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The Real Message of the Bible (it’s not what you expect)

the Bible the most insightful and misunderstood book is your personal biography it is not A Treatise of historical events and was never intended to be so the individuals mentioned therein never lived and none of the events described ever took place the Bible speaks of the inner heaven and the Earthly Earth it begins as follows in the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth and the Earth was without form and void Darkness was upon the face of the deep and the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters then God said let there be light and there was light this light refers to the heaven within you the light that shines upon your Earth is the light of your Consciousness and it shines from you the outer person referred to there as Earth is dark while the inner person or Heaven is the being that was with the still slumbering God at the beginning as your autobiography the Bible explains to you that you are being elevated from your current level of being to a higher one in the Old Testament we find the pentat the first known New Testament contain neither the letters to the Hebrews nor the books of James and Peter then there were also the Apocrypha these writings provide us with four biographical outlines of a principle not of a person it took 900 years for the Bible to take its current form therefore always keep in mind during your reading that the Kingdom of Heaven is within you you are revealed an eternal principle named Christ this principle is your hope of glory all biblical figures are aspects of your spirit which you discover as you fulfill your destiny and this Destiny is the Fulfillment of the Holy Scripture within yourself never did a man named Moses write any 10 Commandments on a stone tablet the word Stone stands for literal truth the person fixated on literal interpretation comes first and receives a series of Commandments which he has to follow thereby blocking the psychological truth as long as you only consider things from the outside your spirit is blocked and can not recognize the psychological connections but as soon as you thirst for truth and begin to apply the law your life will absorb this truth or water and turn it into wine in the state of Moses God's true name is revealed to you take this name your I am as your staff of knowledge and strike it against the stone of literal interpretation this will bring forth the psychological water drink it by putting these insights into practice and you will transform the psychological water of Truth into the wine of the spirit the biblical Garment of camel hair and a leather belt of John the Baptist refers to the spirit not the body hair and skin are the outermost things a person possesses therefore John the Baptist symbolizes the outer inwardly unadorned person the inner person is Jesus he wears the seamless robe from above and whoever wears this robe will always be welcome in the houses of Kings the New Testament teaches a comprehensive and fundamental transformation of the self termed as rebirth however John the Baptist calls it repentance and urges us to a new way of thinking about the kingdom of heaven we read that he lived in the wilderness among wild beasts well the you John living in the wilderness are you as long as you have no direction of your own and allow your emotional fluctuations to wander unrestrained and Confused only when you begin to tame and discipline your animal instincts will you gain strength from within and be baptized in the water of Truth in this Parable Matthew speaks of a sewer whose seeds fell on different types of soil your wonderful human imagination is God the sewer who said let us make man in our image as Adam or the red Earth humans are the psychological Earth into which the kingdom of heaven is planted as long as we hear but do not understand we continue to experience this in Parables the wicked one the enemy of God comes and snatches away what was sown in their heart however those who hear the message and understand it bear good fruit in the 11th chapter of Genesis we read about the Tower of Babel this Tower was built of stone representing literal truth and bitumin as mortar symbolizing Earthly ideas before the construction began there was only one language and few words but as building progressed confusion spread and soon they no longer understood each other today we find this Tower in the form of mystical groups around the world moreover enemies in your own household are your only enemies by making their teachings your truth you believe that your security depends on your bank balance or that your happiness depends on other people in this way you build a Tower of Babel yet the only reality is your Consciousness your awareness of being in a particular state of being and all opponents of this state are within you in the Beatitudes Matthew tells us that your State of Consciousness is blessed when it is clothed in soft garments for when you wear the seamless Garment of imagination you can always Ascend higher into the garden of Eden within yourself you are The Gardener of your mind into which you plant the seeds you have selected as a person of imagination you become aware of what you have planted and harvest a h hundredfold for you always become what you envision within yourself in chapter 16 of Matthew we read the story of the Pharisees and Sadducees these are not Earthly people but states of Mind as long as you believe you must do everything right outwardly know the right people and be in the right place at the right time you are a hypocritical Pharisee beware of this mindset for development always occurs internally never externally Matthew tells us that the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls when he found one of Great Value he sold everything to buy it as long as you make excuses for something outside your mind you do not have enough money to purchase this precious Pearl you must be willing to sell any belief in anything outside of yourself the path to the kingdom of heaven leads upward and always unfolds internally you cannot walk this path in garments of hair and leather you must be dressed in your finest attire which is always woven internally we continue reading that the Kingdom of Heaven is like a net thrown into the sea that catches all kinds of fish both good and bad when the net was full the fisherman pulled it ashore put the good fish in baskets and threw the bad ones away be selective choose your thoughts carefully and discard the unloving and negative ones allow only good messages in your mind and do like the good fisherman in the same chapter the question is posed do you understand this hopefully you can affirm this in Matthew we read that should not put new wine into old wine skins it is said that otherwise the Skins would burst and the wine would be spilled we are urged to put new wine into new wine skins so that both are preserved into your Consciousness the fresh wine Skins new wine must be filled through the internal fulfil

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