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Sadguru Reveals How To Get Rid Of Bad Karma (Watch Before DELETED!)

karma is like this it's a complex web of chains some of them of course decorated with diamonds now this will be the worst Karma because the impact of this goes very deep into you without inclusiveness if you use energy this will be the worst karma karma sadguru unravels the intricate web of karma warning against the consequences of misusing energy without inclusiveness karma probably one of the most misunderstood words for sure it's become part of the English lexicon today but misunderstood and misinterpreted in a million different ways that is a very surface uh rhythm which will find expression in very fundamental needs and compulsions of who you are emphasizing the significance of energy actions sad Guru highlights their enduring and liberating nature when approached with wisdom Karma means action there are four types of action physical mental emotional and energy of all these things the energy action is the most important one and the most enduring one and the most liberating one if you do it the right way if you do it the wrong way the energy action which is improper can have far more impact upon one's life than the improper physical actions improper mental actions improper emotional actions drawing from Indian cultural narratives sadguru illustrates how external adornments can become barriers to spiritual growth particularly for those consumed by lust the nature of karma is just like that its interpretations the karmic structure is a very complex mess but there is a there are very uh what to say very descriptive stories in the Indian culture about the type of jewelry the cortis used to wear that is very famous cortis were covered in gold and diamonds no clothes only jewelry covered their body such complex jewelry that when uh when the man who came to them they had no clue how to take off this jewelry because it was such a complex web of change try as hard as they did but they cannot get this Jewelry off jewelry is beautiful but for a man who is whose mind is running right with lust this is a barrier so what do I mean by improper energy actions one thing is unfortunately I had to witness a few things which I did not wish to witness certain people trying to misuse a little flexibility in energy that came with certain practice of yoga or a certain initiation especially there are some over smart people that when you initiate them when it's fresh when they're bursting with energy they want to use it for something else they want to channelize it to impress their neighbors or to make some money out of it or in some way use it delving into the interconnectedness of existence sad Guru underscores the unity of Body Mind emotions and the external world when it comes to the innermost core it is uh all one when it comes to the body when it comes to the mind when it comes to your emotions and the world around you and your [Music] activity the whole significance of Life the beauty of life and the efficacy of life is in just finding the right [Music] Rhythm what is your rhythm [Music] if you listen to the outermost surface of who you are there will be one kind of Rhythm if you delve a little [Music] deeper karma is like this it's a complex web of chains some of them of course decorated with diamonds some are ugly some are rusted chains but chains and chains and chains but there is just one single pin sadguru cautions against energetically manipulating others for personal gain stressing the profound repercussions of such actions on one's Karma once you energetically try to influence somebody but some benefit of your own now this will be the worst Karma because the impact of this goes very deep into you because you're employing your energies to do this this is the reason why even to initiate you into a simple process like shambavi I asking you to take this step of being a mother to the world so that you never misuse this you see everybody as yours because enhancement of energies has to come with a profound sense of responsibility enhancement of energies has to happen with deeper dimension of inclusiveness without inclusiveness if you use energy this will be the worst K kma if you watch yourself a little more closely you will say there is a psychological Rhythm which need not necessarily match with the needs and compulsions which drive you on a daily basis in the quest to unravel the complexities of karma sadguru urges introspection to identify and dismantle the root causes of karmic entanglements only because you are not able to consciously find the pin the fundamental reason let me tell you the fundamental reason why there is a culture or there is a tradition of depending upon a guru for one's spiritual growth is just this that you want him to pull the plug when the time is R because in this complex web of chains you don't know where the pin is right now if you try to find it you can go on a search Forever and not find it and if you find it just in case if you find it you will dismantle it in in such a way that you'll dismantle your very life to dismantle it skillfully that just what just the karmic aspect falls off and you exist as a liberated being that takes lots of skill it is for that skill that you come to your Guru it is your karma that you have to endure me if you had figured it out yourself you didn't have to bother about me through heightened awareness sadguru invites viewers to tap into an energy Rhythm transcending conventional perceptions facilitating inner transformation if you much watch much more keenly you may not notice a certain chemical Rhythm which could be more connected to our emotional Cycles than anything else if you watch with much more awareness you may notice a certain energy Rhythm which will not have anything to do with any of these things but it causes everything else but if you look deep enough there is no rhythm it's utter Stillness there is nothing to do about one Stillness just to take a dip is all you can do but all the other need to be worked at your energies your Chemistry your emotion your thought your body your desire and the karmic rhythms these things need to be worked at otherwise you will be just a repetition of the past rejecting misguided interventions in others lives sad Guru warns against the negative Karma incurred by imposing one's will onto others advocating for a path of Liberation through self-awareness and inclusivity so those of you who find some dramatic changes happening in your life because of initiations you must take care you must take atmost care that you never try to use this ability to transform to do something else of course uh some of you think you will do a great thing by healing Somebody by intervening in somebody's life in some other way no you this will be the worst type of karma you perform because once you try to use your energies and still you are capable of anger you capable of drawing boundaries of what is you and what is not you what is yours and what is not yours when these things are still there you shoul

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