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The Real Meaning of Life

imagine you visited a beautiful beach then you returned the next day and there was one less grain of sand on the beach would it seem to be a different Beach so too would the universe continue in its way if Humanity did not exist to witness it the Earth is a very small stage in a vast Cosmic Arena we are more insignificant than we ever could have imagined you could get rid of us and all the galaxies and everything we see in the universe it be largely the same so we're insignificant on a scale that could cernus never would have imagined our planet is a lonely Speck in the great enveloping Cosmic dark in our obscurity in all this vastness there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves and in addition it turns out the future is miserable that should depress you but I would argue that in fact it should embold you and and provide you a different kind of consolation because if the universe doesn't care about us and if we're an accident in a remote corner of the universe in some sense it makes us more precious the meaning in our lives is is provided by us we provide our own meaning and we should enjoy our brief moment in the sun we should make the most of our brief moment in the sun because this is all we have and even if we're so rare that we're the only life forms in the universe which I doubt that makes us in some sense while we're more insignificant we're more special whether the universe cares we exist or not I do not need validation from the universe to find my own life significant the concept of an afterlife places value on what is to come rather than what it currently is thereby diminishing the importance of the here and now so when you always live towards the future your life trapped in a conceptual reality of thought forms which assumes a greater significance for you than the than the immediate reality of life which is always now because your life consists entirely of the present moment if you truly realize the significance of that statement your entire life consists of the present moment your life is never not this moment even when you remember the past you can only remember it now and when you think about the future that they need to overcome in order to get to some better point which never arrives so that's a mad way to live and it makes living hard it makes living to an effort living for the afterlife thoughtlessly following a set of what not to do rules which you cannot question that's basically devaluing your life in favor of worshiping that if if an afterlife is something greater to look forward to then relatively speaking our current life is lesser and so we stop appreciating something that is for something that could be try and imagine what it will be like to go to sleep and never wake up you will find out among other things that it will pose the next question to you what was it like to wake up after having never gone to sleep that was when you were [Music] [Music] born [Music] the [Applause] [Music] B [Music] Maybe [Music] oh

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