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Why Islamic Invasions Couldn’t Erase the Hinduism in India | Sadhguru Answers

Namaskaram Sadhguru If you look around the world all the countries when. You looked around the world. I mean, in the history of the history of the world, all the countries had their own indigenous practices. Like Egypt, America, even all had their own practices but after the invasion that happened. Everything is completely wiped out. India also faced all, you know, invasions and colonization but here, it's still alive. Proactively, it's still alive. So how did it managed to survive here? So how did it managed to survive here? like what's the one thing. That because you're still wearing a Sari That's how it survived Thank you Sadhguru What's the thing that kept this culture alive for thousands of years? Thank you. Thank Invasion is just a simple word. But when you experience it, the brutality of it is another thing. What happens in those times are unspeakable. Stuff. Especially the woman Men get killed. They're fortunate in many ways. They get tortured sometimes. That's a little unfortunate. But generally, women get to live and they'll be tortured for the rest of their life. Usually So invasion is not just a simple word. There are two ways of taking people and property or the world itself. One is by invasion Another is by inclusion. If you take something by inclusion, it becomes beautiful. If you take something by invasion it is the ugliest unspeakable thing that you can think of, whether it's on the level of an individual or a nation or a culture or a civilization. So what is it that made this culture survive through nearly a thousand years of brutal invasions? Brutal it is not been written enough in the history books, but very brutal invasions So what is it? One thing was the people who invaded powered by the force of their religion or by their economic interests. One thing was the culture. And the civilization was so complex and profound, they could not figure it out. So one of them had a real discussion with the people and said, How do we just burn out this Hindu way of life? Hindu. Because they thought it's another religion, just like they believe in one religion. Somebody else believes in another. That's because I belong to one religion. So you must belong to another religion. How else? Because you do something different. But that's what they never figured out. So they looked at this. And where is the religious head? Who is the pope? Let's give him that idea. So they said, no, there are hundreds of them. So they killed all the hundreds, but still lived it didn't die because there was never a leadership for this. It was never an organized approach. It's every individual seeking their own thing and everybody accepting that that was the only organization we had. Your you're worshiping the tree. I'm OK with that. She's worshiping the rock. I'm OK with that. I'm not a tree worshiper. I'm not a rock worshiper. But I got no problem. I am a sky worshiper. Somebody else worship doesn't worship anything. Well, we're OK with him also. So they never figured this because they always believed you must belong to some entity here. People did not belong to any entity. So there was no leadership. As many people as you want, you kill. But still it is on in every home. And then in human hearts, what is on you can't kill it. All right. You did not need leadership. it did not need a book. He did not need an ideology. it did not need a God. That's the most important thing. So they went about demolishing temples systematically all across northern India, southern India. You come and see glorious temples are still here because they didn't come this far down. So you will see phenomenal temples here. You don't see that in the north because they were all largely destroyed. So even if you kill the God, these people won't give it up. You destroy the temple, they got their own little god in their home. They will worship there only your destroyed their home. They carry it on their body and they will worship here only Atma-Linga they got. What do you do with this? People So because this is the most important thing you need to understand, India is Bharat, as you know, or you do not know is an organized chaos people don't understand this. So if you look at India, it looks like it's going nowhere. Because we are not like an arrow. Arrows will fly for some time and go down. We are like a swarm of bees, every bee seems to be going in a different direction. But in the end, all of them go in the same direction. It's happening very effectively.

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