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Your Life Is Never Complete Until You Begin To Walk With God

dear Christian I want to say to you keep walking with God keep walking with Jesus in this day and age where people are walking in ways that appear to be right in their own eyes I want to encourage you to keep walking in obedience to God's word the Bible in first John chapter 1 verse 6 to 7 says if we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in darkness we lie and do not live out the truth but if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus his son purifies us from all sin [Music] as children of God we certainly do not walk in darkness we are not led by the lusts of this world as children of God we walk in the light because Jesus Christ is light we walk in truth because Jesus Christ is truth we walk in love because Jesus Christ is love so keep walking with God dear listener in this day and age where people are chasing higher incomes but have lower morals I encourage you to keep walking with God keep walking in righteousness in this day and age where people voice their opinions more than they demonstrate the love of Christ I encourage you to keep walking keep walking with God though you may have to hold your tongue at times though you may have to endure people slandering your name I encourage you to keep walking keep walking in the love of Christ [Music] dear Christian in this day and age where people no longer honor their word I encourage you to honor God both in private and in public in this day and age where Bible prophecy is being fulfilled and we can see the love of many growing cold and we can see men becoming lovers of themselves more than lovers of God I encourage you to walk with God I encourage you to seek the Lord intensely pray for an obsessive appetite for the presence of God and so as you go through this life make sure that you're walking with the Lord make sure that you're walking with the eyes of faith make sure you're walking in the spirit from the moment that we come of age and begin to know right from wrong we begin a journey We Begin walking in either light or Darkness you see it's either we walk in a direction that leads us to Christ that leads us to be born again or we simply walk according to our own accord We Begin walking either in the spirit or in the flesh I believe the Bible talks about walking so much because if you really think about it we are all walking one of two pads we are either walking on the broad Road or the narrow road we're either walking by faith or we're walking by sight and if you really think about it we are all walking and the Bible has two very clear distinct paths Psalm 119 verse 105 says your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path his word is a lamp to my feet why because we're walking God's word is a light to our paths why because we're walking we're all Walking In One path or another there is a path that leads to eternal life it's a path that leads to a destination where there will be no more tears no more pain no more struggle or despair this path will lead you into the arms of the father and then there is a path that leads to Eternal damnation now what's interesting is that the path that leads to eternal life requires us to take up our cross and follow Jesus there is a price to be paid for taking this path it will cost you something your pride has to go your will has to be put on the back seat so that God's will rules over your life this path is one of sacrifice it's one that requires you to serve but it's a path that brings glory in Christ this is exactly why second Timothy 2 verse 12 says if we suffer we shall also reign with him if we deny him he also will deny us however the path that leads to hell involves you living for the flesh yes you enjoy life without a care in the world for the things of God you do whatever you want whenever you feel like it but in the end there is a price to be paid so which path are you walking on today [Music] the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge when you have knowledge of God then you would not doubt his might and strength when you acquire knowledge then you become a Believer who is Fearless because you know that greater is he who is in you than he who is in the world we are believers of Christ and we ought to know holy from Unholy good from evil examine yourself Philippians 1 verse 6 says being confident of this very thing that he who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ the Amplified version says I am convinced and confident of this very thing that he who has begun a good work in you will continue to perfect and complete it until the day of Christ Jesus the time of his return [Music] take a moment and consider what does the bible mean when it says this very thing what is this very thing why should we be confident of it why is this very thing so important that it's associated with the beginning of a good work that will be completed until the day of Jesus Saints I believe that when the Bible talks about this very thing it's talking about your salvation and the reason I believe this is because when you are saved and when you accept Jesus Christ into your heart you don't automatically become detached from your flesh you don't automatically become this perfect person who never gets angry or upset that's not the case you need to work on your salvation by seeking more of Jesus Christ by meditating on his word by pursuing a closer relationship with him by yielding to the Holy Spirit [Music] Amos 3 verse 3 says can two walk together unless they are agreed now this is an interesting Bible verse that brings a number of things to mind everyone you walk with there's some level of relationship everything you walk with there is also a purpose to and if you look in the lives of men and women today you'll find that people walk in agreement with different kinds of people some choose to walk with those who are ambitious and career driven some choose to hold on to childhood friends even though their lives are heading in very different directions others choose to walk in the Council of the wicked following their advice and example but here's the thing there are others who choose to walk with their heads Held High they are proud of what they've achieved proud of their accomplishments and their success then there are those who choose to walk with their heads looking down they are ashamed of the past they are ashamed and scarred even by what they've done and at the core of all these examples I'm trying to provoke you I'm trying to challenge you to look at yourself and do an assessment who are you walking with who are you in the presence of or for some what are you walking with and carrying around there's a man in the Bible named Enoch and the amazing thing that we're told about this man is that he walked with God imagine being known for Walking with God the Bible in Genesis 5 verses 22-24 says Enoch walked with God after he fathered Methuselah 300 years and had other sons and daughte

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