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Your Situation Is Not An Accident! Stand Firm Because God Is Still With You!

now as people of God we need to keep standing firm through the many seasons of Life Ephesians 6 verse 11 says put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against The Wiles of the devil now in order to stand firm you need the belt of Truth to stand firm you need the breastplate of righteousness you need shoes prepared by the gospel of peace you need the shield of Faith the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit we can't always change our circumstances but we can change our attitude and our Outlook we can choose to feed our spirit with God's word and reject the spirit of fear so wherever you're at right now you are not there by accident God has placed you where you are the fight you face the battle you're in it all has a purpose in the fullness of his timing the Lord will make a way for you let us pray King Jesus the almighty one teach us to be more trusting help us to build our faith May the Holy Ghost teach us and remind us that to troubles we Face serve a purpose the pain that we feel the people who reject us can all be a blessing in disguise the tough situations and trials we go through can be the Lord ordering our steps positioning us for increase for healing for breakthrough now as we continue to place Our Hope and Faith in Jesus we need to know that one day the storm will be over you will make it through to the other side God will make rivers flow in the desert so dear friend whatever you are going through it shall pass maybe you're in a dry season a season where life seems meaningless and you feel as though you're simply drifting perhaps you're at a place where God seems as distant as the Stars maybe you're in an impossible situation where no matter what you choose you just can't win for some of us that tough place has become a stronghold of sin and you can't seem to let it go no matter what your problem may be it will pass and God will do a new thing in your life furthermore all of us despite what we Face we must keep moving forward in believing Philippians 3 verse 13 to 14 says brothers and sisters I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it but one thing I do forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus in other words Saints Press On God is faithful to empower you to stand strong and Victorious and not to be defeated remember that Jesus is Victorious over Satan he's Victorious over death hell and the grave and this is good news this is good news for you and I because if we have accepted Jesus Christ into our hearts then we too can walk in Victory when the bills are paid when there's money in the bank when there's plenty to laugh and be happy about do you remember to say Thank you Lord I know where you've brought me from I remember when it wasn't like this or how about when you're struggling work is tough the business isn't performing well and you have problems do you remember to say thank you thank you Lord because I may be hard-pressed on every side but I'm not crushed I may be perplexed but I'm not in despair persecuted but not forsaken struck down but not destroyed in Acts 16 Paul and Silas didn't see the prison they were in they didn't focus on the guards the chains or the fact that they were uncomfortable they focused on God acts 16 verse 25 and 26 says about midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God and the other prisoners were listening to them suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken at once all the prison doors flew open and everyone's chains came loose I pray that this may be the reality in our lives today as we praise and thank God in advance each of us will also experience a suddenly movement in our situation when things will turn around be thankful Saints be thankful always and in all circumstances how could I not thank the Lord how could you not thank the Lord I am living I am healthy I am of a sound mind I am blessed to have a family blessed to have food on my plate and a place to stay this is not to say that everything has been perfect but the message I want to tell you is be thankful find something find one thing to be thankful about we should be Believers that rejoice and give thanks to God Almighty through the good and through the bad sure the car broke down but I thank you for legs that I can walk maybe I lost my job it's a problem but I can still thank God that I haven't lost my health yes you may not be able to afford the most luxurious dining experience but thank God that you have never missed a meal people of God we ought to have a spirit of thankfulness Let It Be Your disposition in life to stop for a moment and say thank you Psalms 107 verse 1 to 2 says o give thanks to the Lord for he is good for his steadfast love endures forever let the redeemed of the Lord say so whom he has redeemed from trouble [Music] [Music] thank you foreign

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