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Once Upon a Time on a dark night a caravan stayed at an inn in the desert the Caravan had 100 camels the merchants tied the camel with ropes and pegs but they found that one camel was left untight they were somehow missing one rope and one peg it was midnight and the shops were closed by then so there was no way of getting a rope or Peg at that hour they went to the honer of the in woke him up and requested if he could spare a Peg and a rope as they had misplaced one they said that they could tie 99 of their camels but the hunter one remain unded it was a dark night and there was a possibility that the camel May vender off the old man was very wise he was famous for his wisdom in that area the old man said don't be worried I do not have any Peg or Rob but you people do one thing just go dig the peg tie the rope and tell the camel to sleep those men got irritated and said are you crazy if we had any Peg or Rob then why would we come to you which Peg do we dig and with which rope do we tie the camel the old man laughed and said you can just dig an imaginary Peg and tie the camel with an imaginary row go and act as if you are digging the pag and mimic as if you are tying a rope around the camel's neck it is a dark night even men can mislead this is just an animal go and do as I have said tell the camel to sleep and it will no one trusted the old man but they had no option so they went and did what the old man had suggested they dug a hole inserted the peg which was not there and hit the ground with hammer after that they acted as if they were tying the Rope around camel's neck the Rope which was not there and surprisingly as soon as the camel heard the sound of digging and hammering Peg as per everyday's routine it sat down and went to sleep they were very confused and surprised but they two went and slept for night the next morning they got up early as the Caravan had to travel in the morning they removed the ropes of those 99 camels removed the pegs and the camels got up but the 100 camel which was not actually tied did not get up they pushed him and tried all possible ways to make him get up but in v the camel did not get up they were surprised that last night it was understandable due to Darkness but even in the bright daylight the camel was not getting up they kept on pushing the camel but camel did not budge they went in and asked the old wise man what magic he has done on Camel that he was refusing to get up the Old Man simply asked did you remove the Peg and untie the Rope but the man said which pack they should remove and which rope they should untie none of these is there the old man laughed and said the way the camel was tied last night it will have to be untied in the same way do exactly what you did last night just act to remove the Peg and untie the Rope the merchants were helpless so without further argument they went and made some noises as if they were removing the peg then they untied the invisible rope and suddenly the camel stood up and it was ready to go they all were surprised they went back to the old man thanked him and said you are truly great you have deep knowledge and insight about camels the old man smiled and said no I did not find an answer of this situation by studying camels I was able to suggest this by knowing the human mind and Its Behavior if we see in our lives we will find that the man is tied up with such pegs which are non-existent and with such ropes which are not there someone tells us that you can't do this you are not capable of doing that and we accept it to be a truth we get tied to those ropes and those bags which are actually not there throughout our life we remain stuck with it and keep screaming we think that I can't get up I am tied down with my limitations circumstances responsibilities I am weak I am helpless I am dependent how do I free myself I have no resources I have an idea but no funding there is so much of competition all around how can I grow Global I need Freedom ah the man scream and without moving from his position he says how do I unplug these pegs and untie these ropes the best way is to observe and see if those Pags are real or is it just an illusion an imagination and once you see the obvious then there is no need to untie or uproot in essence we just need to liberate ourselves from self-imposed limitations embrace our true potential and recognize that the key to unlocking our capabilities lies within our own understanding and perception by doing so we can navigate Life With A Renewed sense of Freedom untethered from the imaginary ropes and pegs that may be holding us back [Music]

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