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Your Life is in My Hands | God Message Today | God Message For You Today | Gods Message Now

my beloved child understand that each step you walk and Every Breath You Take is imbued with my enduring love and blessings you may attribute your fortunes to luck or coincidence but know that it is I everpresent guiding and caring for you in moments when you feel a drift in darkness and uncertainty hold on to the truth that I am beside you illuminating your path and providing the strength you need to rise above even in those Quiet Moments when nothing much seems to be happening that's when I'm there showering you with my love and kindness when you whisper my name in the Stillness of the night or look for me in the early morning light I'm listening and I'm right there my love for you is as real as the morning sun and as important as the air you breathe you might not see me but I'm always there wrapping you in my care making making sure you're safe and guiding you along this beautiful Journey of Faith nothing was mere chance I bestowed upon you my blessing extending my hand with my divine power over your life I am the one who rescues you from the abyss when you find No Way Out guiding you toward the path of light in the darkest of nights everything that has transpired in your life is Not Mere luck it all stems from from my divine power I remain present even in the smallest blessings that surround you in those minor events that reveal my grace and kindness you seek me and you find me in the Silence of the night and I respond to you at dawn I am as real as the sun you see in the mornings as essential as the air you breathe you may not see me but you can feel my presence guarding you in every step you take serving and as your guide and Compass to ensure you don't lose your way on the path of Faith the world has attempted to seduce you leading you to believe that you are worthless discouragement has tempted you to abandon your faith however in spite of everything you continue to believe unwaveringly praying and reading my word nourishing yourself daily with my eternal promises every word you read my Sacred Scriptures is the truth beloved storms may assail your being with a chilling wind making you feel as though I am distant from you but this is the work of the malevolent one who seeks to make you fall and deviate from my will for your life his schemes May promise you riches and luxuries but his paths lead to Desolation never place your blind trust in the Narrow Path the wicked may offer you for their deceit seful lips are enticing the righteous are wise and prudent in choosing their path my promises transcend all Earthly advantages everything on this Earth is transient but my will for you goes beyond your desires do not lose your way follow the path I have laid out for you take the first step and do not break the Covenant I have with you I am calling you leave everything you are doing in this moment abandon distractions and thoughts that distance you from my presence listen to what I wish to tell you I bring you my love and forgiveness I will grant you renewed strength you will soar and not grow weary and you will walk and not faint you may be wondering why your trial is so severe even though you have done everything right and things haven't gone as you planned but have Faith keep believing remember that grapes must be crushed to make wine diamonds are formed Under Pressure olives are pressed to release oil and seeds grow in darkness even when you don't understand what is happening I am working in your favor for your benefit I want you to know that you are loved I know every detail of you in your weakness I am your strength when you pass through hardships I am your breed in sness I am your comfort in weariness I am your energy I am everything you need to move forward I tell you once more everything will turn out well because you have chosen to believe and my response has arrived I will not let you go I hold your hand you will pass through this dark path with my hand guiding you through all the trials and you will emerge Victorious you may be in a place you don't want to be right now now but remember everything is temporary the path may seem confusing and blurry but your destiny is one of Triumph the decisions you make today will influence your tomorrow I give you the opportunity to be wise and turn everything toward good I am not lying when I say I will help you tell me what you believe calm your soul fill your faith with trust Tranquility you already told me what is happening to you and I have listened the difficult time has passed now it's time to act and not stumble upon the same Stone you have learned the lesson now catch your breath and keep moving forward you are starting a new but this time it's with my guidance and assistance keep these words in your mind when your trial comes that day is near but do not fear for I have sent my angels to protect you the enemy's Army cannot harm you or your loved ones my grace and protection are with you now tomorrow and always have faith everything happens in its own time let go and Trust keep your faith burning and be patient remember that my timing is perfect do not rush into the future nor cling to Vain and fleeting things that only bring discomfort to your life let go and rid yourself of anything that hinders my blessings upon you distance yourself from the unbelievers and persist in prayer trust in my timing and do not despair for many blessings will come into your life adverse situations will soon be left behind just be patient do not lose your composure or seek easy paths as they may lead you away from me me and eventually destroy you keep praying keep delving into my word so that you will never be deceived by false doctrines do not be anxious about material possessions remember that what the world offers is temporary while what I offer is eternal and filled with blessings for your life continue to have faith in my promises everything will come in its own time I never delay or forget I'm always ready to meet each of your needs do not despair for I am with you do not be impatient because of the wicked or envious of those who do evil for they will soon be cut down like grass and wither away trust in the Lord and do good you will dwell in the land and be fed in truth Delight in the Lord and He will grant you the desires of your heart commit your way to the Lord trust in him and he will act he will bring forth your righteousness as the light and your justice as the Noonday be still before the Lord and wait for him do not fret over those who prosper in their ways or over those who carry out evil plans cease from anger and forsake wrath do not fret it leads only to evildoing for the evildoers will be cut off but those who wait for the Lord shall inherit the land for in just a little while the wicked will be no more though you look carefully at his place he will not be there but the meek shall inherit the land and Delight themselves in abundant peace the wicked plots against the righteous and nashes his teeth at him but the Lord l

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