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The Paradox Of Conscious Manifestation | Eckhart Tolle

manifesting doesn't always mean that you have a clear vision of what it is that you want to achieve sometimes that's that is fine and works but to be uh in a state of appreciation of life in deeper alignment with the present moment uh in uh so that you do not you're not in an in an antagonistic relationship with the present moment anymore you're just deeply aligned with the flow of life in the now and you appreciate all everything that is and the things you do the things you do you do them fully you give your fullest attention to what you do that's another Obstacle of many people they somehow are not able to give themselves fully they're not there's something holding back all there's something that holding it's holding them back you can sometimes see it with people on stage or sometimes singers or musicians you can sometimes see they're not the full there not the full energy is not there for some reason uh perhaps they're afraid uh for some reason of uh they may be afraid of giving themselves fully to to be fully in in what you're doing to give your fullest attention to what you're doing doing in the present moment is a very powerful way of manifesting um but whether or not you have a vision that you project and you feel it's already happening the vision can only work if you continue G giving your fullest attention to the present moment and to enjoy the energy of what it is that you are producing in the present moment that that empowers the vision the vision is always the point of power is always in the present moment uh a great obstacle for achieving a vision or any success is to be and this almost sounds paradoxical at first until you begin to understand it is to uh have an excessive attachment to the outcome that's a huge hindrance now you might think well if I have a vision of what it is I want to achieve would it not be natural for me to be attached to the outcome that I I want to get there I want to reach millions of people with my music and I want to make millions of people to have the to feel better by listening to my music perhaps to get a glimpse of Presence by listening to my music um so you that's a it's a great vision but the uh the Mastery of this lies in uh not attaching yourself to the vision so that you lose you lose Consciousness in in what you're are doing and it gets dissipated into the vision which ultimately is a mental thing um the point of power is always in the present moment excessive attachment to the outcome one could almost say any real attachment to the outcome uh um weakens your ability to manifest so you can you can hold an outcome in your mind and then return to I I give the example of a pilgrimage let's say you're on a pilgrimage life could be regarded as a pilgrimage or journey and you know where you're going you want to go to whatever it is your pilgrimage to a holy site in medieval times there were pilgrimages to Rome and other sacred places you pilgrimage to Mecca pilgrimage in Spain you can go on this Pilgrim Trail in Northern Spain to Santiago de compostella and you walk for many many days now uh the very purpose of pilgrimage is to bring about a transformation of who you are transformation of Consciousness the arriving is relatively unimportant arriving at your destination is just a short moment and there you are but the journey is how conscious are you of the step you're taking at this moment if you're excessively attached to your the outcome which in this case would be your destination then you're mentally you you you already want to be there that takes away from the quality of your step at this moment now the Step St is an analogy for whatever it is you're doing at this moment and quality means how much Consciousness flows into what you're doing is in this moment

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