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Worldwide 5 Ancient Hindu Sites Still Alive | Explore with Sadhguru

One can connect with such a powerful dimension anywhere. There's a tremendous amount of activity in the lake, and this activity is the nature of the activities such that it has nothing to do with anything that we know as life on this planet. It's something totally different It's life, but not the way we know it. I wouldn't call the Manasarover a spiritual place because spirituality is out of human being. These beings, if you can call them that, I don't know what we can call them. Whether we can call them beings or things or creatures or what we have no words for. Things are happenings which don't belong to our realm of experience. They don't belong to anything that we know as life. So this is not really a spiritual place, but it somehow life from somewhere has chosen this almost like an airport that just landing, taking off, landing, and taking off at a tremendous pace. This is just crazy. This doesn't stand to any reason why for millions of years, one particular spot on the planet has been used. By. Life which doesn't belong here. Why? And why the same place. As we range through the plains of Wyoming One thing that stood out in my experience Mato Tipila is an extraordinary presence of Vishuddhi Not just unusual. It's just incredible that such a thing has manifested. I don't know how but it is a powerful sense of vishuddhi. I've never seen anything like that except Kailash Well, dhyanlinga is there, but that's of a different nature. It's too subtle. I've never seen a natural formation which exudes that kind of vishuddhi Mato Tipila just hit you in the throat. It's one dim. unidimensional. So because this is Vishuddhi it is incredible that the rocks have taken on six faced form, largely most of that. And there it stands magnificently today, almost like Shiva's thrown It's a headless Shiva And that's what it's looking like. Here we are, the Grand Canyon formed for millions of years exposing geological history of this place. Which goes back to 1.8 billion years as they estimate it's essentially the Colorado River, to human presence. And able to recognize that and thinks about what we're doing. It's quite incredible. Just natural forces I'm sure those natives who are sensitive to this dimension will definitely say there are spirits working upon them because they're not very wrong In a way, it's is the spirit of the earth They're not very wrong, but not in the sense of some ghosts functioning but there's a phenomenal amount of energy flow and well, there are many places natural features which have a certain amount of energy. But the important thing is the way it's responding to human presence unbelievable a little over 4200 years ago, certain yogis from India went to Greece and established certain Lingas, consecrated, certain Lingas, which are known as the navel of the earth I saw this picture almost like 15 years ago somewhere, and immediately I recognized this is Manipuraka chakra. And who created this? Where is it? Then they said, This is in Delphi. I've been wanting to go there and took 15 years to get there. Because we went to these few places where the lingas were and it's more than 4200 – 4300 and it is still alive. They replaced them. They took them from the original sites and kept it in the museums. But still they are alive you can't kill them. That's the beauty of it. But then really powerful has set here long, long time to live with this tillage, with that. [Shiva's Prayer] The three Chakra's one is enabled. The other two are the supporting chakra's of Muldhara and Swadistha these are fantastic way of doing it. That's how we done the Bhairavi But in a single form year, they've built like a temple. There are places like this in South India, not this grand, but similar system of temples where you build chakra's If you have to do a composite form of all three or all seven, it really gets a much bigger challenge. What did we establish separately? Like this is so much easier Azerbaijan means land of fire. So there are places where naturally natural gas is coming out, seeping out of the land, and it's on fire. So for thousands of years, these fires have been burning. And this Hindu temple, which was built around this burning fire of natural gas, is estimated to be over 8500 years old. It's been many times rebuilt, but the original one is supposed to be about 8500 years old. Here we are at the Fire Temple in the Azerbhiajan that's outside of Baku. These fires

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