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The 369 Method: How Tesla Harnessed the True Power of the Universe

Nicola Tesla bequeathed us a Divine secret one that stands as a beacon of manifestation power unmatched in the cosmos prepare to embark on a journey into the heart of one of the universes most potent tools for manifestation Nicola Tesla himself proclaimed that this Tech technique is the master key to the cosmos now Ponder this have you ever dreamt of Unlocking The Mysteries of the universe and crafting the life of your dreams the solution resides in the 369 method however before we dive into this method let's take a moment to appreciate the remarkable life of Nicola Tesla born on July 10th 1856 in what is now Croatia Tesla was an extraordinary inventor and electrical engineer whose Innovations have left an indelible mark on Science and Technology he was the man who illuminated the world with his pioneering work on alternating current the induction motor and the Tesla coil he also laid the foundation for future discoveries in x-rays neon lighting remote control technology radio and Beyond Tesla's Legacy continues to influence our world to this day now let's delve into the Enigma of Vortex math this theory proposed by Visionary scientists in the field of quantum physics suggests that the numbers 3 6 and 9 hold a unique connection to the fabric of the universe Bridging the third and fourth Dimensions within the third dimension these distinct frequencies manifest as vibrations at the atomic level observations of atoms reveal their compliance with the Divine 369 code where a stagger in 99.999% of an atom structure is void with the number nine playing a pivotal role this observation is in harmony with the idea of a vector field that spans from the third to the fourth dimension Additionally the relationship between the numbers 3 6 and 9 and the concept of time presents another layer of Fascination scientifically time is categorized into past present and future through three distinct aspects moreover a day comprises 24 hours adding up to six just as 60 Minutes make an hour and 60 seconds make a minute all echoing the numerical patterns of Threes And sixes in our daily experience Tesla's obsession with the Triad of energy frequency and vibration was rooted in his belief that these were the fundamental keys to the universe he is famously quoted as saying if if you want to find the secrets of the universe think in terms of energy frequency and vibration Tesla acknowledge the profound impact these elements have on our existence by mastering and leveraging their Essence we unlock the boundless capabilities of the cosmos here's the method itself firstly identify three positive statements you wish to manifest in your life these could range from financial goals like I am thrilled and thankful to be earning $10,000 monthly to personal aspirations such as I am elated and grateful for finding my soulmate it might also involve achieving Optimal Health securing a job promotion or excelling as the leading salesperson in your organization ensure these intentions are explicit and jot them down secondly go over your chosen affirmations six times daily that's correct six times daily however let's delve deeper to comprehend the substantial impact this practice can have these three affirmations have the power to become reality although it might not be immediately apparent they are already present within the quantum realm according to the principles of Vortex math by vocalizing these affirmations and reviewing them for merely 9 seconds each occasion you're engaging their inherent energy frequency and vibration to elucidate the technique let's consider an example suppose your goal is to attract financial prosperity you might use the affirmation I am excited and thankful for the unexpected Financial windfall of $10,000 dedicate 9 seconds to ponder this affirmation however don't just recite the words without feeling genuinely immerse yourself in the joy and anticipation of receiving this money speak it aloud with belief as though it has already come to pass imagine the wealth flowing towards you and genuinely feel thankful for it apply this method to each of your affirmations fully engaging with their energy frequency and vibration for Simplicity arrange this activity in nday Cycles place your affirmations on your bathroom mirror hang them on your walls or keep them with you on note cards this ensures they are always accessible for quick reflection adhere to this 9-second practice diligently for nine consecutive days and observe the transformation that occurs this method is backed by scientific principles the energy that matches your desires exists within the quantum field ready for you to access it when you synchronize with the vibrational frequency of your affirmations you start to draw in and actualize what you wish for it's important to understand that this technique transcends mere hopeful thinking or simple positive statements it involves a conscious effort to harmonize your thoughts feelings and vibrational energy with that of your aspirations intentional creation transforms you into a proactive Creator who proactively pursues the life you want consider you've crafted a potent affirmation to attract a financial influx of over $10,000 such as I am thankful and thrilled to to effortlessly welcome over $10,000 into my existence with this affirmation you establish a clear Target for your wealth we will now delve into applying the 369 method to achieve this financial objective firstly select three affirmations that resonate with your goal of financial prosperity in addition to the previously mentioned affirmation consider adding I am deserving of endless financial prosperity I I am ready and welcoming of chances that lead to significant wealth and I am in harmony with the frequency of prosperity and affluence these affirmations reinforce your sense of deservingness Readiness and synchronicity with wealth amplifying your ability to manifest secondly engage with your affirmations six times daily dedicating 9 seconds to each choose a Serene location where you can deeply connect with this practice shut your eyes inhale deeply and concentrate on the initial affirmation declare it with belief embodying the feelings of appreciation and joy as though the wealth has already been attained picture yourself engulfed in affluence and opportunities for financial gain apply this method to each affirmation allotting 9 seconds per affirmation to seamlessly incorporate this activity into your day place your affirmations where you'll see them often like on your bathroom mirror set notifications on your mobile device or keep them in your purse or wallet it's crucial to consistently reflect on your affirmations throughout the day for the greatest effect dedicate yourself to this practice for continuous 9 days in this period stay alert and receptive to the indications chances and coincidences that emerge have faith in the universe's capacity to adjust your vibrational energy to match the financial prosperity you're pur

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