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You are Surrounded By My Angels | God Says | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message

my beloved child today is a blessed day and I want you to be fully aware that you are surrounded by my angels as your heavenly father the almighty I'm here to clear away all the curses that have affected your home your family and your finances listen carefully because today I am breaking the chains and releasing the bonds that have held you captive no more will there be scarcity pain pain or division among your loved ones let me wrap you in my love Shield you with my protective arms and pour out my blessings on every aspect of your life from the moment you came into being I have seen your struggles and the hardships you have endured I have seen how curses have brought sorrow and limitation to your family but now with my infinite power and love I break every chain that has bound your family I shatter every generational curse freeing your parents siblings spouse and children from any malevolent influences that have impacted their lives at this very moment I declare that my Divine Light fills your home where there was Discord now let there be reconciliation and peace where there was sadness let Joy burst forth where there was illness I bring healing and restor restoration today my love will flood your home creating an environment of Harmony and prosperity I am breaking Every curse of division and despair that has affected your household allowing my love to flow freely among all your family members this will Foster an enduring unity and deep affection within your family I am also reaching out over your finances I understand the challenges and shortages you've faced but today I Proclaim in my mighty name the breaking of Every curse that has hindered your financial success I am opening the windows of Heaven to pour blessings upon you breaking the chains of scarcity and debt I declare that you will be abundantly blessed and your Financial Health restored doors to Prosperity will open and opportunities for financial growth will come your way resources will flow to meet all your needs and you will become a blessing to others do not fear my beloved for I am your faithful God and provider nothing is out of my reach trust in my provision even if circumstances have overwhelmed you remember that I am always with you and my grace will never leave you I am your Refuge your strength your Aid in times of trouble trust in me and lay your burdens down at my feet for there is nothing you need to hide from me always remember that you are loved regardless of your past or the current challenges you face I am here to Break Every curse and every chain that binds you I am here to give you life and not just life but a life filled with abundance trust in my power my love and my unwavering faithfulness today I want you to grasp the depth of my response to your faith prayers and steadfastness I am unleashing my healing and redeeming power in your life I am renewing your strength and equipping you to walk in Triumph the chains of defeat are broken and you are clothed with a new identity in Christ you are more than a conqueror and my glory will shine through you remember my love for you is boundless and my loyalty is unshakable no matter how dire the situation may seem hold on to your hope in me I encourage you to trust in my words and declare them boldly let your words bless and praise and witness my power unfold in your life today I declare all curses over your home family family and finances null and void raise your hands high and Proclaim victory over every circumstance you face walk in the Liberty I have given you knowing I am always with you guiding protecting and loving you without conditions embrace the peace I offer let my love envelop you and heal you listen for my voice deep within guiding every step you take trust in my promises and my Flawless plan for your life for nothing can challenge my authority neither in Heaven Nor on Earth today I reaffirm my commitment to you lighting up your life so you can bless others around you share my love and truth freely assist those in need and show kindness to those who are hurting furthermore I Proclaim your home a sanctuary of Peace your family bonds strengthened Bound by Love by my name your finances will flourish to bring me honor and bless others I love you my child with an everlasting love let today Mark a new beginning for you accept my blessings and live fully in the freedom I provide hear this message I have for you today I have wonderful plans for you dear child you're my focus every day your current current situation and the challenges you face are Irrelevant in my eyes I will always stand by you even if others desert you know that I will never fail you I am your father and I love you dearly I'm the God who created you lovingly with a unique and special purpose I will never leave you for my love for you is unconditional and eternal I will always wel watch over you life can sometimes feel overwhelming and disheartening but remember you are never alone even if the World Turns its back on you I am here with open arms and a Heart full of love and compassion no matter what you face Darkness hopelessness sorrow or distress I am always with you when those you trusted leave you feeling abandoned look up to the heavens and know that I'm always there even when life's storms beat down and you see no Escape reach out to me I will show you the way trust in me even when you feel isolated by the world for I am ever ready to embrace you and care for you remember I am your refuge and your strength amidst the darkness I am the light on your path my child whatever you're dealing with now no matter how painful or burdensome never forget that I am here to help listen for my voice in The Breeze reassuring you of your worth and my love you're my daughter a precious treasure no matter how the World Views or treats you you are cherished and loved by me your heavenly father you may feel a drift questioning why I allow challenges and disappointments in your life or wondering if there's any one truly trustworthy but be assured my daughter even amid uncertainty and pain I am with you my plans for you are filled with hope and a promise for your future trust in my Everlasting Love and perfect wisdom for through your trials you will grow stronger in faith when loneliness and sorrow weigh heavily on you turn to me in prayer lay your tears upon my shoulder and I will gently wipe them away while the world may overlook your pain I'm attuned to Every Breath You Take nothing you experience escapes my care remember my daughter I am always there to pick you up when you stumble I will transform your tears into joy and soothe your pain filling you with hope even if everyone else lets you down I will never fail you never forget that I am your loving father Always by your side not even for a moment in my love you'll find strength when weak Comfort when troubled and guidance when lost I am your steadfast Rock and safe refuge in the storm hold on to me with complete trust and rest assur

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