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You Shall Lack Nothing | God Message Today | God Message For You Today | God Message Now

my dear child I shall ensure that nothing is lacking for you I promise this as your provider I am attuned to your situation and needs do not distress over your current situation close your eyes recall my word and your mind and heart shall be imbued with Serenity and Tranquility there are numerous doors surrounding you that shall swing open proceed and approach these doors with determination and conviction I command you to do so when you undertake this do so without fear I shall Place upon your lips the words you need to utter make the decision today and progress along your path do not remain immobilized by fear when you rise and walk the windows of Heaven shall open for you and I shall shower you with abundant and genuine blessings you shall reap provisions of plenty free from debt and debtors you shall receive even more than your expectations for sharing giving and blessing you shall continue to sew and reap thus it shall be henceforth every day every month and every year therefore revisit and listen to these words until you clearly understand my command nourish yourself with my written word and Advance resolutely it is time for you you to awaken for your faith to ignite Kindle and accelerate the plan I have had for you for a long time leave behind all memories of defeat all guilt decide to persist to fight daily and pay no heed to the rumors and attacks of people forgive continue forget and move forward my words shall be your light your faith shall be like a sword and I shall assist you in carving a path through the obstacles you may encounter decide to persevere for I shall provide you with the strength to fight I reiterate I am your Shepherd your provider I know your needs and I shall supply what you lack and more declare with your lips with all your heart that you shall continue to fight live and believe without fear of the distressing news that alarms you [Music] I know why I do the things I do I have the final word with my power I can calm roaring winds part the sea make you walk upon the turbulent waves lift you from the bed of pain heal your body and Grant your soul healing I receive your tears when this world betrays you with pain and affliction you seek refuge in your faith you love me you believe in me my presence envelops you manifests in you you and once again I shall fill your entire being with love and peace amid the breath it is true time does not heal wounds I heal them without leaving scars the trials of this life shall not Mark you difficulties have helped you grow wiser I shall also relieve you of bad memories that's why my hands were fastened to a cross with cold and cruel nails to Bear your suffering to cleanse your guilt with my shed blood to Grant you my grace to remove all burdens and Sorrows from your heart in good times and bad in health or sickness my presence shall not depart from you you have my promise I shall perform Mighty miracles in your life through them I demonstrate what is possible when my word is received and obeyed with a humble heart accepting both trial and blessing equally there are strong situations I shall change for your benefit battles and trials that shall lead you to a better place conflicts that shall make you stronger you shall face situations that shall enhance your wisdom if I permit it it is for your own good if I say I shall be with you and protect you from evil it is because I will you shall prosper I say it is my will will that everything good that comes into your hands shall be multiplied and blessed and you shall believe it doubt not and do not use your past failures or imperfections as an excuse if you are to believe in me fully also believe in my forgiveness if you seek complete blessing disregard the accuser pay no attention to criticism or slander do not Grant a foothold in your thoughts to the envious who aim to ruin your promising future [Music] instead of succumbing to fear and anxiety feel my hand touching your heart be filled with joy peace hope faith and confidence I shall bring joy to your life and place praise upon your lips your life shall be different your blessing comes from Heaven abundance shall Grace your home and you shall be free from the chains of debt and errors that afflict your finances it may appear to you that you are enduring times of scarcity but listen believe my words and look around with the eyes of your faith be sensitive to the open doors and opportunities value and treat those you encounter on your path with kindness for I shall bring many special people into your life who shall extend their hands to you just as I do be friendly be kind treat all with respect for I shall bless you in use you in astonishing ways beyond your imagination all the wondrous things I desire to accomplish with you especially during times of hardship you shall rise you shall shine in the midst of Darkness you shall be my witness let me tell you a secret what you are reading and hearing I share with many of my sons and daughters yet not all believe me and others refuse to receive what I offer providing numerous excuses they prefer to believe those who seek to enslave them in misery sin pain and sadness dismissing my blessings words and promises but I tell you love me believe in me it is imperative that you do so otherwise you may lose precious time hesitating and not accepting my blessings in your hands and legs but I know that you are different I have tested you many times I know you believe in me and I love you greatly receive my blessing now you are in my hands in my arms I carry you under my shelter I protect you fear not those who rise against you they shall contend with me your problems may be numerous but I shall deliver you those who wish to harm you shall be ashamed and confounded now you see how they surround you seeking to defeat you but I shall intervene I shall assist you in a few days you shall turn your face and your enemies shall be no more many are enraged because they cannot overcome you they do not realize that your greatest friend defends you your God your savior have faith believe in me there are no impossibilities for me believe and act I am with you act in advance with confidence I have increased your faith I have empowered you to walk on water and to fight and defeat any Malignant Force for you no longer fight alone you have become Brave no longer fearful fears and anxieties are left behind lift your sword and continue in the battle prepare for the blessings that shall come you shall conquer the land before you I shall provide the answers and the way out out in all situations I have anointed you with my spirit to heal and encourage many hearts I shall bless your family bring peace and Harmony to your home soon you shall feel something different my presence shall reign in your house and all the malevolent forces that have been causing distress shall flee and never return seek me and you shall find rest for your SA in me in my promises in my word your trust should reside I am you

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