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[Music] in the times of kothambhuta they lived a very famous and a very beautiful woman whose name was zamar pali she was so beautiful that there were always golden chariots standing at the gate of her palettes even great kings had to wait to meet her she was a prostitute but she had become so rich that she could purchase kingdoms but deep down she suffered in that beautiful body there was also a beautiful soul which hankered for love people called her nagarwadu which means the wife of the whole town one day she was standing on her terrace and saw a young buddhist monk who had nothing but just a begging ball but he had a tremendous presence awareness and grace the moment she saw him she was fascinated by his charm she rushed down to him and said oh monk please accept my food at my home the monk accepted her invitation after serving him food umarpali said after three days rainy season is going to begin and i invite you to stay in my house for four months buddhist monks don't move for four months when it is the rainy season those are the four months they stay in one place for eight months they continuously move normally they can't stay more than three days in one place young monk replied i will ask my master if he lost me i will come after saying this he left from there before young monk could reach assembly his fellow monks who saw this rush to buddha and said young monk has to be stopped umarpali has invited him to her house to live for four months and a monk staying in a prostitute's house it is not right buddha said to them keep quiet let him come young wong came touched buddha's feet and told him the whole story he said a woman has invited me to stay for four months of rainy season in her house every monk will be staying somewhere in somebody's house for four months i too will have to stay somewhere for four months therefore i need your permission to go there and stay i shall go only if you permit buddha looked into his eyes and said you can stay it was shocking for all the other monks thousands of monks who were there could not believe that buddha has allowed a monks to stay in a prostitutes house and all monk stood up and said this is not right this man is hiding effect he says a woman but in fact amar pali has invited him she is not a woman she is a gautam buddha prostitute i know and because he has not used the word prostitute i am allowing him to stay there he has respect for her after three days young monk left to stay with the mercalli and other monks started gossiping again buddha said to them you should keep silent four months will pass and i trust my monk i have looked into his eyes there was no desire if a monk's meditation is deep then he will change prostitute and if his meditation is not deep then prostitute may change him it is now a question between meditation and physical attraction just wait for four months despite this disciples thought buddha is trusting too much this man is too young and namara pali is too beautiful he is taking an unnecessary risk anyways four months passed and after four months jangmong came and touched buddha's feet following him came amarpali she touched buddha's feet and said i tried my best to seduce this young monk but it was all useless instead he convinced me by awareness that real life is only in knowing your true self now i want to give all my possessions to the commune of your mouth and it is said that later amar pali became one of the enlightened women monks among buddha's disciples [Music] if we see in our lives we will find that to keep control over the sexual thoughts arising in our mind we need to eliminate sexual desire first of all but instead of eliminating sexual desire we start satisfying our desire by indulging in it because we don't have control over our mind and that is why many young people start doing even our natural sex life masturbation but they forgot that our semen is our energy if we can conserve this energy then we can get great success in any field of life till date all the great personalities that have gone in the world have achieved greatness by conserving this human energy to conserve your semen you need not to suppress your sexual desire but eliminate it by meditation and good thoughts if your meditation is strong and if you have control over your mind then you can easily control the sexual thoughts arising in your mind [Music] you

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