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𝙂𝙤𝙙 𝙈𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙖𝙜𝙚: SURRENDER TO ME | God Message for You Today | God’s Message Now

my child imagine a love so deep it triumphs over your soul it's a love that makes you holy mine a devotion that fills your spirit with Celestial joy as you surrender to me you are no longer your own for you were acquired at a precious cost the Sanctified essence of my blood the more ardently you adore me the deeper your yearning to devote every fiber of your existence to my service becomes this devotion can fill your spirit with Celestial Elation as you yield yourself to me completely rest assured for I am impecably virtuous in all my ways and you can Surrender Your Heart to me without fear of exploitation paradoxically it is in surrendering to me that you find true emancipation I have permeated the very core of your being and my spirit within you claims dominion over increasing territories where the presence of the Lord resides Ides Freedom thrives I beseech you to reflect my Divine Radiance to others for I am molding you into my likeness with ever ascending Brilliance Revel in the freedom you have discovered in me and willingly submit to my triumphant love should you possess me your Redeemer Sovereign and Confidant you possess all that genuinely matters it matters not if you lack riches fame or worldly success allow not such absence to dishearten you as I once imparted to my disciples what profit is it to gain the entire world but lose your own soul nothing Rivals the Priceless Treasure of eternal life picture a jeweler in Relentless pursuit of flawless pearls upon finding one of unsurpassed Purity he relinquishes all to acquire it my kingdom is akin to this this a treasure Beyond estimation therefore learn to find contentment in having me beloved regardless of worldly shortfalls comparing oneself to others often serves as the Wellspring of discontent I beseech you to diligently evade this perilous Pitfall keep in mind that you are my unique creation redeemed through my Crimson sacrifice and exquisitely precious in in my eyes Foster a joyful communion with me the Savior whose love for you surpasses your wildest imagination I shall continue to transform you into the Masterpiece I designed you to be cultivate gratitude diligently for it paves the Royal Road to unadulterated Joy indeed no pleasure finds fulfillment without the expression of Thanksgiving while it is commen ible to extend gratitude to those who bestow blessings upon you never forget that I am the source from whom all blessings flow therefore frequently shower me with praise and thanks each day this nourishes your soul and heightens your joy moreover it forges a closer connection with me offering you a simple means to draw near as my cherished follower you have been gifted with magnificent Grace favor unearned and undeserved no one and no set of circumstances can strip you of this extravagant endowment you are mine for all eternity in all of creation nothing can sever the bonds of my love from you every morning as you awaken speak these words thank you Jesus for this gift of a new day as you journey through the day be vigilant for the blessings and joys I scatter in your path but always remember that the greatest Treasure of all is my presence beside you for I am the Indescribable gift in moments of adversity when you find yourself entangled in trying circumstances pour out your heart to me with the knowledge that I am always attentive and deeply caring Lean on Me Your everpresent solace in times of trouble refrain from allowing your predicaments to consume your thoughts no matter how eager you are to resolve them after you have exerted your best effort often the wisest course of action is to wait patiently seeking renewal within my presence reject the falsehood that you cannot Savor life until your difficulties are resolved yes the world may be filled with tribulations but within me you can find peace even amid chaos our relationship is a collaborative Endeavor you and I working together turn to me for guidance and assistance apply your abilities to the fullest and trust me to accomplish what lies beyond your reach instead of forcing events to a hasty conclusion Embrace Serenity and ask me to illuminate the path all within my perfect timing hold my hand with unwavering trust beloved and cherish the journey within my presence I am your source of Jubilation let these words resonate within your mind and Echo deep within your soul I your steadfast companion who will never forsake you am an endless Wellspring of Joy if you wholeheartedly Embrace this belief you can bask in the knowledge that every day of your life is a day worth rejoicing disregard the lab of a bad day even when you grapple with profound struggles your circumstances May indeed be arduous yet I am by your side holding your right hand goodness can be found in each day every day due to my unwavering presence and enduring love material wealth May evade You by worldly standards but my unwavering love is immeasurable it provides you Refuge under the shelter of my wings no matter the tumultuous world around you it grants you access to the river of my Delights when the world seems devoid of Joy turn to me and drink deeply from this enchanting River my loving presence I am your ultimate Joy I extend to you an invitation to behold my Splendor and seek me increasingly this is an invitation brimming with delight you may Glimpse my loveliness and the wonders of nature yet those are but Fe able Reflections of My boundless Glory the grandest revelations await you when in the Hereafter You Shall Behold me face to face in the realm of Heaven for now the privilege of gazing upon my beauty requires steadfast focus on my unseen presence through prayer and contemplation of my word the core of your quest to find me is the constant awareness that I am forever with you I am always attuned to your every moment training you to become increasingly conscious of my presence scatter reminders of my nearness throughout your home car and workplace whisper my name to yourself as a reminder of my proximity sing praises unto me read or recite passages from scripture aloud seek companions who share your fervor for knowing me more deeply and embark Ark on this glorious Quest together pursue me earnestly considering me an indispensable necessity and seek me with all your heart fix your gaze not on the visible but on the invisible you expend an excessive amount of time and mental energy pondering trivial matters superficial concerns devoid of value in My Kingdom The Gift of Sight is a Marvel granted by me yet it can become a snare if misused you have access to mirrors that reflect your image with disquieting Precision coupled with media's portrayal of flawlessness this can tempt you to obsess over your appearance the same holds true for your possessions and familial ties such preoccupations divert your focus from the soul enriching joys of knowing me in seeking me you Revel in the company of the only perfect being to ever exist however my perfection does not lie in outward appeara

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