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Why are you SO fearful Sadhguru explains | Get FEARLESS life

Life experiences happening this way. These are three dimensions. There is something called as memory which feeds you all the time. Memory is not just what you remember. You don't remember ten generations ago how your great great grandmother looked, but her nose is sitting on your face. This entire thing is a memory had to go. This memory rules certain things, but there is a present experience. But the present is of experience, your ability to experience. If you want to experience anything, you must be conscious. You must be aware. Only then you can experience The future is an imagination. So memory, experience and imagination. It is between these three dimensions in which you exist. Memory you cannot change because it's already there. Present. You don't have to change because that is also here right now. It's only the imagination which you can change. So what are you fearful about? Something that will happen? Or you think will happen, isn't it? Fear is always about something which does not exist right now. It's always about what will happen. So you are suffering that which does not exist. You are only comforted. Everybody is in the same state. But right now, people are in this condition. What happened ten years ago? They can still suffer. What may happen day after tomorrow? They already suffer their suffering things which does not exist simply because in your education system, who you are studying about everything except how to manage this. If you do not know how to manage this, it doesn't matter how much nonsensical information you have gathered, it'll be not of much use to your life. You must know how to keep this, how to conduct this body, how to conduct this mind, and the energy structure. If you do not know anything about this, then you are an accidental being. You being fearful is good, otherwise you may cause enormous harm to yourself.

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