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This Is Why Women’s Entry Is Banned Into Temple – Sadhguru Explains

If you make laws which tend to be discriminatory for women, it cannot be a justification that we are doing it for their benefit. I can't help it if he's not satisfied with the same issue. He should be Alright. sir still not addressing the point that who are you and I sitting here do make prescriptions for women and say that this is harmful for you and don't do it or this is not harmful and. You shouldn't do it, you please ask a question. I'm not that dumb that a question needs to be explained to me. You do not know the culture of this nation. You're talking simply activism. Because because I'm Catholic right? the next person, if I'm not wrong, was Joe. So. Hello, Jaggi Vasudev Sir my my question. I want tell you that. I was also very impressed by your commitment to rule of law. That was evident from the discussions that you've had in the same light I just want to ask you that in one of the blogs that you have written in your website, you speak about women's entry to shani temples, and there you say that. Look, the reason why they shouldn't be allowed is because there are planetary forces and it's not good for women to enter these temples. In the same vein, I just want to tell you a little bit about the law on the point There are Supreme Court judgments which say that if you want if you make laws which tend to be discriminatory for women, it cannot be a justification that we are doing it for their benefit. That cannot be the justification for any law that discriminate against women. This is the law of the land. So in that same vein, would you say that, you know, if that is the law of the land and you are committed to the ideals of law, then one, how do you justify that just. About Shani Shingnapur First of all, you have a misunderstanding that Indian temple is a place of prayer. Indian temple is not a place of prayer. I want you to know this. Different temples were built in different ways for specific purposes. Shani Temple is built for occult purposes. So what what people call this black magic or whatever, you know, there are certain occult practices, where the occult practices are being done. Women in state of pregnancy and menstrual cycles. It could seriously impact their life. So they said women should not go. It was also designed that on a certain day, the woman in a certain condition on a full moon day, she can go other days. These are prescriptions. These are not restrictions. These are prescriptions. These are not discriminations. These are done with the specific intent or now that you're talking about women's rights. Why don't you fight for the men's rights? In our temple, the Bhairavi temple that we have. Men are not allowed inside the sanctum. Why don't you stand up and fight for that? I will tell you why they're not allowed. That temple is only for the woman. Men are not allowed. Why is it a discrimination? It is not about discrimination. It is a certain dimension of life. If you go by this crude sense of equality, you will harm the woman immensely. There are millions of temples open to everybody. suddenly why discrimination will come in one temple. What are you talking about? This is not a culture which discriminated against woman. There are more female deities in this country than male deities Every village you go there is an Amma Temple there is the devi (female god) temple. And you think it's discrimination? This these are. These are very rudimentary ideas picked up from the West. You have not seen this culture. You are not understood the profound ness with which is run and fortunately, because of 15, 20 generations of poverty, we have kind of mixed it up and made a mess out of it. That is a different matter. So. So this I can't help it if he's not satisfied with the same issue as he should be. Otherwise, this crude sense of knowledge that you're talking about, the knowledge that's coming from the Supreme Court of the country, who is speaking? So this crude sense of knowledge that you see is the knowledge that's coming from the Supreme Court of the country. No, no, you are. No, no, no. You are me. So you're still not addressing the point that what who are you and I sitting here do, make prescriptions for women and say that this is harmful for you and hence you don't do it or this is not harmful and you shouldn't do it. It's not up for you. And I to do it. If they if it's harmful and they still want to do it, they are free to do it I mean, you say that what people want to do in their bedroom? It's an individual choice. If women want to do this, they want to. Do you ask a question? Please you please ask a question. I'm not that dumb that a question needs to be explained to me. You ask a question. You didn't answer it the first time. Question again, let me answer this. Right. The question is, who are you to tell the ladies whether they should go to this or not? I'm saying they should have the option. I'm saying they should have the option. So, I mean, just to give a similar example to alcohol. I got it. There are hundreds of temples in the country where men cannot enter. So you've men's. history There's a history of discrimination. That's a different matter to you mixing up two things. There is an unfortunate history of discrimination on all levels. That's a different matter that has to be settled in a different way. But when a specific aspect comes, if you want to rule out all the subtler aspects of life and just say, this is it anyway, let me tell you this, this I'm on camera. Let me tell you this, OK? Supreme Court is there to interpret the Constitution. It cannot create a new constitution. There are laws where there are public places and there are private temples and private places of worship. How it should be done there is left to them. It is for them to decide how it happens. Is it happening simply because of a discrimination against agenda If it is so, it must be struck down. Absolutely. But if there are other aspects to it, if you think you cannot consider anything else, then it's ridiculous. It becomes ridiculous. It's like saying, Don't I have the right to enter the ladies toilet? What nonsense is this? Do you need a law? You just need sense that you don't go there Joe Is your question is Answered No, it's not answered. But that's OK. It's not answered. Shall we answer, Mr. Joe? OK, so I'm OK. There's a difference between a man not allowed to enter a woman's toilet a women's toilet, and use you using this. Not saying he's not allowed. A man who is a man will not enter thats all I'm saying So that's a really stupid analogy that you're saying. So we are we are discussing the question of women's entry to temple I did not allow one to say, well, I'll tell you something, you can continue To the problem, sir. you Mr. Joe you do not know the culture of this nation. You're talking simply activism. Yeah, because because of I'm catholic right? Because in this country, in this culture, the idea of discrimination, never arose I want you to understand, even b

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