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Start Listening To The Voice Of God | Inspirational & Motivational

perspective what is your perspective as a believer in Christ I asked this question because at some point in your walk with the Lord as you know him more and more you have to shift your perspective from God take me here take me over there two Lord I Thank you for how far you've brought me I thank you because I am no longer where I used to be perspective your perspective goes from always asking and always seeking to receive from God and it shifts to you always seeking to serve him your prayer becomes Lord how can I serve you Lord make me a vessel for your use [Music] when the Bible says be still and know that I am gone it's really telling you to stop everything you're doing stop worrying stop fighting stop resisting and start yielding to God start listening to God there is something about Stillness and I believe that this verse is calling us to be still before the Lord because we need to direct all of our attention all of our focus on the Lord you see when you spend time getting to know the Lord when you spend time in the presence of Jesus Christ you will truly be transformed and I encourage you to desire and hunger for these types of Rich Encounters in the presence of God because it's only in those one-to-one intimate encounters that each of us can get a personal revelation of who God truly is it's only in those one-to-one intimate encounters that each of us can be empowered and filled with Courage the courage to face the world and stand up for Christ the courage to stand up to the devil and declare that Jesus Christ is Lord the prophet Isaiah received a revelation that should inspire all of us to recognize God for who he truly is listen carefully to what Isaiah 45 verse 2 to 7 says I will go before you and make the Crooked places straight I will break in pieces the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden Riches of secret places that you may know that I the Lord who call you by your name am the god of Israel for Jacob my servant's sake and Israel my elect I have even called you by your name I have named you though you have not known me I am the Lord and there is no other there is no God besides me I will gurge you though you have not known me that they may know from the rising of the sun to its setting that there is none besides me I am the lord and there is no other I form the light and create Darkness I make peace and create Calamity I the Lord do all these things this is a wonderful revelation of just who God is God is firmly in control God is all-knowing God is Almighty Isaiah 45 22-23 says look to me and be saved all you ends of the Earth for I am God and there is no other I have sworn by myself the word has gone out of my mouth in righteousness and shall not return that to me every knee shall bow every tongue shall take an oath in those moments where we are still before God we need to realize just how Mighty God is just how powerful God is the Bible tells us there is no one and nothing that can be compared to God we need to remember this nothing and no one is worthy to be competing for the number one spot of your heart God should be first people of God I want to ask you something when was the last time you publicly acknowledged Jesus Christ as your lord and savior now it may have been to a co-worker that you see every day or to someone you just met and struck up a conversation with but overall I believe that every single one of us during the course of Our Lives we will have at least one opportunity to publicly declare what we believe and who we believe in the Bible says in Matthew 10 verse 32. therefore whoever confesses me before men him I will also confess before my father who was in heaven now I don't know about you Saints but here's my confession I believe in Jesus Christ I believe that he is the way the truth and the life and no one can get to the father except through Jesus I believe he is the bread of life he is the one who can sustain us I believe that Jesus Christ is the prince of peace and in him you will find peace beyond all human understanding I believe Jesus Christ is the light of the world and the Good Shepherd I believe he was a Healer and a miracle worker when he walked here on this Earth and I also believe that he is still able to do the impossible even today [Music] I believe he died on a cross for our sins for my sins and I believe that he rose back to life after three days and ascended on high and right now he is Seated on the right side of the father listen to me in the name of Jesus There Is Power Jesus Christ is the name above every other name he is the author and the finisher of our faith he is the Risen one the almighty one when we speak that name the mighty name of Jesus Christ every sickness has to bow every disease has to leave every chain has to lose and so here is my word to you as believers we should not be ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ we should never compromise the word of God so that we can fit into this world we should not be ashamed of the gospel because of the devil in the world oh they are aggressively spreading a message of deception the devil in this world is aggressively trying to lead people away from the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ and so it's time that we as Believers of Jesus Christ it's time for us to stand up and to declare to the world that there is a savior there is someone who can set you free if you're bound there is a redeemer and his name is Jesus Christ we should not be ashamed of the Gospel but as Christians we must stand up and fight for the gospel we must rise up as Sons and Daughters of the most high and Proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord [Music] please [Music]

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