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Serpent Science – The Truth about Snakes’ Impact on Your Life | Sadhguru Exclusive #NagaDosha

[Music] so your skin becomes like that of a reptile when that happens we say you have been any number of people like this now i'm talking about this energy changing in a certain way so you have to keep it in a certain way otherwise it will come alive within you [Music] this is a strange country but there are people who are seriously affected by what's called a server knowing this a new sensor usually production affects the skin today modern medicine dismissed as rubbish superstitious but we can get you certain cases of skin ailment do what you want you cannot diagnose what it is for sure you cannot cure with your medicine whatever kind of medicine you give and it's not very rare it's quite on in many ways so there are certain other aspects in nature which affects one's health and well-being there is in our body the fire elements on a subtler level have manifested themselves as pancho pronouns of the five forms of basic energy in the system one aspect of it is very directly and closely related to what would refer to a snake to understand this we have to see it this way it is only in your mind that you think you are a separate piece of life as far as this planet is concerned you the insect the worm the snake the elephant the buffalo and the tree and everything is same it just throws itself out in many different ways and sucks it back you have ideas about yourself similarly aunt has ideas about itself but as far as the earth is concerned it bursts out in the form of various types of lives and sucks it back when it's time all your ideas no matter what kind of ideas you have about yourself when the mother earth decides to suck you back where do you ideas go you could have written a book somebody else reads it and gets confused but all of them all kinds have been sucked back isn't it every kind as far as the earth is concerned you the worm the insect the snake the bird the tree it's all the same stuff [Music] the idea that i am this is your idea matter who you are it will suck you back and need you as a part of itself nobody has gone anywhere else except here isn't it so the energy is the same the material is the same you and the snake you and the insect are made the same way so nobody can claim it is all that you are something distinct life it is not distinct life it is even according to science you can see all of us are made of carbon as far as are you made of silicone so it is all the same stuff made the same way from a single cell in a leaf in a plant to yours it's not very different it's just evolution little different grade that's all same stuff so because of certain reasons it so happens behaves in a certain way so your skin becomes like that of a reptile so when that happens we say you have narada so there are various ways to get rid of this you know in india there are people that if you have a snake bite just by entering a mantra they will leave you off your poison they know this long distance you heard of this man who became very famous romanical in karnataka a station master all you have to do is call him on the phone and tell him your name and what's next with you from where he is he will relieve your poison it's it is a proven fact it's no more a joke and this is not the first one there have been any number of people like this so one way of understanding life is the chemistry of it another way of understanding life the much subtler way of knowing life is the energy of it so when we say sarpadosa we are talking about the energy it's become like that of a reptile do you know in your brain there's a reptilian brain you have about this size of your brain is that of a reptile within your brain there is a brain which is about the size of a something like a crocodile's brain all this is not human brain there's a reptilian brain inside so that reptile can manifest itself because your energies begin to function in a certain way and that can be relieved by doing certain things why in the baylor temple we set up surprise and the serpent was done with the termite hill earth you know this we're using the termite hill earth that is so it can be released a simple shift in your energy so use it because some snake cursed you so that is just a dialectical way of looking at it is it a superstition that a snake cursed you that's not the point it is just a certain way of expression now i am talking the language of modern science in a different way now i am talking about this energy changing in a certain way your reptilian brain and all this in a way it's a curse from the snake when you get it it's occurs isn't it when you have it it is very much a curse isn't it so this is just a dialectical expression it is not that some snake is sitting somewhere and cursing you but there is an element of you which is very much a reptile there is an element of you which is very much a fish there's an element of you which is very much an animal and they can play up nobody can deny even modern science cannot deny that all these animals exist within you in some dormant form isn't it the evolutionary process is very much present in the body and they can come alive for various reasons it is a curse from the snake curse from the snake does not mean there is a snake sitting outside and cursing you there is a snake sitting inside and cursing you and that can be dealt with in a certain way because it is quite a common problem that's the reason why we set up the surpassing people temples [Music] [Music] so everywhere they set up this thing so that people will work it out in the process of evolution reptile is a very significant aspect and in the evolution of the being snake is a very important step and because of that that's a reason why in india if you happen to kill a snake you give it a funeral you know people actually give it a funeral you know yes they put a coin a milky whatever whatever you do for the people a human being you do that because it is closely related to you on one level well modern expression is you have a reptilian brain yogic expression is in the evolution of the being snake is an important step so you have to keep it in a certain way otherwise it will come alive [Music] this is one creature where its life energy is not individual it is universal to its whole plan [Music] this is a dimension that a snake achieves because of a certain mastery over its vyanaprana this isn't a powerful form that is created by somebody and allowed to roam the world they're everywhere especially in certain places where certain occult practices were going on in those areas it's very high he will become a great force of healing and well-being [Music] you

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