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Sadhguru on What Aghori Sadhana is Like | Sadhguru

[Music] is there an agor path definitely there is still a very active spiritual process a recently dead body has certain possibilities so certain systems use that if you really want to see raising the dead and that kind of stuff these other [Music] people aori means uh Gora means terrible agori means that which is beyond [Music] terrible so is there aor path definitely there is still a very active spiritual process people use various substances to do many different [Music] things a recently dead body has certain possibilities so certain systems use that so what they are doing is there is still Prana in the body that is dead so they're sitting there if you go there to manik karik and Harish Chandra Gories will be sitting there watching everybody who will come they inquire how old is this person how did he die that's why some of them who don't want that to be known they're covering with plastic seats you know where people cannot see how old is the person they won't say how old was the person but the aorist want to know if it's a young person somebody was vibrant life and for some reason he died they want that kind when that happens they want to do work there they want to make use of the energy that's released once the body begins to burn this Prana has to exit immediately when that exits they want to make use of that life energy to do something with themselves if you do not know the signs of that you cannot just think it's all bizarre yes it's an extreme way of doing things it is not for everybody why should somebody choose such a way because they don't see life as good enough bad they just see Life as a possibility towards the ultimate they don't care how they don't care how they get there Agora has never been socially acceptable kind of path because the things that they do are totally beyond anything that you would imagine so they do variety of things these are the kind of people if you really want to see raising the dead and that kind of stuff these are the people it is a very I would say crude technology if you want to look at all systems of spirituality as a technology it's a very crude technology but still a technology it works but very CR see now you want to find water you can dig a well with your bare hands or you can use a crowbar and a shell and dig or you can use some other kind of more sophisticated ugar or whatever and dig or you can use a drilling machine and Dr today you can actually do it in laser it's expensive so Nobody Does it otherwise with laser you could just dig a well same well same water but the way you do it is different so if you do it with your bare hands by the time you drink water you will neither have nails nor skin left upon your hands but you don't care because you're that thirsty you're that thirsty and it's also going to be a very long process but still you don't care you don't want to look anywhere except where the water is you just want to go if you are in that kind of thing yes but the problem with that kind of thing is your hands May wear out before you reach water people have reached not that they have not with bare hands people have dog Wells and found water but if you don't have strong enough hands they may just wear out to the Bone before you get to the water and after your skin peels off you may not have the strength to dig anymore so those are kind of paths if a thousand people seriously take it on one may make it others will get [Music] lost so these parts are generally taken more than spiritual Dimension to acquire occult Powers that's why they go on that path as a spiritual process also it is a possibility but most people may not get there because most people do not have that kind of perseverance nor do they have that kind of Courage nor are they capable of handling disgust because you have to do the most disgusting things in the agorath but they are done by people who want to acquire certain powers to dominate life to dominate other human beings beings in that context yes it is been an active and effective path it is also been an active and effective spiritual process for some people but that's very rare few not for others others will just break and paths like that they'll just break up because it Demands a different kind they want to evolve to a place where what you hold as something that you abhor they are trying to befriend that because the moment you like something and moment you dislike something you have divided the existence and once you divided the existence you cannot embrace it so they're going with whatever you would not be able to stand what is most abhorent for you that is what they brief friend because they want to take away what they like and what they do not like everything is same to them this is a way of embracing the universe [Music]

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