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The Worst Thing You Can Do Is To Open Yourself Up To The Wrong Spirit

whenever you take a seat in church and you listen to the word of God being preached you're opening yourself up to the Holy Spirit and the power of God to touch your heart whenever you sit with a group of friends or your family even and open up the Bible and study God's word you're opening yourself up to be touched by the power of the Holy Spirit and to be transformed and renewed in your mind through God's word even when you worship you're creating an atmosphere whereby you invite God's presence and therefore you open up your spirit to be touched by God but what happens when you do the opposite what happens when you sit down close your eyes put your headphones on and begin to listen to ungodly music don't you think you're opening yourself up to receive whatever spirit is behind that music or whatever spirit is behind that artist what happens when you sit in front of the television and watch movies that conjure up the spirit of lust do you not think you've opened yourself up to perceive a lustful Spirit or at the very least lustful thoughts the same applies when you delve into material or contents like horror and the ungodly Supernatural are you not opening yourself up to receive the spirit of fear now for those who will argue about the reality of receiving a spirit I'll tell you two things if we open our hearts and accept that Jesus Christ is Lord and savior we receive the Holy Spirit just read Acts 2 verse 38 it says and Peter said to them repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the Forgiveness of your sins and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit so if we can open our hearts to the Lord and receive the Holy Spirit why would you think that you can open yourself up to ungodly things and not risk receiving an ungodly spirit the Bible says in second Corinthians 11 verse 3 to 4 but I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ for if someone comes and proclaims another Jesus then the one we proclaimed or if you receive a different Spirit from the one you received or if you accept a different gospel from the one you accepted you put up with it readily enough notice that the Bible is explicitly warning against receiving a different Spirit other than the Holy Spirit let me read you that line again in verse 4 from the voice translation it says so then if someone comes along and presents you with a Jesus different from the one we told you about or if you receive a spirit different from the one gifted through our lord Jesus or even if you hear a gospel different from the one you heard through us so you see you can receive other spirits other spirits that are not from God other spirits that aren't the Holy Spirit and there are people out there plagued by all sorts of things there are people Bound by so many things things that aren't from God and you see the problem is that they are opening themselves up to so many ungodly things and here's the thing when you listen to ungodly music music That's filled with profanity music that fuels lust then you're opening your spirit up to receive something that's not from God when you sit and watch all kinds of demonic movies or sexually explicit films you're opening up your spirit to receive something that's not from God when you fornicate you are opening yourself up because the Bible says two will become one flesh and so here's what we need to know the Bible tells us to give no room to the devil no room means no room give the devil no opportunity don't open yourself up to receive any spirit that is not from God we should only desire the Holy Spirit we should only seek to be led by the Holy Spirit we should pray to only be filled with the Holy Spirit there comes a time when you have to cut certain things out of your life maybe it's a relationship that is tempting you to sin maybe it's a habit that's turning into an addiction maybe it's a hobby that's becoming an obsession there comes a time when you have to cut out certain things it could be anything that starts off Innocent but gradually starts to become an idol anything that keeps you from pursuing Jesus and enjoying life to the fullest in him is a risk of becoming toxic and at that point it's up to you to decide you've had enough it's up to you to decide to cut ties and oftentimes we have to do these risk assessments we need to begin assessing is this worthy of my time is this even worthy of my effort is this worth my attention so if you recognize that something just isn't right don't be afraid to cut that ungodly friendship don't be afraid to cut that dangerous career path don't be afraid to cut that Hobby Proverbs 13 verse 20 says whoever walks with the wise becomes wise but the companion of fools will suffer harm we can't always avoid temptation but we can avoid intentionally putting ourselves in tempting situations and there are certain people and conditions that bring out the worst in US ultimately we must value our relationship with God over our comfort we must value our spiritual health over our Earthly satisfaction the longer we remain connected to something the more dependent on it we become we should never rely completely on one person or activity to make us happy people change circumstances change but the Bible says that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever if he is calling you to cut ties with something or someone you value then do it nothing and no one should be placed above Jesus Christ in your life maybe he's showing you that your heart isn't in the right place losing those relationships isn't God's punishment it's his Mercy it's his way of showing you that he is sufficient for you cutting ties doesn't mean you're giving up it doesn't mean you don't care it simply means that you are choosing wisely to walk away before you get hurt even more and if you're waiting for the right time you'll be waiting forever it's often easier to get it over with so that you can begin to heal cutting ties will likely be difficult it might cause some Growing Pains as you get acclimated to living without that person or that thing in your life you might feel helpless and Afraid at first it might hurt to lose something or to lose that friendship but in time you can trust that God will help you to breathe on your own in time God will show you that it was all working for your good

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