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Why Silence Is Power | Priceless Benefits Of Being Silent | A Buddhist And Zen Story On Silence |

it is said that words can be the most powerful weapon even though they don't physically hurt anyone but they can cause emotional pain words can give us strength but they can also weaken us if we speak without thinking speaking kindly and wisely at the right time can lead to success but speaking unkindly or at the wrong time can make our life hard that's why silence is so important silence help us calm our minds reflect on our feelings and connect with ourselves and others that's why today I want to tell you a story about significance of Silence in our noisy world so listen closely to uncover the message in the story once upon a time there was a prince who was always tired frust sted and upset one day he decided to seek help from a mock who lived in a nearby Forest on meeting the mo Prince said oh venerable sir my mind is very restless even though I have everything wealth Fame and all the luxuries but still I don't have peace of mind please help me to get rid of this Restless mind the monk GED at The troubl Prince and responded Prince all the answers lie within you waiting to be discovered I can guide you but you must follow my instructions without objection the prince agreed and said I am willing to do whatever it takes the mock then proposed a plan for the next 21 days you will stay in my Monastery and live as an ordinary person during this time you will spend much of the time in silence speaking as little as possible with determination the prince accepted the challenge and embrace silence on the first day he found it hard to stay silent because he was not used to it his mind was restless with questions and thoughts he wanted to talk but he made an effort to stay quiet somehow he made it through the day the second day was a little less difficult than the first but he still struggled but as the night went on he began to feel an unexpected sense of calmness and happiness this puzzled him because he could not understand why his restlessness was fading away the next day the prince continued to spend time in Solitude watching Nature Flowers plants and birds in the sky for the first time he truly appreciated the beauty of nature surrounding him he could observe and connect with the nature around him as the two weeks went by all the thoughts and imaginations in his mind began to fade away and he started to feel very calm and very peaceful on the fif day his eyes closed on their own and he entered into a deep state of meditation the prince experienced profound inner peace after spending the last week in deep meditation he approached the master and sat before him the master noticed a profound piece on his face and said now you can speak breaking his silence the prince said sir thanks to your guidance I have realized the root cause of my restlessness he continued I used to talk too much spending a lot of energy on people and often thinking negatively about them this successive talking and negative thinking wasted my time and Disturbed my mind consequently I could not perform my task effectively and started failing at almost everything these continuous failures made me even more sad and annoyed however these 21 days were transformative now I feel like I am truly living life to the fullest and I realized that before this I was living it the wrong way I also learned that we don't have to force meditation it happens naturally upon hearing this the master responded Prince You are not alone in this struggle many people in the world are restless because they talk too much speaking excessively can Tire us out and make our minds Restless however staying silent boosts the impact of our words and bring peace to our minds that's why it is best to only speak when it is really necessary and beneficial for both ourselves and others if we see in our lives we will find that many people in the world are suffering from mental restlessness and talking too much is one of the main reasons for disturbing the mind even today many people continue to speak in ways that hurt others and this habit of excessive talking leads them to many problems in their lives when people last Gua why he stays silent most of the time he would say I stay silent to dive deep within myself because silence is the first step to truly knowing yourself without silence self-discovery is impossible Buddha also advised others to remain quiet most of the time and speak less talking too much leads to loss of physical and mental strength when people become quieter there are fewer fights less restlessness and less arguing people who talk too much often struggle to focus on a single task consequently they might not fully focus on their goals and may not succeed they also fail to understand life's true meaning on the other hand people who talk less often unrespect from others because people trust them and pay attention to what they say being quiet helps us become patient it also helps us become more aware a person who keeps silence for some time every day can enter deep meditation silence can also stimulate our brain reduce our stress and increase our concentration silence can help us to listen more attentively communicate more effectively and and act more mindfully silence can make us happier and healthier when we talk our mind is busy thinking about what to say but when we stop talking and stay silent our mind begins to quiet down it might keep chattering inside for a while but if we don't turn those thoughts into words our mind eventually settles and we start to feel peaceful and calm in our today's Busy World it is tough to stay silent for long periods but I still suggest setting aside 1 to 2 hours every day for silence it can really make a positive difference in your life so whenever you find some free time in your daily routine try to spend it in silence think of silence as a deep sleep that nourishes [Music] wisdom [Music]

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