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Unveiling the Unexpected Life of Ram – A Story You Never Wished For!

One of these incidents that happened in his life happened to most people. They would all be cracked up. Serial disasters, but total balance. We are bowing down to that quality because this is inner management I want you to listen to this carefully. Not reacting all the Bhaktas Rama's life is a disaster. A continuous disaster. King born as a prince. Coroneted as a king. Just married with his young wife. Some political stuff ends up in the jungle. Living in the jungle. Some television show maybe showing it as some kind of a romantic affair. Living in the jungle is not a romantic affair, believe me. I have individual, you know, by myself. I have lasted in the jungle for weeks on end, by myself eating out of the jungle after three or four weeks. When I came out into the town, people would recognize me. That's how it would be. So with a young wife, she's not a tribal woman. She's a princess. Living with her in the jungle is not a romantic affair. It's a tough life. Knowing that, it's very difficult. His brother also follows him to assist both of them because he knows what will he do with this young woman in the jungle. Then, as if that was not enough, his wife gets kidnaped. And then because the wife means so much to him, he walks all the way despondent. Not not a nice trek, not knowing whether she is alive or dead or what has happened to her He walks down all the way, builds up a Tamil army goes across, burns down a beautiful city, kills many, many people, gets back his wife, goes home. Now the wife is pregnant. But a king is very important that he has a son. But then once again, some political situation He sends his fully pregnant wife to the jungle. She goes there. Delaware's two boys. He doesn't know. And then he gets into a battle with his own children. If at all, if there can be a true disaster in your life, in anybody's life, knowingly or unknowingly, you killed your own children. This is the worst thing that can happen to you. It almost happened to him. he almost killed them. Somehow, by fate, whatever situation he did not kill them, he almost killed them. He did his best to kill them without knowing who they are. Then he dies without ever seeing him again. You call this a successful life. No, but we worship him. Why do you worship a failure like this? Because no matter what disasters happened, the man did not become angry. Hateful. But still. Why? The significance of Rama is not the life situations The significance of Rama is the way he conducted himself. Himself through this disastrous. series of disasters that occurred to him with how much gracefulness he conducted himself right through his life with all the disasters happening. Never once was he seeing seen angry. Never once was he seen cursing someone. Never once was he seen freaking out. Conducted everything gracefully. So people who are seeking liberation sought rama, people who are seeking a graceful life sought Rama. He did not lose his balance. He maintained his balance 100%. He did not give up any of the values and ethics with which he lived. A continuous disaster. Serial disaster he is but unmoved, untouched. It is this quality that we are bowing down to. We are not bowing down to him because he's a super success. He's a super failure, but within himself. Do what you want. You cannot take away who he is. One of these incidents that happened in his life happened to most people. They would all be cracked up. This would just one of these disasters happen in people's lives. They will crack up in their minds. Serial disasters. But total balance. We are bowing down to that quality because this is inner management.

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