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The Real Reason Why The Russia-Ukraine War is Not Ending | Sadhguru

europe was not going that way after world war ii but now once again they're going that way we're all enjoying it when it really happens we say you're shocked you're shocked without war a lot of people cannot survive if this one and this one does not solve their problems the world's problems are never gone what i consider perhaps even symbolically like a symbolic message that uh one of the most fertile perhaps the most fertile soil on the earth is now in the country which is now in war in ukraine so what perhaps what can we say about that or um is it um i i based on my information like the uh extremely fertile ukraine is up to four meters uh the black so the the most fertile so on the earth so how do we what do we do see the thing is this when nations across the world almost without exception fortunately europe was not going that way after world war ii but now once again they're going that way almost every nation has invested enormous amount of money in building and stockpiling arms armaments bombs missiles smart bombs i don't know how a bomb can be smart it's a dumbest thing to do it is the dumbest thing to do [Applause] see at least if i pick a fight with you with a sword or a stick or something there is some crude animalistic pleasure attached to it a thousand people are sitting here you just drop a bomb all of them died i don't know what is smart about that i cannot understand this but they are talking about smart bombs where they are saying from two miles in the sky they can drop the bomb into your house through the window they're very proud of this so this is not one nation across the world all right so all of us ask people were we all thinking all these bombs are being kept for entertainment for display or it's artwork what did you think one day it will be used yes or no it has to be used somewhere the question is on whom the question is not whether it will be used or not the question is just where and on whom isn't it so when it is piling up we are all okay with it in every movie there is no movie without a bomb or at least a smashed face we are all enjoying it when it really happens we say we're shocked we're shocked it doesn't work like that life this is why i'm telling you about the soil will you grieve after the disaster or will you be that generation will turn the disaster around this is all the choice we have because this is our time on the planet how we do our life is our life isn't it so wars are almost inevitable because economies are built on war without war a lot of people cannot survive the largest industry and the planet is arms and armaments how will you not use it if i am making guns and bullets and i sell it to you and you don't shoot a single bullet i'm disappointed with you hello this happened i was at the world economic forum at that time this sudanese war was going on you know terrible war over uh 2600 000 people died out of which 50 were children below 6 years of age can you beat it 130 000 children die in one war so [Music] at that time some you know movie stars and others are going there and carrying one you know an african child is always a trophy you carry this child and take photo ops and all this is happening and they showed a video where all these militants or soldiers or whatever you want to call them they're just going in these pickup trucks simply shooting at the sky okay i said see these guys if i have a fight with you at least i need to shoot you if i'm shooting the sky that means i have abundant supply of bullets isn't it abundant supply otherwise i won't be shooting the clouds if i'm fighting a war when i shoot i want somebody to die yes or no hello i'm not i'm not going to shoot at the sky but they're shooting at the sky with automatic weapons continuously i said see somebody's supplying them plenty all right otherwise nobody will shoot at the sky i said there are 62 industries in the world who manufacture that caliber of bullet i will give you the addresses will you go and lock them up no you will go to the war zone and pick up a child and do drama all you need to do is if you take away the bullets once that runs out maybe they will hack each other but you can't kill that many hacking at least if you can't transform the human being at least you must defang him isn't it hello yeah deep means you take away his feet at least if if transformation is possible fantastic if that is not possible at least his empowerment you should bring it down isn't it so we have no intent of stopping the war let's be clear about that when it happens to us or when it happens close to us we will cry when it's happening somewhere else it's drama this inhuman attitude towards war and to killing and the suffering that other people go through must we must come out of that because most evil things have happened not necessarily because of evil intentions simply apathy you sleep through life he's sleeping a crime hello you sleep a crime hello no sleep is a good thing but if you sleep through your life your life is a disaster that is what is happening to the world both in terms of soil both in terms of and in terms of war this is what is happening we sleep through after world war ii we formed league of nations we made united nations the idea was never again such wars will happen right not just for europe for the whole world never again it will happen but since then how many wars actually if you look at it there's not been a single day's break on this planet after world war ii without at least a battle going on somewhere so we have issues we have economic issues we have property issues we have issues all right this is the idea of setting up the united nations that we will fight with our words and solve our problems we are not in such a la la land that we don't have any issues we have issues we genuinely have issues isn't it that two sets of people believe this is it that is it there but this is the idea of setting up a platform which would solve problems what has happened have we pushed it to the side and doing what we want to eat each other so 20th century 21st century when it began everybody said this is 21st century this is the age of information this is technology this that no wars tell me how many wars in 21st century how many nations have been destroyed in 21st century many too many too many for 22 years isn't it so how do we wake up see these are things that you can't turn around overnight but first thing is within your hearts your anger and hatred must go i must tell you this i used to attend a lot of world peace conferences at one time for about two years two and a half years i attended a lot of international conferences then i saw for a whole lot of people this conference hopping itself is a profession they're making a living out of it i'm the only idiot sitting there thinking we are working for world peace [Applause] i was in a very prominent conference 42 nobel laureates were participating and a few ex-heads of state and all that stuff because wh

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