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START WINNING SPIRITUAL BATTLES | Inspirational & Motivational

Saint Scott has been faithful through his word to give us plenty of warnings about the devil and about his schemes that way we are never blindsided and more importantly God is made available to us all of the necessary resources and the tools that enable us to fight now the most prominent scripture about spiritual warfare is found in Ephesians 6 verse 12. it says for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities against Powers against the rulers of the darkness of this age against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the Heavenly places to put it simply when it comes to spiritual warfare the Christian man or woman will fight against principalities against powers and rulers of the darkness they will fight against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the Heavenly places now I don't know about you but at first glance that looks like a daunting list it looks like there are ranks in the kingdom of darkness at first glance this list may look intimidating and you may be there thinking I'm fighting to just live right how can I be expected to fight principalities rulers of darkness and spiritual hosts of wickedness some Believers may even say these battles are for an Elijah type of Christian a Moses or Paul type of Christian but I would like to help you realize that you are called qualified and equipped to handle spiritual warfare the first thing we have to realize is that a child of God is dangerous and Powerful you're dangerous to the enemy and you are powerful because greater is he who is in you greater is Jesus Christ who is in your heart than he who was in the world for you and I to be included in Ephesians 6 verse 12 which says collectively we we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities and Powers this means that you and I as children of God are both eligible and capable of fighting spiritual battles it means that at the point that we are saved and accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior we sign up to become a part of God's Army and therefore we have been given the appropriate resources and the appropriate tools to fight as members in the body of Christ now let's discuss our eligibility and capability one of the greatest areas of misunderstanding in any person's life can be pinpointed to what they know and what they don't know and it's simple because we understand what we know and tend to not understand the things we don't know now people often have a lack of knowledge about spiritual warfare particularly about the root cause of the Warfare we experience on day-to-day basis as Christians most of us just see the issues the problems and circumstances we face as just being life we've all heard the cliches people use well that's just the way it is or life is like a box of chocolates or even perhaps when it rains it pours but the everyday battles we Face take on new meanings when we have a better understanding of spiritual warfare the Bible teaches in second Peter 3 verse 9 that the Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some count slackness but is long-suffering toward us not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance the word also teaches the enemy comes to steal kill and destroy the contrast between the two is a case of good versus evil one offers light one offers Darkness one offers Life One offers destruction and it's an ongoing Battlefront that rages in the heart of every person someone once said you are a prime target for attack precisely because you are on the other side so when we stand on the side of God we can expect opposition from the enemy the devil will devise an offensive assault with every opportunity he gets and he will mount a strike from every side when you look throughout the Bible the devil is indeed the Prince of Darkness and evil but consider this although he is behind the scenes who does he use yes there are principalities and rulers of Darkness that we fight against but really think who does the devil often use to attack the work of God or men and women of God uses people Jezebel was a person Saul was a person Judas was a person Delilah was a person Herod was a person do you see the pattern it wasn't this dark demonic creature walking around but it was people men and women perhaps this is the easiest way for the enemy to attack us because well if he tried to attack any of us with his true form we would cast him down with speed and boldness so he does it subtly through other people the prayer of Jesus as he came out of the Garden of Gethsemane was that God's people would be United as one so that the world would recognize him as the savior of the world but Satan's Ploy of course is to divide and conquer if the enemy can interrupt God's plan for Unity in the body of Christ then he believes he can claim victory and what better way for him to try than for him to use people against one another some people can be used of the devil without being possessed as we might expect they can be influenced or deceived by the enemy who will then use those people for his bidding this trick of the enemy goes all the way back to the beginning of time when Cain killed his brother Abel in Genesis chapter 4. and there are more examples of just how badly some people can affect others King David also struggled with the idea of fully trusting peoples or someone close to him as he wrote even my close friend in whom I trusted who ate my bread Has Lifted his heel against me in Psalms 41 verse 9 the devil tried countless times to try and stop the Apostle Paul from reaching his Destiny through people he knew he wrote in second Timothy 4 verse 14. Alexander the coppersmith did me great harm Paul also disclosed a sharp disagreement that arose between him and Barnabas on their second missionary journey if you read acts 15 verse 36 to 41. and it doesn't end there if you read Galatians 2 verse 11 and 19 Paul even had a sharp encounter with Peter which caused tension within the church itself so where am I going with this well as a Believer we must understand that the enemy will try to pit people against each other to try and stop the progress of the Kingdom but this is not the only way he will attack the Devil is a master deceiver in fact scripture teaches us that the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the Lord God had made the Bible also tells us that Satan disguises himself as an angel of Light and We Know by the word that he was so confident in himself that he believed he could deceive Jesus Christ himself three times in the wilderness the devil tried to manipulate the word of God and to use it to make Jesus sin against his father however Jesus used the scriptures to defend himself against the tricks of the devil the word declares that we are not to be ignorant to the devices of the enemy because we know that he was a liar from the beginning and that he is the father of Lies it was the deception of the devil that caused Eve to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge in the Garden of

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