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Theory of Evolution – 15000 Years Before Charles Darwin! | Sadhguru

this is running absolutely parallel to darwin's theory of evolution this is 15 000 years ago evolutionary memory is deciding that you only take human form so he looked at his evolutionary memory and he says first we were fish he even mentions this unless there is some significant change in the solar system you cannot evolve physically charles darwin 152 years ago he was born 200 years ago but when he was 52 he propounded his theory of evolution 15 000 years ago adi yogi said this i want you to care look at this carefully if you know you know something about darwin's theory of evolution no just about the fact that you were a monkey not just that something more that one knowledge is good but adi yogi said the first form of life on this planet was in water well you have heard about this in so many different ways people told you there are nine avatars yes can you tell me what are the nine authors you must understand this right now people have started looking at these names as people look at them as qualities first form of life was fish darwin also agrees it was in the water second development on the planet is amphibious life kurma half in the water started picnicking on the land then many other creatures in between but the next significant life is mammalian life among the mammals the first one is the boar even today you will see you have wild boar in rogerson [Music] wild boar or a pig is the most physical animal of all the animals you will find in the sense it is so strongly rooted in its body that even you know if people go to hunt a wild boar or something you can't kill it easily where we are we are next to the rain forest there are tribal villages these boys who go to school i am talking about 10 12 year old boys when they're coming back if they see a deer they will take sticks they'll just pick up sticks somewhere attack the deer and kill it i'm saying school boys with a stick that's how other mammals are made you also one knock on your head you'll fall dead but this is not the way a wild boar is it doesn't die easily because it's so rooted in its physicality even today if you see somebody overly physical you say he is like a pig no because pig represents excessive physicality so the first mammal he is describing is a boar or a pig what is next narasimha half man half animal next is vamana a dwarfed man next is a full-fledged man who is parasurama but emotionally volatile so volatile he lopped off his own mother's head next is rama a peaceful man next is krishna a loving man next is buddha a meditative man next is supposed to be a mystical man everybody's claiming it's me it's me it's me you need to understand these are not people those people are representative of those qualities that we are talking about so life evolved like this this is running believe me this is running absolutely parallel to darwin's theory of evolution this is 15 000 years ago this he did not go to galapagos islands and put things under microscope and look he sat there with his eyes closed and saw that if you go deep enough into this there is an evolutionary memory in this if there was no evolutionary memory suppose you're a man and you eat a watermelon it becomes a man after some time yes now you're a woman if you eat a watermelon it'll become a woman if a cow eats a watermelon it becomes a cow why this is happening is there is something called as evolutionary memory and genetic memory here evolutionary memory is deciding that you only take human form not suddenly you eat a smart watermelon and you got confused and became a cow such thing will never happen okay and there is genetic memory which clearly says this is a woman's body eat whatever you want this will only become a woman not a man because the genetic memory is intact why people are fighting against genetic engineering is because of this once you meddle the plants and then the animals then it'll come to you then you don't know if they do some mistake you will become half man half animal once again we don't know what will happen so that is the resistance for genetic engineering because once you start meddling with the basic material you don't know what will happen because we have not figured it completely so he looked at his evolutionary memory and he says first we were fish then we were this this this all the nine things and now you're here now that you're here you've taken on this human form if you want to evolve from here you can only consciously evolve your physical evolution is over for this there is an entire mathematic as to why your physical evolution is over there are many many aspects of it i will not go into the mathematics because a few ladies just shook their head no we don't want mathematics but there is no mysticism without mathematics to put it very simply the nature of who you are right now is a consequence a complex amalgamation of memory of variety of memories that you have you have this kind of body because of evolutionary and genetic memory you like this you dislike that because of various levels of unconscious subconscious karmic and other types of memory you have no control over it what you like and what you dislike most of the time you will have to strive hard to rise about that because memory is determining everything about you so when we say evolution in a way we are talking about the play of memory and the building of experience and growing into various levels so he's saying if you're willing to strive you can transcend everything that limits you only thing is your physical body is not designed to change anymore because with this solar system he even mentions this unless there is some significant change in the solar system you cannot evolve physically they naturally asked you have grasped so much but our brains are struggling [Music] can we grow this a little bit he said no in a different way but today modern neuroscientists are saying this your brain consumes 20 of the energy generated in this body though it is only this much i'm sorry am i showing too small okay though it is only this much and it is light weight because mostly it's air in spite of that it consumes twenty percent of the energy generated in your body [Music] the rest of the body so much consumes remaining eighty percent so if you want to increase your intelligence whatever if you increase the size of the brain the amount of power needed for that body cannot provide so you cannot increase the size of your brain another way of making this happen is you can pack more neurons into the same size then you may have sparkling intelligence but there will be enormous cross connections and confusion all the time and you will become super restless some of you may have children like this at home they're super restless they're intelligent but they're all over the place because too many neurons are packed in their brain now immediately you take them to a doctor they will give them one of the three alphabets atd ady xyz something something mnop no you should

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