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Why is Life Unfair to Me? | Samantha Ruth Prabhu Asks Sadhguru

[Music] how much of one's life is a result of their past karma are the injustices and unfairnesses that one faces in one's life a result of their past karma if so do you accept these injustices on and find solace in the fact that okay the karma is being cleared even though it might seem detrimental to our lives in so many ways you're old enough for this i'm not saying you're old i said you're old enough [Applause] that do you still expect the world to be fair to you that's why i'm asking this question can i blame it on my past karma is what i'm asking i want the world to be fair to me is a schoolgirl question by now you should know the world is not fair it will not be fair to you but if you dig deep into yourself and have a taste of life not a taste of your thought and emotion the taste of life that you are then you will see life is not just fair it's just fantastic so do you want fair life or fantastic life you must decide i've noticed this that beyond the material ego there is now suddenly a wide spread your friend is all around me and in my industry the heights of it so beyond the material ego i've noticed there's com there's now widespread spiritual ego i've come across a lot of people who are now on a spiritual path not use who who who consider themselves superior to people who are not on a spiritual path how would you advise such people to ensure that they don't fall prey to this new spiritual ego we'll first we'll address this ego guy okay if you show me where it is i'll fix it right now i wish i knew where it was it just keeps coming suddenly you don't know where it is the thing is just this say at certain moments as a person as a woman you are a beautiful person wonderful person i mean i'm sorry i i didn't say only at certain times you're beautiful you're always beautiful but certain times you're wonderful all right certain moments maybe you're nasty possible so whenever you're nasty you say it's my ego why don't you say it's me i'm sometimes wonderful sometimes nasty if you see this naturally nastiness will go down if you say whenever your nasty mystery ego does this and you don't know where he is you don't know his address or id nor do you know his phone number so how do you fix this guy so everybody has this going in their life because uh this is a spiritual jargon without being spiritual is all over the place particularly in india because we have you know 15 20 000 years of spiritual history so we know all the words we know what atma paramatma this one that one ankara everything we know words only words only noted so we can just throw words like this and confuse the western population quite a bit because if you come here they'll say mukti shakti this one that one all kinds of things i know a lot of people who've gone and set up spiritual centers in the west particularly in america because they just know one chant just one chant okay with this they run the whole thing so unfortunately spirituality uh in some ex in some ways it's come there it's come there because there is need in the society there is not enough source because of that people are manufacturing this here and there this happened uh you know a few years ago 15 20 15 16 years ago and i was in the united states and then somebody in the office our office told me did you know every day 100 000 people are typing out the word spiritual i said is that so type it out and see what comes out are we even there in the picture they typed out spirituality first thing that comes up is a spa in mexico you've been there [Laughter] and the next thing that comes out is a call girl in northern california she has learned all that seo for everything she says spiritual spiritual spiritual 108 times she uses the word spiritual on our website you say spiritual she comes up number two i thought this is a shame for thousands of years anything spiritual means people looked east east means india that's what it meant so i said we must start something uh a spiritual gateway that if people say if they seek spirituality they must look towards india because this is one culture which has spent maximum amount of time maximum amount of time exploring human consciousness and the mechanics of what a human being is how this functions on the surface and its very core how does this function what can we do about it this has been explored i'm not saying this out of my indian origin i'm saying this after looking at the world closely that nowhere else has it been looked at like this so i said we must start a spiritual gateway india the spiritual gateway and i must tell you this till about 15 years ago i had not met a single guru in this country i i just did not meet i was just busy doing my own work i never thought i had to go and look for somebody i had never been to any other ashram anywhere and then i thought okay let me make an attempt then i started making phone calls they all received my call pretty well and then i started visiting some people and started putting together we had one meeting with 125 gurus we made this thing that nobody talks about their philosophy you keep your philosophy this is just a meeting this is just about how to enhance your ashram or your yoga center whatever you have how to enhance the quality we will teach you management we will teach you branding we will teach you how to make a website we will teach you how to present yourself to international community your philosophy we don't we don't touch you don't touch mind i don't touch yours you do your own thing because that is the beauty of this culture that it can exist in hundreds of forms thousands of forms and it's okay with us so when i went about doing this well i met many wonderful people but at the same time at least 60 to 65 percent i it hurts me to say this i found that if i walk into an airport or a golf course i meet better men than in the so-called spiritual centers because it's full of jargon no heart no depth no profoundness simply one one chant one nonsense one philosophy that they read somewhere it's going on like this this needs to change so to bring this profoundness to people as people get closer to me i get harder and harder and harder those who are very close to me i am bloody cruel yes because just to bring integrity into spirituality is so hard because the moment they get spirituality little like you said you're calling it spiritual ego i call it spiritual heirs they get spiritual airs air bubbles get in their head suddenly they start acting funny they start saying things that don't exist they start talking about nonsense that nobody understands if you speak something whatever nonsense you speak people in front of you must understand otherwise why the hell are you speaking because the purpose of speech is to make somebody understand what you're saying no if i say something that you don't understand i become big you become small this is rubbish this is going on for too long so this whole spirituality as a thing unfortunately has fallen on

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