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This Is How You Know Your Blessings Are Being Blocked

here's a question for you what is it that you have hidden in your heart what kind of skeletons are in your closet because here's the truth some of us are carrying prisoners in our hearts prisoners who are caged behind the bars of unforgiveness in your hearts you still haven't forgiven sarah for that comment even though it's been months since you saw her in your heart you still have jack in a jail of unforgiveness even though you graduated from college 10 years ago yes indeed some of us have many skeletons from yesteryear hidden away however let me tell you the worst type of skeleton you could hide in your heart the worst thing to hide within your heart is sin a hidden sin unrepented sin a behind the closed doors type of sin dare i say the sin you enjoy the most is usually the one you hide the best but my dear friends do not i repeat do not mock the lord he is not on our level we can't pull a fast one over the creator here's what the amplified translation for luke 12 verse 2 and 3 says but there is nothing so carefully concealed that it will not be revealed nor so hidden that it will not be made known for that reason whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light and what you have whispered behind closed doors will be proclaimed on the housetops so you can have skeletons hidden in the closet of your heart you can keep hundreds of people caged up in prisons prisons of jealousy prisons of lust prisons of unforgiveness you can carefully conceal them all you like and the fbi will never know about it your pastor will never suspect a thing your family won't have a clue but hear me when i say this proverbs 15 verse 3 the eyes of the lord are in every place watching the evil and the good in all their endeavors [Music] so what happens if you choose to hide your sin what happens when you tolerate that sin for so long that you begin to water it down and call it a guilty pleasure well the bible says in proverbs 28 verse 13 he who covers his sin will not prosper but whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy that's a powerful verse because as humans we can sometimes be immature and ignorant to think that just because we've been able to hide and conceal our sins from friends and family we mistakenly think that we can do it to god too however trying to hide sin from god is like running away from your shadow you can't do it you cannot hide a thing from the lord you can't run away from him because he knows everything your family and friends might not know about your secret sin but god god knows so i encourage you to clear out your closet remove all skeletons and get them out of your heart they do more harm to you than you could do to them and if you're asking the question how do i clear my closet and remove skeletons well you begin by confessing that very thing put it on the altar and repent of that sin the amplified translation of proverbs 28 verse 13 says he who conceals his transgressions will not prosper but whoever confesses and turns away from his sins will find compassion and mercy the bible says that anyone who conceals his transgressions in other words anyone who hides his or her sins will not prosper now perhaps you're not where you want to be in life and you're asking questions like what's blocking my success what's blocking my family from progressing and elevating what's blocking my business well the bible tells you here in proverbs 28 13 that if you conceal your transgressions you will not prosper but whoever confesses and turns away from his sins will find compassion and mercy if you hide your sins you will not prosper too many of us are so quick to jump and point fingers at the devil we're quick to rebuke satan when in actual fact some of our problems are down to us concealing our transgressions sometimes it's not the devil pulling you back it's that unconfessed sin sometimes it's not a demon blocking your progress it's you trying to keep god on one side of your heart and keep your sin on the other side you see i love god's word because it's multifaceted there are layers upon layers of depth and for this problem of hidden sins the solution is also provided by the same scripture read proverbs 28 13 once again and you'll see what i mean the bible says he who conceals his transgressions will not prosper but whoever confesses and turns away from his sins will find compassion and mercy confess and turn away from your sins from your hidden sins and you'll find compassion and mercy that's the solution if you confess and turn away from the things hidden in your closet and you will find compassion and mercy if you confess and turn away from the skeletons in your heart and you'll find compassion and mercy so let them go whoever they are whatever they did to you let them go don't continue to keep prisoners in your heart don't continue to have people in cages release them and repent we as children of god are called to forgive we are called to walk in the light scripture says you are to be holy because i am holy so i encourage you to clear out your closet deep clean your heart with the blood of jesus christ there's not enough room for god and all the prisoners from your past pray for healing if you must pray for the lord to give you the grace and ability to simply let go let go of every skeleton every person every pain and hurt because it profits you nothing to hold on to it instead you should really be clearing out your heart so that there is plenty of room for jesus christ to fill you and you should allow him to there will certainly be a mighty outpouring of the holy spirit over your life [Music] he who conceals his transgressions will not prosper but whoever confesses and turns away from his sins will find compassion and mercy confess and turn away from your sins [Music] you

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