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TURN OFF The World And You Will Hear From God | Christian Motivation

someone once said to me I wonder if the problem isn't that God is not speaking but rather it's the fact that we're not listening now I found this to be powerful because I thought about my own personal relationship with the Lord and how often do we go to God with requests how often do we go to the Lord with our hands out wanting something but dear friend I believe there ought to come a time in our lives where we go to God with the intention of hearing him there has to come a time in your life as a Christian where your prayer is Lord speak to me speak to me concerning my family speak to me concerning my plans my dreams and Ambitions speak to me concerning your will for my life now how does God speak and what are some of the signs that God is speaking to you well God can speak to us by impressing something on our spirit many people have testified saying they had a strong urge to wake up and pray for someone only to find that the person they did pray for was in desperate need of help or Aid others have testified how they had an unusual strong feeling and urge to go a certain direction in a different direction to their usual way only to find that if they had gone that way there was danger around the corner I have even heard of people saying they were uneasy they sense something was off when a certain person came around only to find out later on that that person was involved in a cultic activity so you see the Lord can speak to you by impressing something on your spirit here are two verses that we can see this happening acts 17:16 now while Paul waited for them at Athens his Spirit was provoked within him when he saw that the city was given over to idols and also in acts 18:5 when Silas and Timothy had come from Macedonia Paul was compelled by the spirit and testified to the Jews that Jesus is the Christ on both occasions God or the spirit of God made an impression on Paul that provoked compelled and called him to action and to put this into context we need to understand that Romans 8:16 tells us the spirit himself Bears Witness with our spirit and in other translations say the spirit himself testifies with our spirit or joins with our spirit this could be called intuition impression inner Consciousness or inspiration but all in all it comes in a number of different ways another way that God speaks is through a still Small Voice an inner voice deep within your heart have you ever had a moment where you've done something wrong you've lied and a few moments later there is a voice deep in your heart that tells you that's a lie tell the truth or perhaps you have spoken some harsh words to someone and that inner voice speaks to you and says you can't speak to someone like that apologize this I believe is the guiding voice of the Holy Spirit gentle but firm convicting but never condemning peaceful never forceful he's always leading you into truth always leading you to do right in the sight of the Lord even when no one is looking in First Kings 19:12 Elijah encounters the Lord and the Bible says and after the earthquake a fire but the Lord was not in the fire and after the fire a still Small Voice and this is one of the many ways that God speaks in a still Small Voice furthermore God can speak to you through people and by people I don't just mean anyone I mean through the counsil of Godly prayerful people the Bible in Proverbs 15:22 tells us plans go wrong for lack of advice many advisors bring success God can and often does confirm his message to you through the counsel of other God-fearing Believers when other people who have also sought after God's wisdom are in agreement and encourage you to take the step that you feel led to take when they confirm the dire ction you're considering it's a powerful sign that we're on the right path maybe you've been hurt by people in your life maybe right now you're wondering who you can trust maybe you're wondering who it is that can fill that longing for love and companionship deep inside your soul there is only one person who can do that and his name is Jesus have you met him a woman who once had an issue of blood would tell you that she met Jesus she met him and she knew him to be a Healer there's a man a thief who was crucified next to Jesus and in his dying moment this thief came to know Jesus as a savior have you met the man who has the authority to speak calm into the storms of your life he walks on water he's the lion of the tribe of Judah have you met him when you meet Jesus Christ there has to be a change you cannot encounter the precious lamb of God and remain the same those addicted will be free those in pain will be restored those who lack will find abundance in him have you met Jesus Christ have you met the one and only person who has ever uttered the words come to me all you who are weary and heavy ladened and I will give you rest if you haven't met him if you haven't met Jesus Christ don't waste another moment don't waste another day invite him into your life into your heart to day have you ever heard the saying just say a prayer and weather the storm well there is much more to it when it comes to surviving a storm in your life Jesus gave us wonderful advice when it comes to Preparing and surviving the storms of life in Matthew 7: 24- 27 the Bible reads everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock and the rain fell and the floods came and the winds blew and beat on that house but it did not fall because it had been founded on the Rock and everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand and the rain fell and the floods came and the winds blew and beat against that house and it fell and great was the fall of it I want us to pay attention to this teaching a wise person a wise believer will build their house on a firm foundation on a sturdy and strong Foundation this is so that when the forces of nature wreak havoc on that house the strong foundation will hold it in place so that the house doesn't go under or it's not blown away a strong foundation will keep the house steady whenever nature attacks in the form of strong winds hurricanes or earthquakes a strong Foundation doesn't just benefit the house it also benefits the occupants because it is a safe refuge for all inside and so when the Bible tells us to be like a wise man who built his house on the rock it's telling us that we need to build our faith on the Firm Foundation that is Jesus Christ we're being told to place Our Hope on the solid foundation that is Jesus Christ this is because when the forces of evil try to wreak havoc on your life the strong foundation on which your faith is built upon will not be overcome the walls in your life will not be breached when you have built your foundation on the solid rock that is Jesus Christ you are not shaken by the earthquakes of life you are not blown away by The Winds of life you are not taken

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