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10 Minutes to Start Your Day Right! – Motivational Speech By Jay Shetty [YOU NEED TO WATCH THIS]

[Music] let's explore this then through the lens of creating one's own perfect life codify this for anybody that wants they don't know what their ideal life looks like they just know that they're not living it yet so uh step number one is take it seriously to find out if the hypothesis is true or not you have to take the experiment you have to do it sincerely what comes after that I think even one step before that is opening yourself up to new role models and new experiences we live in Echo Chambers we're just surrounded by the same thinking if you want to be a billionaire spend time with billionaires if you want to be a millionaire spend time with millionaires if you want to be a tech startup spend time with that's the common rhetoric that we hear all the time but what if you want to find purpose and master the mind there's no one better than a monk whose Master mind so the first step is just opening yourself up to new experiences a new role model because most of us can't see ourselves in people so then we try and fit ourselves into the boxes that we do see and there's this beautiful quote by a philosopher and writer named kie and he said that today I'm not what I think I am I'm not what you think I am I am what I think you think I [Music] am it's uh so powerful I'm not what I think I am I'm not what you think I am I am what I think you think I am so we live in this perception of a perception of ourselves my identity is made by what my parents think I should be my identity is made up by what my college or university thinks I should achieve while you're living in that bubble and that Echo chamber getting to what you really want to do is impossible I think so many people feel that way today that they don't fit into the current education system they don't fit with the three or four or five careers that you taught exist so that process of self excavation and actualization first requires being exposed you can't be what you can't see if I never saw a mon I would never have wanted to be a mon if I never meet a billionaire I wouldn't want to be one cuz I wouldn't know what that feels like I don't know what it looks like I don't know what it takes and I think that's the biggest challenge of our society that we're not exposed so that's the first step being exposed to unique experiences and Role Models second step is finding that experience or role model that you're passionate about and exactly like you said taking it seriously Shadow them network with them spend time with them observe them even from afar it takes that observation being addicted to observing that person's lifestyle and then the third step is going yes or no does that work for me not everyone who's going to go off and become a monk is going to feel like the way I did and that's cool but not everyone is going to go and follow and Shadow a billionaire and go that's exactly the lifestyle I want they may want the result but do they want the hard work that goes with it and so for me that's the third step it's observing focusing shadowing getting as close to the process of that individual and then going yes or no do I want that process not do I want the result everyone wants to be that monk who's fully enlightened you know can walk through as an incredible or uh that people just gravitate towards but when you realize he has to wake up at 2: a.m. every day and sleeps about 4 to 6 hours you're like ah that doesn't sound like me what would you say like is a is there a process for people to gain more self-awareness and then what are from a behavioral you know just human behavior level what are things that trip up the average person I'm a huge fan of the book Thinking Fast and Slow just being able to differentiate between system one and system two as Daniel Conan calls it in the Vic philosophy we call different differentiating between the mind and the intelligence knowing how to differentiate the voices in your head is the first level of self-awareness system one is your initial response to anything that happened so if you say something I don't like my system one naturally would be a face that I pull that I'm like I don't agree with that that's an understanding of what system one in it's your initial default reaction in the moment that can be positive often for example if someone pulled out a knife you you feel scared and you run that's system one that's a good thing it's it's safe for you but also system one is someone says something that hurts your ego and you start defending yourself immediately that's a negative of system one that we would refer to as the mind it's built up of conditioning those responses are conditioned those default elements are all there because of habit and continuous practice the system two is more like the intelligence what I would say is more like the par if you can consider system one to be more like a child system 2 is more like a parent it looks more at the longterm it looks more at the bigger picture it processes that default reaction through a set of checking in metrics to decide whether that's true the child is the the one that wants everything right away impatient quickly responding straight away reacting when it doesn't get what he wants the intelligent parent and good one knows what the child wants and needs and what's better for in the long term just starting there and being able to reflect and observe the different voices inside of us is a great place to start yourself awareness because the biggest challenge is that most of us don't know what we're listening to and we don't most of us don't even know that there are more than one voice inside of us just getting over that line is a huge win because now at least you're trying to differentiate in what you're hearing and that's going to help you make better decisions in the future the biggest challenge is that there's just so much noise it's like have you ever had someone in your home maybe it's your wife or maybe it's a friend or whatever just play a really bad song too often just play a song and just you know turn that off and after a while it's been on for so long you become immune to it like it's just there and it's still on it's there in the back of your mind and you didn't manage to turn it off so the noise that I describe in life whether it's your parents expectations whether it's society's expectations whether it's your partner's expectations all of those are like noise in the background and that noise drowns out your ability to understand the mind and the intelligence that's one of the biggest trip-ups the truth is over 40 to 50% of us lie on our resumes a lot of people lie about their dates of employment so instead of 3 days it's now 3 months you know whatever it may be meet some of these people and speak to people and so I spoke to people who like on their resumes and we know that at least 40 to 50% tell us they do well the thing is no one was proud of that no one no one was like yeah yeah yeah I know I'm going to get really wha

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