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This Is Serious! Beware Of Strange Demonic Manifestations

there is a tendency for believers to shy away from any talk of demons because they feel being labeled as fanatical or foolish there's a tendency for believers to gravitate toward the scriptures of protection hope and mercy but ignore scriptures like James 2 verse 19 which says you believe that God is one you do well even the demons believe and shudder the spirit realm is as real as the screen in front of you demons are as real as the Angels We love to read about when it comes to our protection demons are nothing to fear or be afraid of because we are offered power and protection through the blood of Jesus Christ however this is no excuse to be ignorant of the fact that demons unclean and evil spirits still operate in the world today [Music] if you didn't know demons can see they have eyes and they can recognize who this person is or who that person is just read Mark chapter 3 and 11 and you'll find it says and whenever the unclean Spirit saw him they fell down before him and cried out you are the son of God they saw him and they knew to take it a step further demons can teach albeit falsely but they can still possess a person to teach heresy just read first Timothy 4 verse 1. now the spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the Faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons did you get that teachings of demons I'm highlighting all of this so the scales can be removed from your eyes need to realize who we are up against and what we are up against you know what's dangerous for a Christian if there was a massive warning sign on a road called Christianity do you know what that warning sign would say it would say in bold capital letters driver beware do not travel this journey with a lack of knowledge you see there are serious consequences to having a lack of knowledge and I can tell you that this is the biggest weakness when it comes to the average Christian you see the average Christian is a surface level Bible reader meaning they read the Bible but they don't intentionally study the Bible they read God's word but they don't intentionally seek to gain knowledge from the Bible and that's the problem the first line in Hosea chapter 4 verse 6 says my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge [Music] a lack of knowledge have you ever met another believer who is in the middle of a spiritual battle but they don't know that they're in one I mean they are being attacked left right and Center their marriage is under attack and they think it's their friends who are the problem they they're sick in their bodies but the doctor can't seem to find a Cause their money isn't adding up even though they have automated their saving nothing makes sense to them regardless of what's going on because there is a lack of knowledge and I say a lack of knowledge because a surface level Christian would fight everyone and everything in front of them but a mature believer a mature believer with no Ephesians 6 12 which says that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against the rulers against the authorities against the cosmic Powers over this present Darkness against the spiritual forces of evil in the Heavenly places Saints this is the knowledge that we need to know that our fight is not in this Physical Realm but it's in the Supernatural Realm and the thing is the spiritual realm can often manifest itself in the Physical Realm which is what can throw off the surface level believer whenever you take a seat in church and you listen to the word of God being preached you're opening yourself up to the Holy Spirit and the power of God to touch your heart whenever you sit with a group of friends or your family even and open up the Bible and study God's word you're opening yourself up to be touched by the power of the Holy Spirit to be transformed and renewed in your mind through God's word even when you worship you're creating an atmosphere whereby you invite God's presence and therefore you open up your spirit to be touched by God but what happens when you do the opposite what happens when you sit down close your eyes put your headphones on and begin to listen to ungodly music don't you think you're opening yourself up to receive whatever spirit is behind that music or whatever spirit is behind that artist what happens when you sit in front of the television and watch movies that conjure up the spirit of lust do you not think you've opened yourself up to perceive a lustful Spirit or at the very least lustful thoughts the same applies when you delve into material or contents like horror and the ungodly Supernatural are you not opening yourself up to receive the spirit of fear now for those who will argue about the reality of receiving a spirit I'll tell you two things if we open our hearts and accept that Jesus Christ is Lord and savior we receive the Holy Spirit just read Acts 2 verse 38 it says and Peter said to them repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the Forgiveness of your sins and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit so if we can open our hearts to the Lord and receive the Holy Spirit why would you think that you can open yourself up to ungodly things and not risk receiving an ungodly spirit the Bible says in second Corinthians 11 verse 3 to 4 but I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ for if someone comes and proclaims another Jesus then the one we proclaimed or if you receive a different Spirit from the one you received or if you accept a different gospel from the one you accepted you put up with it readily enough notice that the Bible is explicitly warning against receiving a different Spirit other than the Holy Spirit let me read you that line again in verse 4 from the voice translation it says so then if someone comes along and presents you with a Jesus different from the one we told you about or if you receive a spirit different from the one gifted through our lord Jesus or even if you hear a gospel different from the one you heard through us so you see you can receive other spirits other spirits that are not from God other spirits that aren't the Holy Spirit and there are people out there plagued by all sorts of things there are people Bound by so many things things that aren't from God and you see the problem is that they are opening themselves up to so many ungodly things and here's the thing when you listen to ungodly music music That's filled with profanity music that fuels lust then you're opening your spirit up to receive something that's not from God when you sit and watch all kinds of demonic movies or sexually explicit films you're opening up your spirit to receive something that's not from God when you fornicate you are opening yourself up because the Bible says two will become one flesh and so here's what we need to know thank you the Bible tells us to give no room to the devil no room

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