feelings of joy i'm never close to new ideas producing new television dramas for own traveling speaking once covet loses its news age is whatever number you choose to feel the past is gone future's not promised to anybody after you've done all you can you just stand you deserve peace what can you do this week to take a stand for peace in your own life and the lives of those that you love now would be the perfect time to ask what are you waiting for what's the dream that you've been putting off pursuing until you have more money or you have more courage or you have more time you can work the the nerve to take a big leap but you cannot work to add more time to the clock or guarantee more days in your life so all death teaches us i believe about life if it's a teensy teensy tiny step take that step now don't wait your legacy is every life you've touched your legacy is every life that you've touched and we like to think of it i know you have done amazing things with your philanthropy internal strength and internal courage it takes to say no i will not let you treat me this way is what success is all about you are worthy to say no you were that it's okay if you say no it's okay if you say no and then people don't like you that's really okay the important thing is how you feel about what you're doing how you feel about yourself turn your wounds into wisdom you will be wounded many times in your life you'll make mistakes some people will call them failures but i have learned that failure is really god's way of saying excuse me you're moving in the wrong direction it's just an experience create the highest grandest vision possible for your life because you become what you believe if you were to ask me what is the secret to my success it is because i understand that there is a power greater than myself that rules my life if you can connect yourself to the source and allow the energy that is your personality your life force to be connected to the greater force anything is possible for you everybody you know the thing that works for me all these years whether it was the magazine or which i still have or whether it was the show i could i understood that there's a common denominator in the human experience and i want the same thing you want which is the same thing you want and you want what we all want is to be able to live out the truest highest expression of ourselves as a human being i feel that until you have used your value as a human being you're not done we have to make the choice every single day to channel our own inner jucindas to exemplify the truth and the respect and the grace that we actually wish for the world we need to tell it as we're doing at this conference we need to write it we need to sing it we need to proclaim it we need to be it we need to be the truth we have to be the respect we have to be the fierceness the love that we want to see and when we do that mark my words a change is already coming everything you try to do is already done so when i figured that out oh what i'm putting out is what's coming back let me get real clear about what it is i'm putting out before you even think about a thing you have an intention for the thing and that the intention is going to determine the outcome the intention with which you give the intention with which you serve determines the outcome so when i figured that out i went whoa i changed everything i did on my show i called in the producers and i said from this day forward i will no longer be speaking to the kkk i started feeling like i think everybody knows i i've i've moved my whole life on instinct you know i feel like now it's time to let

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