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THIS WILL KILL YOUR LAZINESS | Buddha story on laziness |

[Music] once there was a man who lived in a city he was very lazy and he knew it he would always delay his work and would not do it well his family and friends were unhappy with him due to this he felt sad and guilty about his laziness one day he decided to seek help from Gautam Buddha he went to the place where Buddha was staying and said oh Lord please help me I am very lazy and I cannot do anything properly I always keep delaying things and I am very careless everyone hates me because of my laziness please tell me what to do Buddha smiled and asked him how do you know that you are lazy and what kind of laziness do you have the man said I am not sure what laziness is but I know it is not good it makes me feel exhausted and dull all the time I have no motivation to work I always delay my work and when I have to do it I do it without any trust or enjoyment please tell me how to overcome it Buddha said laziness is a state of mind it is a feeling a thought an emotion that we create in ourselves there are two types of laziness physical and mental physical easiness is caused by three reasons the first reason is the food we eat when we eat food that is unhealthy heavy or unnatural it makes our bodies sluggish and weak it drains our energy and vitality our body needs food that is fresh Light and natural to function well the food we eat affects our mood and behavior therefore if you want to avoid physical laziness then eat food that is light easily digestible good for your body and mind eat food that comes from nature not from factories or machines then Buddha said the second cause or physical easiness is our posture and movement when you sit keep your spine straight and not bent this will help your energy flow upwards and improve your blood circulation and digestion when we sit sleep or walk in a wrong way we create tension and stress in our body our body becomes stiff and digit and then it becomes hard for us to work with this tense and tight body then Buddha pointed to the monks who lived with him and said look at these monks carefully they have a balance in their posture and movement when they sit they sit with a straight spine alertness and awareness and when they walk they walk straight with Grace they do not waste their energy or time on unnecessary movements or actions they are mindful of their body and breath the third cause of physical laziness is in proper sleep pattern sleeping enough is important for our body's activeness and energy but sleep should be balanced not too much or not too little too little sleep makes us sleepy and dull too much sleep makes us lazy and lethargic we need to sleep just enough to rest our body and mind we need to wake up early in the morning and start our day with freshness and enthusiasm to wake up early we need to sleep early at night sleeping early and waking up early keeps our body and mind active then we feel active and energetic all the day look at these mocks of the monastery they have a fixed sleeping time that's why they wake up early in the morning they have a discipline which brings balance to their life then Buddha said these were the three reasons of physical laziness now I will tell you reasons for mental laziness the first cause of laziness had mental level is procrastination procrastination means putting of task that we should do now delaying or avoiding task makes us stressed and worried we often don't notice this bad habit until it becomes a big part of our lives and start causing problems the simple way to fix this bad habit is to do things straight well if something can be accomplished today then it is best not to postpone it for tomorrow the second cause of mental illness is self-doubt we often believe that we are incapable of doing a task because we have previously failed at it however we neglect to remind ourselves that we have grown and learned since then we are different now and we can do better to stop being lazy in our mind we need to be confident in ourselves we need to see our growth and Trust our new skills to face and solve problems then Buddha said the third reason for mental laziness is not having a clear goal suppose you are stuck in a deserted place and you are thirsty what will you do now the man said I would search for a village nearby to find water Buddha said but if you don't find a village what will you do the man said even then I would try to find a village because I don't have any other option then Buddha said you see when there is Clarity and a big reason to do a task then there can't be laziness if you don't have any goals you won't feel like doing anything so it is important to have something you are aiming for to keep you motivated the fourth cause of mental laziness is not having a big reason or urgency to do something suppose you are carrying precious jewels in a deserted place you are tired and want to sit down thinking that you sit under a tree suddenly you see that it acquired is coming from the front will your laziness stop you from running even in such situation no you are laziness only stops you from doing those tasks for which there is no big reason or urgency to do where there is a Clarity and a big reason to do a task there can't be laziness the fifth reason for mental easiness is living with lazy and narrow-minded people many times it has been seen that we are not lazy but living with such people we also become like them therefore keep yourself away from such lazy people after saying that Buddha became silent the man listen to Buddha's words carefully and understood them he realized that his laziness was his own creation and he could change it with his own efforts then he thanked Buddha for his guidance and advice he decided to follow Buddha's advice and change his lifestyle and mindset [Music] in our lives we will find that we often let laziness control our life but if we want to get rid of it then we need to understand the physical and mental causes behind laziness like in this story Buddha said physical laziness comes from our choices like poor lifestyle overeating habits and lack of sleep whereas mental laziness often stems from self-doubt being around lazy people procrastination and not having clear goals or having strong reasons for our task but by taking care of our body believing in ourselves surrounding ourselves with motivated people doing tasks promptly and setting clear goals we can overcome laziness remember that with a clear goal and strong reason there is no room for laziness laziness is a state of mind that we can change with our own willpower and determination therefore whenever in your life you feel that you are becoming victim of laziness remember that laziness is not our destiny but our choice [Music]

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