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The Scientific Research on Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya | Sadhguru

[Music] chronic ailments like diabetes hypertension asthma eating disorders and many of these kinds which are all essentially generated from within all these things can be quelled from within if only we are willing to pay a certain level of attention to the innermost dimension of who we are inner engineering is a powerful process of approaching the inner core of who you are in a scientific manner and this is definitely a way to create a healthful life up until shambhavi in january 2021 i've just been living with pain in the body the first result i'd like to point out about chamba vikria is that it's had a tremendous effect on my physical well-being somehow some way i don't know the science behind it but is keeping me free of pain being able to sit without noticing my body for long long periods of time that has just had tremendous impact on my mental and emotional stability [Music] recently these papers have been published maybe you already read it a certain group of scientists and doctors in united states from indiana university some from howard university and florida they studied people who've been practicing in engineering the genetic tendencies are changing simply with the inner engineering practices so they recorded all these things the biomarkers and everything one thing that determines the nature of your experience and your mental and emotional condition is what is called as bdnf that is brain derived neurotropic factors [Music] [Applause] [Music] so the bdnf is higher in a positive way threefold in 90 days that means keeping your emotions in balance keeping in a good state of experience and sharpness of mind and pleasantness of experience shouldn't even be a problem there's another dimension you know what is a cannabinoid in india it is known as ganja or everywhere else it's known as marijuana in different places it's known by different names but essentially these are plant extracts which have a certain influence on the mood and experience of the person but there are millions of cannabis receptors both in your brain and across the body because you are supposed to produce it you're not supposed to smoke it so now with the inner engineering practices it's clearly the biomarkers clearly establish that your endocannabinoid production is significantly higher that means you're stoned by yourself you don't need any outside help but the impact of the endocannabinoids compared to the cannabinoids that come from outside are very very different it makes you intoxicated and super alert at the same time because along with it certain other secretions happen i took inner engineering like i said this is a yoga class so it's not like a place where you go to quit smoking that's not what it's designed for but because of taking this class after a week i completely stopped smoking that's after at least 20 years of smoking a pack a day i just quit in a week and then i quit smoking marijuana a week later i started smoking marijuana when i started smoking cigarettes then anti-anxiety pills gone within the month i stopped drinking i stopped smoking i stopped doing all the drugs they're all gone which is amazing and it was it happened so effortlessly when i look back and i didn't go to this class to quit those things [Music] [Applause] [Music] genes which are fundamentally responsible for your immune system are also highly enhanced so from the laboratories in america from the top universities in america it's coming that clearly they're saying 220 genes which activate your immune system they're all elevated because of the practice you didn't drop from heaven as some people believe you evolved the qualities of an amiba an earthworm a grasshopper a buffalo every kind of beast the revolution went through elements of those qualities are still with you so these are all compulsive tendencies the evolutionary process the modern neurology recognizes that there is a part of your brain which is reptilian which is approximately the size of your fist that means it's at that stage of development which is instinctive and does things in a certain way [Music] but over that a flower of cerebral cortex evolved [Music] which is a happening which happened after human spine became erect [Music] which is what makes you human which is what gives you thoughts about universality of the existence which is what gives you an idea that everything is one which is what allows you to be a scientist this is what allows you to be a spiritual seeker but if you go back to this all you have is instincts of survival so the entire process the human effort through education to spiritual process through meditation everything is to move away from this and function from the outer dimension which is a more recent happening but this gives you a sense of seamless way of approaching life if you go to the reptilian brain of who you are fixing boundaries is all that you know so whenever you are having problems with people around you always wanting to fix your boundaries this is mine this is yours my space your space my air your air when it comes you must know you've gotten here now the spiritual process the yogic dimension is looking at how to make this because if you function only from one aspect of your brain it'll work but not enough you're not using all of it there is evidence to show that the reptilian brain can become more transparent and starts communicating with the outside part of the brain there are experiments there are studies which show that with certain practices of meditativeness reptilian brain which is always about fixing boundaries will begin to communicate with the outer part of the cerebral cortex and it functions as one brain so i don't know if you you should the flower should open up and that is why you will see all the imagery in the yogic culture flower flower small flowers small flowers mulk flower big flower it opened up if it opens up now human intelligence is functioning in a very unifying way not in a divisive way not in a way that you will become exclusive you will become inclusive inclusiveness is not a philosophy inclusiveness is the nature of the existence no other creature is able to realize this they're all busy fixing boundaries the dog is being all over the place not because of urinary problems but he's establishing a kingdom speaking them of course [Music] human beings are not any different they're doing the same things in a different way this is mine that is mine that is mine that is mine fixing a kingdom when it's possible push it a little bit when it's possible push it a little bit not possible put the wall happening all the time so something that i particularly noticed is how comfortable i am within myself my insecurities seem to have reduced a lot my relationship with others also had improved significantly i think i became more inclusive than what i was before shambhavi mahamudra just a simple practice for 21 minutes increases brain function and neuronal regeneration this means as you grow old

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