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Start Your Day With Gratitude | God Says | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message

my beloved child in everything you will succeed I've already promised this and I will make it happen why worry when my powerful hand Shields Comforts and protects you do not fear do not be troubled do not faint do not be disheartened the love I have for you is so immense and wonderful that if you could see it with your own eyes you would jump with joy a thousand times and Cry tears of happiness please listen to me let me speak first then you can share your heart but before we continue I have great news tomorrow when you wake up start your day with gratitude for your life and let me put a radiant smile on your face I want you to begin your day with my words on your lips singing spiritual songs praying with the Psalms and at night close your eyes eyes feeling thankful for all the blessings and even the challenges you face that day rest your head on that pillow that has seen your tears but now let Joy emerge from your heart the joy I am instilling within you turning it into a song of Praise I love you believe and understand that my love goes beyond your past experiences I know many have let you down and left you feeling alone you expected love from them but instead you faced deceit and saw your hopes trampled yet I reached out lifting you with tenderness you confessed your mistakes and sins and I forgave you my forgiveness is forever I will not change my mind even if you falter again I will not bring up your past mistakes for by the power of my blood and my resurrection the chains that once held you are broken no addiction no bad habit no negative emotion nor anyone or any in this world can bind you again they do not have the strength to undo what I have accomplished I forgave you set you free took away your pain healed your soul and covered you with my loyalty I lifted you with my love and now your heart is pure and innocent again you have the soul of a child I looked at you with kindness even before the world was made I knew your name and your destiny was written in my book since then I've waited for your birth to gently guide you on every path you take I saw with great sadness how some mistreated you neglecting their Duty failing me when they ridiculed and pushed you aside yet here I am constant and steadfast I will never leave you nor forsake you so I urge you come to me with all your faith in those moments when you seek me ask with confidence for I know you won't ask for trivial things I know your heart let me tell you I am aware of your thoughts even before you think them so I ask you when you come into my presence come with respect and passion bring that simple faith fath like a Tiny Seed the faith you bring will be planted in the soil of the Supernatural and nourished by your tears your dreams will come true your wishes fulfilled and with your own eyes you will see the Miracles you thought were impossible therefore I tell you again do not be afraid do not worry your problems are serious but I have the power to solve them I'm not suggesting you forget everything and lower your guard I'm not telling you to neglect your responsibilities or forget that I've entrusted you with important tasks I'm simply urging you to stop letting irrational fears control your thoughts and spirit no problem or conflict in this world can permanently shake or defeat you it's normal to face difficulties but expect that in every situation you encounter I will perform even greater miracles in your life I know your weaknesses and sometimes you feel Unworthy of receiving my blessings make a promise today tell me that you will believe accept my forgiveness hold tight to this wonderful love and from now on wake up every day sure of who you are a child of the almighty protected under my wings your protector your God your friend tell me you will and and also ask me now for everything you need with this beautiful and Supernatural faith I love you focus only on my voice be calm as tears of Serenity fill your eyes with these clear and Powerful Words that resonate within your heart listen to me ignore the many noises that confuse your mind and cause anxiety I understand your feelings I know loneliness and sadness I know the pain of being abandoned by those you love left forgotten and never return to I know you're experiencing the worst kind of rejection all because you gave your love freely I felt this too we both give our love to those around us with dedication and passion yet they see us differently and often fail to lend a hand when we are struggling you and I we both enjoy giving everything we have pouring Our Lives into our actions even sacrificing our own needs to care for those we love showering them with affection you have shown your family love yet it seems they don't recognize or appreciate your sacrifices your pain I see your suffering and for your distress I offer a reward today you will rise again today you will start to love life a new today you will be reborn today you will realize the extent of my eternal love my genuine affection you will know how deeply you are loved and that no enemy can ever pull you away from my side let go of the past I want your hands free to receive the blessings that are about to come your way they will lift you from sorrow and lead you to places where you can grow and prosper you are blessed because your soul is cried out and for you I have prepared a crown a spiritual blessing for you to enjoy cherish share and increase now is the time for you to act on my word and leaving the past behind focus on the future on your ultimate goal don't seek Happiness by dwelling in the chains of bitter memories or depend on people who aim to destroy the plans I have set for you if you trust me fully believe in the powerful purpose I have for you I am giving you mighty gifts great talents ideas and dreams new skills and even those you have yet to uncover all this is true I have equipped you with the power to succeed wisely stand up knock on doors and they will open for you no one can close the doors that I open for you I do not want to see you sitting lost in thoughts of a life filled with dreams that were never achieved such aspirations do not align with my plan I want you to walk confidently toward a guaranteed success certainly the Journey won't be easy you will need to fight but do not be afraid for Heavenly angels will surround you in battle my word will be your sword your faith your Shield my spirit your standard your passion for life and action the force that keeps you going do not hesitate or be afraid for despite your mistakes and Imperfections nothing and no one can separate you from my love if you just believe stand up and if you stand then walk and if you walk don't delay or look back because I'm waiting for you at the end of your journey with your blessings in my hands my strong arm is always ready to help you even when you feel distant or discouraged because I understand and continue to love protect and cherish you ignore negative voices remember my instruction

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