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theJourneyofPurpose TJOP is going live!

for the comments of my previous video about being flagged from YouTube as a multiple views of we use content I do appreciate it's been a long time since 2012. the summer I think his attack 50 or 100 of you guys are still following I really appreciate the messages that still sent I do go through the comments and I'll read through them um so knowing my account has not been hacked I still have access to it but YouTube has taken a lot of my rights away and so um I think at this stage it's hard to create content that's that's going to be that YouTube will desire I think what YouTube Once More is more face-to-face more uh more original content so what I'm doing is um at this stage as you can see it's not really my favorite thing to show my face but I thought I might at least pop in and say hi finally get to say hi to the subscribers that are on on this channel I do apologize I haven't been able to create a lot of content I've been quite busy with work and it's it's been difficult of course with the challenges with copyright issues I do want to of course create more genuine content for you guys and I do to have ideas that I'm constantly writing and writing over again so what I want to I guess at this point I just want to mentioned on Facebook with the groups there's a lot of spam a lot of a lot of viruses going around I got a an email from the CEO of YouTube you know saying that you know I'm flagged as a a reuse content using reuse content and then when I click the link it was a virus so I think YouTube's uh thinking that this channel is not General that's why I'm here showing my face I do want to just um Show YouTube that it is actually a real person here um so yeah just for those that are on the channel just or on the Facebook page just be careful not to click any links um yeah so I think just like it's just a quick message just to say thanks thanks for the comments I do go through them although I'm a bit slow at it and I hope in the future I'll create more content for you guys

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