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This teaching of buddha will lead you on path to liberation |

What happened on that One Day Buddhagiri Spiritual Discourses in a Monastery I have people gathered to listen to him away and officer he concluded handset wake up time going out of St. John's pet after the meeting was finished his attitude decided plan and let's go for a little Lagaiye Anand worked well with both they just read them and get off the monastery they stopped at one side and two let people go out before coming out one by one of the earliest there certainly a woman came out of regret to Mithila Shivaji Hari thing set up last one is made answer eat today dance for scheduled at a rich merchant's but I have Gautam about you set time is running out in the morning immediately remember this thank you so much for reminding me after saying this she left after she left This came towards only set up platform I will not write anything from do I am this exorbitant today he has to go for gallery in house but to remember alone when this at times even in order for hand thank you so much for reminding beam of light IS AFTER THIS LEFT HAND WATCH MAN WALKING ALOLI'S MUTO GUPTA AND TALAMEL SET UP BLESSED ONE TRUE HEART ME WHOLE LIFE FESTIVAL TER LOVE ALL THINGS HAVE BEEN VERY MATT RELATIVE PERSON TODAY ONE JUICE AD WAKE UP TIME IS MEANING OF RODENT YOUR WORDS OF IT IS Now I Have Realized That But If It Is Approaching Wild Beast May Live From Today I Want To Give All Worldly Attachments For Nirvana That I Have From One Left Buddha To Anand Look Anant Agadha To Bigg Boss To All But Meaning Of Medical Course Was Interrupted Different Or f-35 batman vs the answer understood my words differently and women folk dance in different chances of that person then different understanding and this one for barfbari in this old man understood what is differently and decided to strive for nirvana interest office live in fact this Old Man Understand Why Girls In Correct My Name Is Morvan Hai Bag More He Receive Charity Similarly For Nirvana Bag Of Mind Has To Bhiwandi Fit For This Is It Is Very Important For The Mind To Be Pure That Records Only A Pure Mind Can Understand The True Meaning After a surgeon, I am the father will find out that you are also like dancer and liked this will listen to me sir months and this course but they never tried to go for Nirvana because in their mind it is not pure this fool wish to achieve. Liberation Dhan They Need To Purify Our Mind First Only When Will Be Easy Able To Understand The True Meaning For Buddhist Teachings On Who Is This Is Bar Joe Feature Stories Thanks For Watching Ajay Ko Ajay Ko [Music]

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