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The World Is Actually READY For The Antichrist

do you hear that those are footsteps the footsteps of the most Sinister man that will ever walk this Earth and if you look closely if you listen carefully if you study God's word diligently you will see the signs the Antichrist is coming the groundwork is being laid in this world and it's only a matter of time until he is revealed but before I get to him let me tell you that throughout history the world has seen many evil men there was Cain the first person to commit murder on the earth and his victim was his own flesh and blood his brother Abel then there was Pharaoh a cruel man with a hard and stubborn heart Pharaoh was a man that repeatedly refused to release the Israelites From Slavery even while experiencing Supernatural plagues from God these 10 plagues included water turning to blood an outbreak of frogs an outbreak of lice and and flies Darkness covering the entire land and the most frightening of those plagues was to do with the angel of death but despite all of this Pharaoh's heart remained evil and hardened and there's even Judas a man who the Bible explicitly States in Luke 22:3 that Satan entered into Judas called Iscariot who was of the number of the 12 Satan entered Judas he became possessed by the devil and betrayed Jesus but there is a man who is yet to be revealed who will be far more evil than every biblical villain since the Book of Genesis the Bible tells us in Daniel 7:25 that he will speak against the most high and oppress his holy people and try to change the set times and the laws the holy people will be delivered into his hands for a time times and half a Time the Antichrist will literally oppose Jesus Christ in every way if you think it's hard to be a Christian now then the persecution that Christians will see when the Antichrist is in power will be unimaginable now I want to read a few verses and then we can dive into the meaning of these Revelation 13:1 Begins by saying the dragon stood on the shore of the sea and I saw a beast coming out of the sea it had 10 horns and seven heads with 10 crowns on its horns and on each head a Blasphemous name the dragon is the devil it's Satan himself and we know this because in Revelation 20:2 the Bible clearly says he seized the dragon that ancient serpent who is the devil or Satan and bound him for a thousand years so back to Revelation 13 the dragon stood on the shore of the sea and then a beast came out of the sea this Beast is widely believed by many biblical Scholars to be the Antichrist and here's why as I read chapter 13 I want you to listen to the power and ability given to this Beast I won't focus so much on the symbolism described in the chapter but I want us to focus on what the Bible says this Beast will do in the world verse 4 to8 reads people worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the Beast and they also worshiped the Beast and asked who is like the Beast who can wage war against it the Beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise its Authority for 42 months it opened its mouth to blaspheme God and to slander his name and his dwelling place and those who live in heaven it was given power to wage war against God's holy people and to conquer them and it was given authority over every tribe people language and Nation all inhabitants of the earth will worship the Beast all whose names have not been written in the Lamb's Book of Life life a lamb who was slain from the creation of the world so here's what we can establish from this passage there will be people in this world who will worship and idolize the Antichrist because he will suffer what the Bible calls a fatal wound many speculate and think that it will be an assassination attempt but whatever it is it will be something that looks to be fatal but the Antichrist will somehow be healed and this will lead many to be filled with wonder and follow him moving on the Antichrist will openly blaspheme against God he will openly speak against Jesus Christ and seek to insult the name of the Lord think about that the Antichrist will be the Devil Himself but as a human he may initially be a politician a scholar a wealthy businessman whatever his background is his agenda will be clear and his stance will be clear he will stand against the Gospel of Jesus Christ and seek to be worshiped himself now he will be given power and authority on the earth for 42 months which is 3 and 1/2 years and within that time he will have power over every tribe and people and language and Nation think about that for a moment if you have power over every tribe and people and language and Nation you must be in a position of global Authority you must be in a position of influence and complete comination if you're able to have power over every tribe and people and language and Nation now we're not told how this power is manifested whether it's through sheer military force or some form of dictatorship regime or simply through the forces of Darkness whatever the case may be the Beast the Antichrist will have a huge evil influence over this world when the Antichrist will come to power and deceive the masses people will be forced to take a mark on their hand or forehead in order to buy or sell anything this Mark will signify allegiance to the Antichrist and those who refuse to take it will be unable to participate or function in society imagine a world where you cannot even buy a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk without the mark of the beast imagine being completely cut off from society and forced to live off the land just to survive furthermore Christianity will be outlawed and Believers will face persecution and even death for their faith the pressure to bow down to the Antichrist will be intense families will be torn apart as loved ones choose to take the mark and turn away from God just listen to how the Bible describes the events that will happen in that day and time Revelation 13:14 to17 says and with all the Miracles he was allowed to perform on behalf of the first Beast he deceived all the people who belong to this world he ordered the people to make a great statue of the first Beast who was fatally wounded and then came back to life he was then permitted to give life to this statue so that it could speak then the statue of the Beast commanded that anyone refusing to worship it must die he required everyone small and great rich and poor free and slave to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead and no one could buy or sell anything without that Mark which was either the name of the Beast or the number representing his name picture a world where you cannot openly pray or worship god without fear of being caught and punished imagine having to hide your faith and your beliefs not knowing who you can trust in addition to this the fact that everyone small and great rich and poor free and slave everyone will need a mark to buy and sell meaning that there will be some sort of One World Currency controlled by the Antich

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